False Runs
4 years ago
New Zealand

NOTICE: I made a few mistakes with my claims that have resulted in different outcomes than stated in a few cases. I have review all the runs and edited them accordingly with reasons.

This will be a dump site for the runs I don't think look legit. I have 2 categories, the first being runs that 100% aren't legit, the second being runs i don't trust or has issues.

I will do as much as possible before going onto the rest of the full game runs and the levels.

-----Beginners Challenge----- ---100% Not Legit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mex7pl9z - Beginners Challenge Doesn't have crowns https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zgnw9njy - That isn't 8tps, look at any other video and you will see the difference

---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z1jq7djz - Should be 9.977 tps https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m79p0e4y - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m7pgr89m - Can't find picture https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y97vndnm - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y21xje9z - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y970qrem - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y4w03odm - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yjkd0j7m - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yvg3kl4y - Private Video https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z0epo24m - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yvg0198y - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zgnlw8vy - Should be 5.904 tps https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y89wjewm Video Unavailable

-----Skilled Challenge----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y453vvdm - Should be 11.968 tps https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zqr1e9xy - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/ydq5rwvm - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yw11800z - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y45w513m - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zpqj25xy - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z0eg8w9m - Video Unavailable

-----Master Challenge----- ---100% Not Legit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y2qwq45y - ?????

---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z0epvo4m - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z017x58y - Private Photo https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mrek598y - ss shown on discord, possibly could it be shown in the submission https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mrqkq8gy - Can't find photo https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z0ej984m - Can't find photo https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y9720w2m - Can't find photo


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan, RaggedDan dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
New Zealand

-----Slider Challenge----- ---100% Not Legit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zq690kxy - Beginner Challenge, not Slider.

---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y25dr7jy - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mk9nd0vz - Video Unavailable

-----Combo Challenge----- (The record will be mine soon when I submit video...) ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m79xp85y - Can't find image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y2q14x7y - Video Unavailable

-----Double Tile Challenge----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y23g8lwm - Score should be 10.204 tps (Will beat my record by 0.003 tps lol)

-----Accompaniment----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/ydq6grwm - Private Image


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan dan RaggedDan menyukai ini
Basque Country

lmao GG thats a lot XD

IvanderLatidjan, kaufie, dan ERDarky menyukai ini
New Zealand

It gets worse in the levels lol

-----Single Tile Challenge----- ---100% Not Legit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yl4lroxm - That is not 12tps, that is not 9tps, I don't even think that is 7tps...

---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mekxen0m - Should be 10.564tps (Ties with Dhayaa) https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mekx0p0m - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zpqr8lgy - Can't find Image https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yl98p3ny - Video Unavailable

-----Classic Gameplay----- The person who did this run, can only do 350 (I think, likely less). https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m31n30dz So any amount over this is humanely impossible without cheats. ---100% Not Legit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yv36k0ez - Impossible. Simply impossible. https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yw1x4jpz - Impossible. Simply impossible.

---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y8qkqeny - Picture isn't loading, possibly my computer, but likely missing photo https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/ydq5q0vm - 404 Image not found

-----Christmas Rhapsody----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y211695z - ss shown on discord, possibly could it be shown in the submission please https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mk924klz - Im4ge n0t f4und https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zpqrq7gy Im4ge n0t f4und


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
RaggedDan dan IvanderLatidjan menyukai ini
New Zealand

-----Little Star----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m35gq5qy - Video Unavailable https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mr8847gy - Not Found Here is where i see that Sundex is one of the best Thumbs players in the world... If you use 4 fingers, you will be God level. https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y9754jnm - Should be 1530 https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y43183kz - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zq6lpq8y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/9yown80z - Isn't Loading for me, maybe an issue for me, maybe not others https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y8qjd31y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/nz14wqwz - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yl4led3m - But Nothing Happened! https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m793qoey - Should be 525

Too late, going to do more tomorrow (Or whenever lol)


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan dan RaggedDan menyukai ini
New Zealand

-----Jingle Bells----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yo4l1kjm - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/oy24lg7z - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/7z04oxey - Not Found

-----Canon----- ---100% Not Legit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z11dj4jz - That isn't the correct speed near the end... Look at the speed Sundex is going here, compared to this run.

---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zprlxxgm - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/7ylwejnz - Not Found

-----Two Tigers----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zx2dxj5m - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m3d5p84z - Error:404 https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zgnk4jvy - Not Found

-----Happy New Year----- ---Please Edit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zgwr0kjy - The proof should be https://twitter.com/ManlySheep/status/1265878303312875520/photo/1 The current proof leads to the Happy Birthday record.

---Please Check--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m3dle5qz - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yo4j1q7m - Not Found

-----Beyer No.8----- ---Please Check--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zxvned8y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zpq47k8y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/jy9ggwnm - Should be 488

-----Bluestone Alley----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z0env98m - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mk42jovy - Not Found

-----Jasmine----- ---100% Not Legit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zn8odrvz - Again using the speed of Sundex's run, this is not the same speed. - ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y2q9w17y - Should be 3565 https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yjk8n6nm - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mrqe302y - Not Found

-----Dolls and Bear Dancing----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/ydqgk90m - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m3d590qz - Not Found

-----Happy Birthday to You----- ---Please Check These--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y6753vjm - Not Found

---Special Mentions--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/8y845kwz - XD https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y8q1je1y - Back when there actually was an ingame leaderboard lol


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan dan RaggedDan menyukai ini
New Zealand

-----Heidenroslein----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z5oe90ey - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yvg64ley - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/8y8484dz - Not Found

-----The Painter----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zxvl6e5y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yjkljonm - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/6yjvpd3y - Not Found

-----Nocturne Op.9 No.2----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yl94d6ky - Image isn't loading up for me https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zgnw3ony - Not Found

-----The Ruin of Athens No.4----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/ydq58l0m - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/8m746x0m - Not Found

-----Waltz in A Minor----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/wzpjn08z - Image not loading https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y2359o9m - Not Found

-----Gavotte----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y8q2371y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/9mrp7o2z - Not Found

-----Por Una Cabeza----- 1st song with only one bad entry, hopefully we will be skipping songs soon https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mekovq3m - Not Found

-----Moments Musicaux----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/1zqlk35y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yw1vlkpz - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yo4kvwdm - Not Found

I can't find where Sundex did his score in the video, so for now this one is here. https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yl43x13m


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan menyukai ini
New Zealand

-----Korobeiniki----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/8yvd436y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m792r70y - Not Found

-----Dance of the Sugar Fairy----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mr87wldy - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/7z0gw1ey - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/8y8487dz - Not Found

-----The Swan----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m79w8rey - Not Found

-----Prelude in C Major No.1----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zq6exv5y - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/wzpeg8ry - Not Found

-----Tritsch Tratsch Polka----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/6yjndj7m - Not Found

-----Cancan----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zxkndlgm - Can the proof be linked in the description please? https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zn4weg3m - Score should be 1233 (Pause right at the beginning screen) https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/9yowvjdz - Not Found

-----Sonata in D Major K311----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mekj7v3m - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/9meqve2m - Not Found

-----Symphony No.40 in G----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yl9ngeky - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m3d6r94z - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/8yvd488y - Not Found

-----G Minor Bach----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/emk60xxz - Not Loading for me

-----Sonatina Op.36 No.3----- YAYAYAYAYAYAY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! From now on, I will skip any songs without problems.

31-----Sonata in C Major K545----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zn8kjrlz - Not Found

34-----The Fountain----- I have a score above 2000 on this song, but want to record it instead of screenshot. https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zp486vvz - Not Found

Note to self, next song to check is 36.


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan menyukai ini
New Zealand

36-----Gypsy Rondo----- When cliff is twice the score of 2nd place XD

40-----Hungarian Dance No.5----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mr8ejx7y - Not Found

44-----American Patrol----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/kz5q06jz - I am pretty sure that is the video, but it doesn't look like it is going the correct speed on my computer.

45-----Sonata No.34 - Finale----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yj4kv6oy - Not Found

Sorry for short post, but internet acting up and need to restart computer...


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan menyukai ini
New Zealand

47-----Minuet No.3----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z039lq9z - This song is actually for Minuet in G, which is song #56. (It is legitimate but under the wrong level)

48-----Radetzky March----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/1zx1dwey - Should be 1213 points

52-----William Tell Overture----- ---100% Not Legit--- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/ydqrpr0m - The pace he is going at, I can play with one finger... I Can't even do that for the first lap of the normal paced song

54-----Humoresque No.7----- Note to everyone, my iPad glitches out whenever it plays this song, or Nocturne Op.9 No.1 (ONE), because of the long tiles and stuff. So sadly, I will never be able to submit a legitimate record for this song. (My record is over 10k because my iPad is so bad it slows down past about 7k...) I believe I would get maybe 8k without this happening however. (I will take a video to show eventually when i have the time) https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y210qejz - Not Found

55-----Moonlight Sonata Mvt.3----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zxv123ey - Should be 3306

56-----Minuet in G----- This is the level the run from song #47 should be https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mekq2g8m - Not Found

59-----Harmonious Blacksmith----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m3dpvjqz

66-----Simple Gifts----- So this song used to be one which doesn't accelerate. The old song was named Simple Gift, without the s in gifts. If these runs are to be saved, an extra level should be made to store them, so that the two levels are not mixed like they are now. The runs below are legit, but should be under the deleted level, Simple Gift. https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y23r6l6m https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mr89r08y https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zgn9v9ey

The runs below this message are legit, and should be under the currently implemented song, Simple Gifts https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m7p1l75m https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yvggd98y

71-----Lyric Waltz----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y45onrdm - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zxv2v1qy - Not Found

72-----Sonatina Op.88 No.3----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z0ejklem - Not Found

74-----The Skater's Waltz----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/nz1ele7y - Not loading for me

Note to self, next song = Etude de Virtuosite in E (76)


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan dan RaggedDan menyukai ini
New Zealand

76-----Etude de Virtuosite in E----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z5o5w4ny - Not the correct speed

80-----Tzigane Dance----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y23grj5m - Not Found

82-----Op.10 No.8----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mrql5rgy - Not Found

87-----Fugue No.16 in G Minor----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/yj4jokoy - This is one of my favorite songs... This is not the correct speed.

92-----Waltz No.16----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zn4116lm - Does Not Exist

111-----Invention No.2----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/z0envqem - We had such a long streak of perfect scores till this... Not Found

114-----Romanian Folk Dances No.6----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y23jlw5m - Not Found

116-----Searchlight Rag----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y230wr7m - Not Found https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m79o2l0y - Not Found

122-----Market----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y8qrdnny - Not Loading

166-----Gavotte from Op.183 No.1----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y97003em - Not Found

199-----Sonata in C Major K309 Mvt.1----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mexpq89z - Should be under level 109

225-----Dance of the Hours----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/jy94r1em - Again, not the correct speed.

325-----Rondo in A Major Wo0 48----- https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/mk3j945z -Should be under level 241

(Exactly 100 level jump XD)

And this concludes my list of False Runs. Thanks!


Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan dan Pear menyukai ini
New Zealand

Whoops, made a mistake...

https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/jy94r1em - The song has been changed... See the Simple Gift(s) predicament and see what i mean.

This is my run... Both listening and viewing it, it is simply not the same song.

IvanderLatidjan dan kaufie menyukai ini
Seattle, WA, USA

@ERDarky I came to this run thinking about one of my favorite games of all time and to see if there are speed runs of it and it looked insane none of them are humanly possible I figured out how they achieved those scores and all and it pretty easy to beat any of the wr. On android if you enter developer mode and can apply w couple settings and piano tiles will run the speed and so the song doesn't reach starting speed until 3 crowns :/ It so unfortunate to see this happen ;(

ERDarky menyukai ini
Seattle, WA, USA

Half speed*

Glamorganshire, Wales

Christ really?

The Moderators should know about that

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
kaufie menyukai ini
Seattle, WA, USA

@RaggedDan Yeah unfortunately :/

New Zealand

@kaufie Firstly, wasn't on due to school until now, so only read now sorry.

Secondly, that is the reason that I like taking videos of my runs, since it proves that I am running at the actual speed and nothing is slowing it down / making it easier for me

kaufie menyukai ini
New Zealand

This post kinda returns to the reason why I take actual videos of my runs...

Soooooo...... https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/me69jl0z

This is not legit..........

Assumming Sanya is the 100% best pt2 player out there, (And I mean like 20tps as I have actually seen that once), the max you can get is maybe 2500, and that is pushing it.

There is no way you got 3100 without something messing up the game and causing it to go slower. (Maybe the freeze cheat or something, but still)

Now for the other 2 runs.... It is borderline possible assuming you can reach 16tps. The person below has done 16tps before.

Understand that I am not attacking you but only questioning the legitimacy of these songs due to the false Little Star run.

If you would like to truly prove me wrong, please post a video of you doing a song (as seen in the youtube video) or any sort of relatable proof that shows you can actually attain the speeds you say you can play at.

Until you show true proof, I cannot count these runs as legit. https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/me69jl0z https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/zn3olkvy https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y4exn2km

While on this topic, the reason I am not questioning other outrageous runs such as https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/y81v8wdz or https://www.speedrun.com/pt2/run/m7q6jx0z is because I have seen evident proof of both of these occurring. E.G. and or However, the most I have EVER seen on Little star is ~2100, done by the same people I have referenced.

Thank you. (2nd fastest I have ever seen) - 17tps (Fastest I have seen by a real person) - 20tps

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago

Thanks for telling me about this, I’ll take a deeper look into these runs and if necessary reject them.

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan, ERDarky, dan RaggedDan menyukai ini

After thinking about it further I have decided that the best solution is to require video proof for future runs. However with that said, All current runs will not be affected unless the community agrees on certain runs being removed. This way we can be sure that runs are legitimate. As for the runs that are sketchy, I will let people vote in the discord what they think should happen to them. If no one votes then nothing will happen to them. This concludes my statement.

IvanderLatidjan dan ERDarky menyukai ini
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