7 years ago
Florida, USA

Currently, there are several different timings for the final split:

Phase 2

  • Selecting "I'll live a happy life with Aurica/Misha"(Jiseed)
  • When the cursor for "Fin" appears(msty, Japanese timing)

Phase 3

  • When the game is saved after the credits(Branch)
  • When EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/. begins(Jiseed)
  • When the cursor for "Fin" appears(msty, Japanese timing)

I propose using the Japanese timing, that way the final split is the same for every category and version. If you agree or disagree, please let me know.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Florida, USA

I'll retime it.


Thanks for Verified run.

I don't understand English well because I am a Japanese, I may not talk very much... sorry

  • Phantasmagoria Ending (Phase1) (Phase2) ("EXEC_SUSPEND/."credits) (selecting "Was this really the way it should bec?") (Phase3) |Jiseed| ("EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/."credits) (Epilogue) |RTA(Japan)|

("EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/."credits) + (Epilogue) = 8:14(Jiseed - English - with voice), 8:19(msty - Japanese - with voice)

  • Any%(Phase2) (Phase1) (Phase2) ("EXEC_SUSPEND/."credits) (selecting "I'll live a happy life with Aurica/Misha") |Jiseed| (Epilogue) |RTA(Japan)|

(Epilogue) = 1:29 (msty - Japanese - without voice)

During the epilogue, we wont move to the map just by pressing the X or O button, so we can use Jiseed timing. But sorry, either way we'll see "EXEC_SUSPEND/."credits.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Florida, USA

Hi, msty. Congrats on the record.

Alright, we'll use Jiseed timing.

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