FinlandEzkimmo3 years ago

@re_duke I didnt know about the sound cues, so thank you for the info, but in that case, i dont have anything against it. Im not too familiar with the rebirth in re3, should probably look more into it. I know its hard to cheat and there is barely any cheaters in this game, so im not worried about it, but the thing is if its made easier to cheat, then there will be people who will take the opportunity to cheat, so as long as its not made easier(which rebirth doesnt do) then i have no problems with it.

FinlandEzkimmo3 years ago

When there was discussion if GLT should be allowed or not, the main argument against it was that it would open a door to manipulate all the other RNG aspects of the game (even though GLT is whole different thing from every other RNG in the game, GLT just lets you choose which category to run instead the game forcing you to run one or the other), which people back then didnt seem to like at all, now over a year after we are talking exactly about that, to manipulate all the RNG and make it to separated category.

There was a forum post a while ago about a program which you can use to manipulate RNG and people didnt want it to be released to public because it would make cheating easier, also it would make it very difficult to proof if someone was using the tool in their run or not.

I dont personally really care if this was made separated category, i wont probably ever attempt to run it because it would make the game less interesting and booring in a way, but i think it should be made obvious if RNG was manipulated in the game, so it would make cheating harder, like some sort of watermark in the game if RNG was manipulated (dont know if thats even possible but just an example), so people cant use it while attempting to run any% category.

FinlandEzkimmo3 years ago

Replace keydef to this in config file 57 53 41 44 00 10 00 64 00 00 26 25 11 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 57 28 41 27 0D 20 1B

WASD to move arrow up to aim arrow left to shoot SHIFT to run F to status 4 to map CTRL to configure

I didnt test it too much but it seemed to work as it should, but let me know if there is something wrong with it.

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