Does language affect loading times and scenes
1 year ago

Does language affect loading times and cutscenes if so what is the best language to use. Because if there is a faster language for speaking scenes that could save a lot of time throughout the run

California, USA

the actual dialogue is always in English, regardless of what language is written on screen, so i have to imagine that it'll always be the same, since the timings of when Edith moves is based on when she talks rather than what's on screen.

Kameron और Eray इसे पसंद करें

thanks that makes sense

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Timing rules update!

We (and by "we", I mean @Eray) recently discovered that there are significant load time differences between when the opening music starts and character control depending on platform. So, in an effort to even the playing field for everyone, and honestly for simplicity, we're **changing the timing of

6 months ago
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