Island express
4 years ago
Kansas, USA

Since the addition of reentry heating in the new versions, i'm not sure if it's really possible to do the island express run without downgrading to the version before the heating was added, and as you can see all the runs were around 4 years ago. can we add what version to use to the rules? I don't want it to not count if I downgrade my game version to match those older ones.

Texas, USA

Well, as the rules exist right now, you're absolutely allowed to downpatch and use any version you want, so your runs wouldn't "not count" if you downpatched. Although, I can understand that doing that can pose additional difficulty.

But... I can't think of an easy solution to this problem in this game (or for any game that gets frequent, major updates). Right now, all versions are permitted, which is the easiest way to moderate this game. Adding subcategories for each version is a no-go, and only allowing the current version would require huge leaderboard overhauls each time a new version is released... Maybe only allowing runs with version 1.0.0 or later would be an acceptable compromise?

EDIT: Just checked, not all of the Island Express runs are from 2015. There is one run from 2017, that is using a version with reentry heating. It might still be worth creating a separate category between the two, but there likely won't be as great a difference in time as you might be expecting.

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
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