Wake up mods.
6 years ago

I submitted my runs like 20 days ago and still not verified?

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini

@Suappi I'm not even sure why survival is a category here, it's not a speedrun, infact it's almost the direct opposite of one.

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Washington, USA

As mentioned above ^ this isn't a speedrun, sorry for the late response but life happens. (Getting laid off and being stressed about finding a new job really eats up your time)

All in all, we will probably be removing this....it's simply not a speedrun, this isn't the site for it. Things like highest round in CoD zombies aren't included here because it's not the site for it even if there's competition or interest.

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini

I understand. But it kinda sucks that I used over 10 hrs for those

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Washington, USA

I do not do survival runs so no idea who would be interested in it, but if it were to stay it would be changed as mentioned....a run up to 30, 60, etc. If people are interested in THAT....mention it here because I can see that staying.

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
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