Possible small time save?
4 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

Hey guys, I just loaded up psychonauts after not playing for a bit. I saved during oleanders brain right before the bunker part where bobby shoots at you. When I loaded it back up, it didn't shoot at me, and the wall things didn't pop up. After I went inside I didn't need to raise the flag either. It was weird , like I already completed it, but I know I didn't because the wooden planks were still there, and figments were still everywhere. I figured if its worth it maybe somebody could recreate it and figure out how to save a few seconds.

peachlove menyukai ini
Texas, USA

It could possibly be a timesave for people who struggle with the turret palm to skip that section of punching walls, but I doubt that saving and loading there (especially if you'd have to like quit to title, then load) for this to happen would be faster against the fastest strats we have with turret palm.

But if you want to mess around with it, by all means!! Definitely an interesting thing to notice.