Inactive game?
7 years ago
West Virginia, USA

Looks like we need a new mod. Run has been submitted for quite some time but never verified.

AntBlueR और IvanderLatidjan इसे पसंद करें

We should make a Zuma Deluxe mods series of the bigger ones (Star wars, Angry birds, Luxor and so)

AntBlueR इसे पसंद करता है
West Virginia, USA

Not what I meant. I had my run submitted for quite some time, but is still unverified.

Someone new needs to take over.

AntBlueR और IvanderLatidjan इसे पसंद करें

Oh. Moderator. I thought modification My idea still remains


I am very sorry. Uh... thanks for taking over.

AntBlueR इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USA

ILs for Gauntlet Survival? -possible idea


I have one too, 10 days ago. Possible 1st place? I was unable to send any message.

  1. this is a 1 year old post haha
  2. he submitted a 51 minute run at one point but it was rejected because it was spliced
Zanum, Pear और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Luxor idea can work, there are Runs of it by Jray.


I also have many mistakes. 12-6 and 13-1 wasted about 1 minute. I will get 48 minutes if without these mistakes.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
AntBlueR इसे पसंद करता है
West Virginia, USA

Apologies for the lack of any activity around here. Looks like Chowzer and fourseasons are out of commission for the time being, leaving me as the sole moderator for this game. These days I haven't been paying much attention to this game, let alone speedrunning in general, now that I have a job.

I'll need some help around here verifying new submissions, and I'm even considering stepping down as mod if there are enough willing to step up. Preferably, I'm looking at those in the top spots and who are willing to spot/correct anomalies.

Thank you, everyone, for your time.

KaizenHayashi, Zanum, और UfahTrainer8 इसे पसंद करें

i'd love to help with moderating this game :)

UfahTrainer8 और Zanum इसे पसंद करें
Phayao, Thailand

i help same :)

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