1 year ago
Stockholm, Sweden


I am trying to figure out how to get your in game time for all cups?

Do you just add all the race times together?

Sorry if this is a stupid question I am new to this :P

Etelä-Karjala, Finland

Thank you for your question. The recommended way is to use LiveSplit for your timing. We should do better instructions on this site and I'll try to do that once I have time.

For now what I recommend is that you join Re-Volt speedrunning server here https://discord.gg/QDqjk6e and follow the instructions there to set up LiveSplit for this game. Note that the supported game version is RVGL 21.0930a which can be downloaded here https://forum.rvgl.org/viewtopic.php?t=1501 Feel free to write any of your questions in the Discord server and the response time is probably faster :)

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