Gundam Speedrun Discord is up now !
5 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hello fellow Pilots !

The Gundam Speedrun Discord is now up and running. I included all the current games on the leaderboards as a specific channel for each community to discuss, as well as general chats and voice coms.

If you join, please let me know, if you're a runner, series/game mod or just interested in the game in general, so i can assign you a role, that fits. (before that, you can only see 2 channels, to avoid spam/flooding of the server :))

If you have anyone else, who runs a gundam game, be sure to let them know as well !

Cheers, // P_BURRR

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Update: The Gundam Speedruns discord server linked above is present as an archive.

Active discussions of Gundam speedrunning is now taking place in the Anime Speedruns discord server: