Using checkpoint abuse in runs
6 years ago

There are at least two potential time saves using checkpoint abuse in Siren any%, but neither is used in runs. Just curious if there is some reason for this?

I asked about it from Shiro earlier. He was uncertain, and suggested that checkpoint abuse might warrant a separate category altogether...

Personally, I'm for using checkpoint abuse in runs (because it's faster and not a major glitch) and don't think a separate category would really be necessary. But it would be interesting to get more opinions on this.

Ontario, Canada

I think it would be a great idea to use it. I don't see the need for adding another category just for using checkpoint abuse. I see it as sort of a minor thing to use in order to gain more time, so I don't think a new category is necessary. What timesaves did you find using checkpoint abuse?

Shiro_A_Reed menyukai ini

One pretty consistent checkpoint abuse timesave is in Kyoya Day 2 - 20:00 M1. If you trick the sniper into reloading, go through the cafeteria and retry, you'll start with Yoriko behind the cafe. This skips having to fight enemies outside the cafe.

Another much less consistent checkpoint abuse is in Shiro Day 1 - 03:00 M1. If you fool the revolver Shibito on the bridge to strangle Shiro, you can slip past him and reach the other side of the bridge. Retry gives you weapons, thus skipping the need to go pick them up at Miyata's car. It's not all that easy to do, but could be a nice tactic to try out if a run is going poorly and the player has nothing to lose, at least.

I'll have videos up soon.

EDIT: Kyoya's Day 2 - 20:00 timesave.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Bonesaw577 menyukai ini
Ontario, Canada

I honestly don't see anything wrong with using this. I, for one, use a checkpoint on Reiko Day 1 02:00 in the office so that I can have maximum health before going to the gym (since you're going so fast here, you'll die if you get shot by the gunman again). I honestly don't have any problems using this specific abuse, but I'm also trying to picture this from a Japanese speedrun community perspective as well, as their rules about RTA are somewhat different from our own.


Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Shizuoka, Japan


もちろん,チェックポイントを使ったStrategyを研究することもまた価値があることだと思います.だから私は,以下のような方針がよいと考えています. 1.新しいVariableにする(今,「Nurse's shoe」「Toilet 1」「Toilet 2」があるのと同じように) 2.カテゴリを分ける(「Any%」と「No Retry Any%」みたいにする) 私は1.の方がいいと思います.理由は,チェックポイントを使うかどうかでそれほど大きな差はないと考えられることから,一緒に比較する価値があると思うためです.


Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Shiro says that he does not like the use of checkpoints very much. Resetting the stage in the middle is not what he imagines a Full-game run to be (although using a checkpoint as a result of dying or retrying is okay, it is better not to use it as an actual strategy). He also says it would be worthwhile to study the use of checkpoints as a strategy, so he proposes these points:

  1. Make this a new variable (instead of a new category I'm assuming?) just like "Nurse's shoe", "toilet 1", etc.
  2. Separate the categories and make it a new category altogether Shiro thinks 1 is better. The reason being because it seems that there isn't much of a differences in the route even if you use checkpoints or not, to it's worthwhile to include it as a variable rather than a new category.

He says he has a questionnaire up on Twitter right now ( ) that you can vote on. He says of the 6 votes, 3 are for using checkpoints, two are opposed to using checkpoints, and one had no answer or to use something else.

Shiroさん、ご意見をありがとうございます。私の一つの心配ことは新しいルートのことができれば、カテゴリーが多すぎになります。「チェックポイントを使うかどうかでそれほど大きな差はないと考えられることから,一緒に比較する価値があると思うためです.」そうなんですね。違うことがあまりないですから同じカテゴリーで大丈夫だと思います。Akheonさんと一緒に話してもいいと思いますね。 Twitterで私は新しいカテゴリーを追加しないように投票しましたが多分新しいVariableを追加することは良い妥協点ですね。

Shiro_A_Reed menyukai ini

The other checkpoint abuse that I know of:

So the revolver Shibito behavior really is different on PAL and NTSC versions? That is so strange... From what I gathered from Bonesaw's stream, doing this trick on the NTSC version might be a bit slower but overall more consistent.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Bonesaw577 menyukai ini
Shizuoka, Japan

Checkpoint abuseについて,以前お話したVariableを追加する案で進めようかと思います.どのようなVariableを追加するのがよいでしょうか?私は以下の2案を考えました.

  1. 「Checkpoint abuse」→「Used」/「Unused」 良い点…この議論の論点そのものである. 悪い点…どちらにすべきかの基準を明確に定義するのが難しい.再び議論が必要.  例:元々abuseするつもりはなかったが,失敗でリトライしたために結果的にabuseとなった場合はどうするか?

2.「Retry」→「Retry」/「No Retry」 良い点…どちらにすべきかわかりやすい. 悪い点…「Retry」しているからといってCheckpoint abuseしているかどうかはわからない.単に失敗しているだけかも.

私は2の方がよいと思います.誰でもその意味がわかりやすいからです.「悪い点」については,時間が経つにつれて無視できるようになっていくと思います.なぜなら,記録が進歩すればするほど失敗する回数は減っていくので,最終的には「リトライしているかどうか=Checkpoint abuseしているかどうか」になるからです.

Shizuoka, Japan


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