Cateogry Extension DIsccusion - 100%
4 years ago
Colorado, USA
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

What are the potential definitions for your complete collection game categories? What is desirable, popular, fun, and most importantly, different from other categories? [Extreme, 100% in Zelda 1 normal board, and other rulesets].

A previous discussion which took place in Z1 discord was summarized in the sheet linked below.

Some folks want a category that does main board 100% plus collect all maps, all compasses and purchase a shield. For that proposal, an ongoing point of debate is whether the player should be allowed to take potions from the Potion or Heart Container caves.

Out of the same discussion another idea was a category that finished with every item slot filled with any item. For example, a blue ring would be enough. Bombs do not count as an item slot, so upgrades are not required. The player doesn't need to finish with a rupee or bomb at all. One last idea was to finish the Letter side quest. This category seemed interesting in that the routing is a lot more open ended and could be approached differently by players of different goals or skill sets.

Kentucky, USA

Isn't 100% already defined implicitly based on 200% category?

If you're going to go for a category extension that is, essentially, "do this list of things", I'd suggest just going all out and making a deliberately unique category. Something like a Vanilla Zelda 1 bingo category or just a deliberately arbitrary checklist, not necessarily 100%. The routing for this game is complete enough to where you guys could put together any goal and already have a good idea what the time would be.

We ended up launching "100% Plus" which is an expansion of the "100%" main board category.

In addition to everything required in 100%, 100% Plus also requires collecting all nine Maps and Compasses, and buying the Magical Shield. The player does not have to buy another the shield if one is lost to a Like-like.

Also, in 100% Plus the player has more freedom with regard to spending Heart Containers. You will be allowed to choose Red Potions instead of Heart Containers in the overworld caves, and you'll be allowed to pay old men in Second Quest with Hearts instead of 50 rupees.

The reason for allowing players to spend hearts, choose potions and lose the shield is to make the category more friendly at the entry-level via more routing choices, which has been one of the main tenets for the Category Extensions board.

(The reason the category name is written out as "100% Plus" instead of "100%+" is to avoid confusion between this category and "100%".)

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