ٴ[OUTDATED] Any% Glitchless - Werster - July 31st 2014
ٴ[OUTDATED] Any% Glitchless - Werster - July 31st 2014
Diperbarui 1 year ago oleh werster

L3 Rattata: 14 in, 11 out, then alternate 12 in 12 out Otherwise, do this then do 4 2 6 11 4 2 6 11 then walk in grass (after two cycles it's too hard to manip) (4 and 6 are in) (11s were originally 12) L4 Rattata: 10 out L2 Rattata: 4 in 12 out L2 NidoM: 6 in 12 out L3 Spearow: 2 out 6 in 12 out L5 Spearow: 3 out 6 in 12 out L3 NidoF: 4 out 6 in 12 out L4 NidoF: 5 out 6 in 12 out

Buy 8 Poke Balls (#1) Tackle Nidoran once to weaken (Get Potion) 2 Tail Whip Weedle. Switch Squirtle to #2, Potion him to full before Brock Switch play Nidoran with both on Brock. Get 15+ Attack, 14+ Speed, 12+ Special Buy 8 Potions (#2, D1) Turn mode to Set Leer all bugs, Tackle last two if you can. Potion (#3) before Shorts guy, Leer him too (Switch Horn Attack to Slot 1 when using it on Ekans) HA last two Bug catchers. Catch Pidgey/Spearow (Tackle to weaken, HA level 8 ) Get Water Gun (#5, D4) and teach over Tackle (#2) to get experience Consider not getting Water Gun with level 4 Nidoran, and fighting the other Hiker with Thrash Note: Level 4 Nidorans need 138 experience (2 Level 9 Zubats, can HA once Nidorino), Level 3 Nidorans need 177 experience (Level 9 Zubat + Level 9 Geodude) Moon Stone (#7, D6) before Rocket. HA + PS, HA + HA | HA + HA, HA + PS, HA + HA (HA) Take center at Cerulean, get Rare Candy. HA + HA + HA, HA, HA + PS, HA + HA (Switch out before third hit on Pidgeotto if Sand Attacked) HA + PS, HA (PS) | HA + PS, HA + HA | HA, HA (PS), HA | HA + PS, HA + HA. Use both Rare Candies (#5, D4) and teach Teach over Poison Sting (#4) (Also use Potions if no chance of redbar to full (#4)) Thrash everything except Onix. DO NOT get Ether if you have all items (Poke Ball, Potion, Antidote) (Maybe Potion (#4, D3)) Escape Rope (#5, D4) Starmie has 56 speed, heal to complete full if you can die (#4, D3) Potion (#4, D3) to 30+ before SS Anne rival and teach Bubblebeam (#9, D5) over Water Gun (#2) Vermillion Mart: Sell TM34 (#3, D2) Nugget (#4, D3) Buy 3 Super Potions (#2, D1), 3 repels (#6, D5) SS Anne: HA + BB, Thrash (HA if confused) Switch #1 with Repel (#9, D8) and teach HM01 (#10, D1) and TM28 (#6, U4) to Paras Surge: You fucking need redbar after this fight, get it off Voltorb. If you need Sonicboom, Bubblebeam first, then Leer till in and kill with Horn Attack. If you don't need Sonicboom, HA + BB. Thras Pikachu + Raichu Get Bike Voucher, Dig back to Cerulean Switch #2 with Bike (#11, D9) and teach TM24 (U1) to Nidoking over Leer (#3) and Bike to Rock Tunnel Thrash through rock tunnel within redbar. Do not get Max Ether, Thrash Growlithe Get the Max Ether outside Rock Tunnel IF you skipped the Ether and then dropped an item Get Elixer in underground, not Nugget (3 seconds) Do not take Centre 4F: Buy Poke Doll (#1) Top: Buy Soda Pop and Fresh Water, get TMs. Get another Fresh Water as you leave 5F: 10 X Accuracy (#2, D1), 5/4 Speed (#6, D5), 6 Special (#7, D3) 2F: TM07 (#4, D3) | 10 Super Repels (#4, D3) WALK over to get Fly. Switch #2 with Super Repel (#19, D17) teach HM02 (#20, D1) to flier (U1) and TM07 (#18, U2) to Nidoking (#1, U2) over Horn Attack (#1) Use Super Repel (#2), switch #3 with X Accuracy (#13, D12) and teach TM48 (U2) to Nidoking over Bubblebeam (#2) Rival: X Acc (#3, D2) All Horn Drills | Note: Pidgeotto does 8 with Quick Attack, Potion ebfore this fight if it can kill Rock Slide Gastlys and get both Elixers | Poke Doll (#11, D10) TB, TB, TB/RS | X Acc (#3, D2): HD, HD | TB, Thrash Fly off to Celadon, take center. Use Super Repel (#2, D1) and Bike to Snorlax. Switch #4 with X Speed (#15, D11) and Poke Flute (#19, D4) Get Rare Candy on Cycling Road. Super Repel (#2), Teach TM13 (#11, D9) to Nidoking over Rock Slide (#2) and Bike to Safari Zone. Bike again, in room 2 move up 3 tiles then Super Repel (#2) and Bike (U1) to Gold Teeth and HM03. Dig out, Bike to SIlph Co 10F: X Acc (#3, D2): Horn Drill. Get Rare Candy and TM26. Teach HM03 (#19, D18) to Squirtle (#2) and Earthquake (#20, D1) to Nidoking (#1) over Thrash (#4) 9F: Stairs down, and Sylux Skip. EQ Arbok. X Acc (#3, D2) X Spec (D1) X Spd (D8): HD, TB, EQ, EQ HD Note: Pidgeot has 78 speed. X Acc, X Spec on rival, HD if 95+. X Spd on Gyarados if 95+, then sweep. If QA, Potion on Gyarados (and X Spd on Growltihe:Ember does 9, Take Down does 18) Note: If 95-, use X Spd on Pidgeot and redbar off Weezing. IB, EQ, IB | X Acc (#3, D2): EQ, HD, IB, HD Note: Horn Attack does ~14, Fury Attack does 4. Potion if you don't want to risk low health Dig out, Fly to Fuschia. Walk to Gym EQ, EQ, EQ, EQ | Use Elixer (#10, D9) (Also 1-2 Candies if you need the health (D6)) EQ, EQ + TB | Note: Hypno's Headbutt does ~17, if it use Confusion you die, deal with it, redbar is worth it Koga: EQ, EQ, EQ, Note: For Weezing, take the selfdestruct by using Thunderbolt if above 9 health. If below 9 health, go for the Horn Drill at 30%, if it hits your still fine for redbar, if not o well dying is the plan Go get Strength, Fly to Pallet. Super Repel (#2, D1) and use all 3 Rare Candies (#14, D12) on Nidoking (#1) and Bike (#1) off to Mansion Get both Candies in Mansion. Teach HM04 (#19, D18) to Squirtle (#2) and Candies (#20, D1) to Nidoking (#1) Note: Get Carbos and use it here if low-mid 14 speed Get Secret Key, Dig out and off to Erika IB | Erika: IB/EQ, IB, IB/EQ. Fly to Cinnibar Blaine: EQ, EQ, EQ, EQ. Dig out, off to Saffron. Elixer if EQs on Erika (#10, D9) or poor speed Sabrina: EQ, EQ, EQ, EQ Note: 103 Speed ties with Alakazam (level up before him) Fly to Viridian, Bike to Gym. IB | X Acc (#3, D2): HD, HD, HD | OR X Spec (#4, D3) EQ, TB, EQ Note: Machoke Karate Chop crit does ~25 Giovanni: IB, IB, EQ, EQ, IB + IB | OR X Spec (#4, D3) IB, IB, IB, IB, IB Note: If not in redbar and you got the extra X Special, Rhyhorn does ~18 with Stomp, and this allows you to OHKO all with IB Viridian Rival: X Acc (#3, D2) X Spec (D1): IB, IB, TB, HD/EQ, EQ, HD Note: Pidgeot always uses Agility so redbar is fine here. If only 2 EQs left (no spec on Giovanni), TB + TB Growlithe (it also only uses Agility) You can get the Max Ether and use it on Horn Drill before Lorelei here if you need to take risks to make up time Also get this Max Ether if you skipped the first Ether Deposit Pokes and take centre (not if Max Ether), and head into Elite Four (Buy 3 Full restores (#3, D2) if have none or no super potions or super ahead) Lorelei: X Acc (#2, D1) HD, HD, HD, HD, HD | Elixer (#9, D8) Note: 108 speed to tie Jynx. Dewgong does about 95 with AB. Can EQ Jynx if on sync Bruno: X Acc (#2, D1) IB, HD, HD, IB, HD | Onix can do max 20 (Super Potion to 57+) Agatha: X Spd (#11) X Acc (#2) EQ, HD, EQ, HD, EQ | Full Restore (#6, D4) and Ether (#10, D9) Horn Drill (#1) Note: If you can die after turn 1 and need to keep taking risks, kill Gengar then IB + IB Golbat, EQ the rest. Lance: X Spec (#3, D2) TB, X Spd (#10, D7): IB, IB, IB, IB | Potion to 45+ Note: Horn drill turn 1 if trying to keep redbar Champion: X Acc (#2, D1) X Spd (#9, D7) HD, EQ, HD, HD, HD, HD OR with good special: X Acc (#2, D1) X Spec (D1) HD, HD, IB, HD, HD, HD Note: Pidgeot does ~85 with Sky Attack, ~20 with Wing Attack. If he glows turn 1, Super Potion to tank it then X Acc.