Some Questions!!
7 years ago

Hello my fellow runners!!

1st Q: This inventory from Auddy07 is the best to use in a run?? ---> <---- print here

2st Q: What is faster? Killing the two giants in the Lava Chamber or just glitching through the wall??

3st Q: What is better in the 1-2 chapter? Just running like a hurricane to get the two pieces in the chests or kill the most of Ganados possible with the PRL and then running with the gitman?

Obs: These "Qs" are about the NG+ Normal !!!

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago

1.) It's a good inventory. Most runners personalize it a little bit, but nothing wrong with just using Auddys inventory.

2.) On NG+ just kill them with the rocket launcher.

3.) Just run. You dont have to kill anyone in that area.

_Madness_ menyukai ini

Thx for the answer and congrats for your new WR!! ;)

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