Diposting 1 year ago oleh

Moving forward you'll be allowed to use and submit runs using the PSX emulator DuckStation with 2x disc speed on.

NOTE: Anything over 2x is not allowed

When submitting to the leaderboard you'll be required to show the disc read speed at the end of the run, or you may leave it up on screen for the entire run.

Allowing this was based on data from testing a 90k ps2 with fast disc speed on. Additionally, test were done with Duckstation with 1x, 2x, 3x and 4x speeds.

In the link below are the results from the testing that was conducted:


For any additional information or discussion, please join the Chrono discord: https://discord.gg/NutmyYd

Diposting 2 years ago oleh

The community has decided to not allow any submissions for The Radical Dreamers Edition release for a period of 2 weeks. The first day submissions will be considered will be on April 21st. Any submissions before this date will be rejected.

There will be a separate leaderboard for this version of the game, but anything past this is still TBD (new/different categories, separation of systems, load removals for PC, etc...).

We feel that this restriction will give people time to enjoy what the game has to offer and help determine if any new categories should exist. Feel free to explore different ideas! But keep in mind that categories are generally determined by a lasting community interest.

Please join the Chrono discord if you would like to discuss: https://discord.gg/0XU29pWZvyu0YCVH

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PSX emulation DuckStation is now allowed with 2x speed

Moving forward you'll be allowed to use and submit runs using the PSX emulator DuckStation with 2x disc speed on.

When submitting to the leaderboa

1 year ago
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