United Stateszgl3 years ago

There are a few threads on here already talking about loading issues with console but they’re more talking about dealing with those issues. So, I wanted to centralize the conversation about RTA vs IGT on console since it is something that is in consideration and bring some data/known info to one single thread to talk about it.

A recap of what we already know: Pausing the game, having your inventory open, having your map open, having the key items or treasures inventory open, time spent in the Dukes shop, and some very specific cutscenes stop IGT from progressing while all the other cutscenes keep the IGT moving and would need to be skipped quick no matter the timing method. Additionally, there are hidden loading gates in specific doors and elevators that keep players with slower hardware back while the next area loads. There is also a loading issue when pressing pause to skip cutscenes or opening any of the inventory menus mentioned above, where on less powerful hardware you can be forced to wait before being able to do anything in these menus.

Let’s take a closer look at the elevators. The elevators before the Beneviento Doll house, in the Windmill on the way to Moreau’s reservoir, and the one that you place the Giant Chalice in on the way to Heisenberg all hide the game loading the next area. I spent quite a but of time over the last couple of days recording footage of these elevators to see what the differences are depending on hardware. I have a PS5, PS4 Pro, Xbox Series X, Xbox One X, and a Xbox One Base Console that I tested, additionally I tested the PS4 version of the game on the PS5 because it is not the same as the PS5 version on PS5. For each console I took footage 15 times on each elevator, except for looking at the Moreau elevator on the Xbox One Base Console which needed additional testing so I got 25 testing attempts on that one. I summed up the results of these tests in the following video, you can pause it in the first 5 seconds to see all the data laid out or continue watching to see one capture of each platform running next to one another: Look strictly at the elevators, we are looking at a 13 second difference on current gen consoles (Series X and PS5) and at best a 1 minute and 16 second difference, at worst a 2 minute and 1 second difference, between best and worst last gen consoles. Additionally, there are doors that seem to have this same behaviour where they will open at different speeds to cover for the next area loading. Another loading related issue that has been commented on in the discord and on these forums is that some people are experiencing black loading screens in various areas of the game. And as I mentioned at the start, there’s also a loading delay that can occur when opening menus or pausing to skip a cutscene, you can see an example of this here: There’s a 1.333 second delay once the pause screen is brought up before any player input can be done in that specific example. The length of this loading can be affected by what’s going on in the scene before you pause to skip or open any of your inventory menus and you can have different lengths of time in the same areas. Some are as low as half a second, some are 2 full seconds. When you take into account the number of times you have to open your inventory to use a key item or pause to skip a cutscene throughout the run, these short .5-2 second delays can add up quickly.

Then there are the loading screens that pop up after skipping certain cutscenes or using a restart. On current gen, these don’t exist on PS5 but they do on Series X. On previous gen consoles, it occurs on every console but the length of the loading time is different depending on the console. I made a video that was posted in the original RTA vs IGT post, the one that was primarily meant for discussing PC, but I’ll post it again here for anyone that did not see that one. It shows the loading time differences due to skipping cutscenes at the very start of the game, but this same kind of difference can be seen in the loading times throughout the run: It’s quite obvious that these issues, the loading time issues, are going to be a major deciding factor for RTA vs IGT and how either can be implemented.

Looking at RTA as an option: This is console, RTA is not going to come with load removal which would fix all of this. Lol. So we are looking at real RTA where you start the timer when the run starts and end the timer when the run ends and every second between is captured. Even if the categories are split by console generation, we run into the issue that parity in loading still doesn’t exist between consoles of the same generation. So how do we make RTA work with this. Splitting each console into its own set of categories is one way but it creates a mess on the leaderboards and would leave a lot of empty or way under-run categories. Grouping by console generation brings more parity but doesn’t get rid of the differences within the generations. This would lead to one platform being OP for running the game on each generation. This is actually fairly normal in speedrunning, where one specific platform or version is king over the others for a game. What RTA does well is get rid of the potential “squatting” in inventory menu or with the Duke, or people taking time to skip the cutscene after they press pause since the timer is still running. It would also allow for using some of the Restarts that teleport ethan forward during the run, but only on certain platforms where loading times are less than the time saved from the teleport.

Looking at IGT as an option: IGT has a couple of issues. The first being the potential for people taking time in the menus/with the duke/skipping cutscenes while paused to skip. The next being that IGT runs during the hidden loading elevators and doors and potentially during the black loading screens. The first issue I mentioned is easily fixed with a rule for consoles that states that all menuing, pauses to skip cutscenes, and merchant visits must be done hastily and tactfully or it could result in rejection. This leaves the loading issues to be dealt with because a 68 second elevator ride RTA is still a 68 second elevator ride IGT. In RE7 we used pause buffering to get rid of the exact same issue that existed in that game, and from the comments I’ve seen in other threads and on the discord it seems like you can achieve parity in these loads by allowing pause buffering in RE8. This would require that pausing be allowed to use these buffers so that consoles of the same generation could have parity in IGT. This type of pause buffering would need to be allowed for areas that are known to create those black loading screens as well. IGT would get rid of the loading issue when pausing to skip or opening an inventory menu that forces you to wait because IGT stops at the time the game is paused and the loading and delay occur during the paused IGT. It is still early in the life of this game so we do not know if IGT has other strange behaviours. Something else that IGT would require is that no one could use the pause option to restart at any point because it reverts IGT to whatever it was at the time of your last autosave. This also happens when you die in the game, continuing on resets your IGT to the time it was at the autosave, so dying in the run would likely have to kill the run as then it becomes more like a segmented run.

Anyhow, I just wanted to have a more focused spot for discussing this since it seems to be spread between multiple other threads and discord discussions. Please, everyone weigh in on this with your thoughts. RTA and IGT both come with some serious issues because of the nature of the game, before the boards go live it comes down to figuring out which is the “least bad” option. Lol. Thank you all for reading this novel.

Tolerant_Madman, FelixFranco और 9 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl3 years ago

The PSVR Leaderboards are live! At this time the PSVR Leaderboards only show the Easy difficulty. This is simply because we have never received any PSVR runs submitted to the Madhouse leaderboards in the main game (that we are aware of) and we've never had any requests for Madhouse PSVR. If you have a Madhouse PSVR run and want to submit it, please reply on this post with a link to a video of your Madhouse PSVR run and we'll add Madhouse to the PSVR page for you to submit to.

AgntKSmith और Nickmurfacat इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl3 years ago

Hey everyone! I have a bit of a proposition for everyone to take a look at and see what your thoughts are. Over the last 4 years there have been requests, directly and indirectly, about various categories. One of those recommendations of course, was our community meme, the No Guest House. No Guest House has been a pain in the ass to everyone since it was introduced almost 3 years ago. It is difficult for us moderators in verifying because of the specificity of the save file and it is even more of a pain in the ass for anyone that wants to run it because of the hoops that you are forced to jump through just to get that save to work and additionally because of the forced exclusivity that it creates.

So this proposition is that we create a Category Extensions leaderboard as a sub-game, similar to how we have the DLC as sub-games. Once these boards are created, we would move the NGH to the Category Extensions leaderboards and with this move we would also make NGH less restrictive. What is being suggested is that we would remove the mandate for using the pre-made NGH zero’d save and allow everyone to create their own saves while using the same timing methods that are already in place for both PC and Console. This would open the category up for runners on PC using the Steam version, PS4 and PS5 runners, and it would make the run more accessible for Xbox and Microsoft Store version runners by getting rid of the difficult “installation” process. There would be certain requirements for saves being created by the runners to match the current NGH save for any runner created save to be valid:

•The runner created save MUST be created directly after receiving the knife from the Deputy. Making any progress beyond receiving the knife prior to making the save will automatically result in rejection. •The runner created save MUST have the inventory empty with exception that it must only have the knife. Any other items in your inventory prior to making the save will automatically result in a rejection. •The runner created save MUST not have the wall skip implemented at the time of the save. If the wall has been destroyed prior to creating the save, then it will automatically result in a rejection. •The runner created save MUST be created in as close to the same position in the laundry room to the original NGH save as possible with Ethan facing as close to the same place as possible. If the moderators deem the positioning too significantly different from the original NGH save, then the runner will have to accept the rejection and make a new save adjusting their position to the correct area.

This obviously will not protect against the potential for DA manipulation prior to creating the save. While this is not initially something that can be viewed as a positive, if we simply allow the DA manipulation and everyone can create their own save then anyone can attempt to manipulate the DA as part of their strategy. Having NGH as a Category Extension gives more freedom to the category than it should have as even a miscellaneous category on the main leaderboards. If we leave the NGH on the main leaderboards/decide not to create a Category Extensions board, then the current rules and accessibility will likely stay the same.

In addition to moving NGH to these Category Extensions, there are some new categories that we have had requests for in the past that would fit well specifically as Category Extensions. The most commonly asked for categories over the last 4 years are for a PSVR category and for the Beginning Hour Demo to have a category and we are planning to include these when the Category Extensions boards would be made. Besides being the most requested, they also work well as speedruns. The Beginning Hour demo has different endings, which allows for different categories for this run. PSVR would be any% only and include all the any% categories that you would see for the main game.

We are looking for your feedback on all of this as these are the ideas that we have and are not yet decided on. What are your thoughts on opening the NGH category from using the single pre-made save to runner created saves?

Chispi, Blucker12 और 8 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl3 years ago

With the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 coming out next week I wanted to make a post to discuss what the plans are regarding these consoles and RE7 speedruns.

The first thing I think is relevant to mention is that we will NOT be accepting runs done on next gen consoles right away. At this time we do not know how the game will run on next gen hardware and for this reason we will be waiting until we have enough information to better decide how to handle runs/leaderboards with the new hardware. What we do know about the Series X|S and PS5 is that they certainly reduce loading times, even on backwards compatible games, but how much exactly we don’t know. If the load reduction is significant enough, running on these consoles could provide the ability to use previously PC only retries. We also know that some games on the next gen consoles are getting patches as backwards compatible titles or as complete overhauls and being re-released as next gen titles and in either case the games can see significant changes in performance, but we have no idea if RE7 specifically will benefit from any next gen specific treatments.

After we, the mods and the RE7 community as a whole, get our hands on the PS5 and Series X|S to test things out and we find out how things are working we will be able to make better decisions on how to handle next gen. Other RE games have handled new console generations in just about every way you can: keeping all generations of consoles in a single console category, grouping each console generation to their own generation of categories, and separating each console into their own individual category. You can see the reasoning behind the decisions that were made for most of these games, and with RE7 we will consider the specific conditions that are seen on the new consoles. Depending on what exactly the differences are, we most likely will see either all console generations in the existing Console category or they will be separated into generations with the current Console categories housing current gen and a new console group for next gen. For absolute clarity, there have been no decisions made or set in stone yet for how next gen will be incorporated into the leaderboards, we really are waiting to see what is actually necessary before any decisions regarding next gen are made. We likely will NOT have this all figured out in the first week, so please be patient during this period while we figure it all out.

We will definitely be looking to the community for help in testing things as at this time only one of the mods will have access to the Series X and PS5 on day one. If you notice something working differently please upload video of it to YouTube/clip it on Twitch and respond to this post with the link. Once we have a better understanding of how next gen consoles should be incorporated into the leaderboards we’ll make a post here and link to it on the discord.

emery22, nyiddle और 8 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl4 years ago

It seems that recently there was a change that limits the number of runs that appear on the “Runs awaiting verification” page for moderators. It appears that it has been limited to only show a combined total of 50 runs between all of the various games that I moderate for. My understanding is that it has to do with limiting database pressure, which is great with how the site often has issues due to this, but it has created a bit of an unfortunate side effect that is an issue for games that have a high volume of submissions. The limit has made it so that I can no longer see the oldest submissions.

I am currently a mod for Resident Evil 3 (2020), and with our currently active player count being over 200 we have a decent number of runs coming in every day. As of the time posting this, I can only see runs from today and yesterday which means that folks who submitted runs that had not yet been looked at prior to this will have to wait for us to clear out the newest runs before we can even see theirs, and at the rate we are receiving submissions vs how long it takes to properly verify them those oldest runs may not get looked at for quite some time simply because they won’t get the chance to appear on the page with this limit in place. While RE3R has a decent volume of submissions per day right now, it isn't nearly as much as we had with Resident Evil 2 Remake last year and if another game comes out that has that type of interest then some people will likely see their runs take months before a moderator even has the chance to see that they’ve submitted since their run will be pushed further back every time a new run is submitted.

Since this also is affecting the rejected runs queue it creates another issue where we can’t see old rejections. While in most cases this won’t cause a problem for anyone, there are good reasons to be able to have access to these older rejections. We have had issues with people submitting things to RE3R that the Full Mods have worked with us on and been great help with, but if an issue came up that one of us needed to look at one of those rejected submissions to compare with, we are unable to see them.

I did not just come here with only the problem; however, I have brought along some potential solutions: 1: Flip the order that runs appear on this page so the oldest appear at the top and the newest get hidden behind this limit. This doesn’t give full access to the rejected runs, but helps with verifying the oldest runs. 2: Give moderators the ability to sort by new/old on this page which effectively does the same thing as the first option but gives us the choice. This also doesn’t give full access to the rejected runs, but again it helps with verifying. 3: “Simply” revert to the way it was before this limit was placed, though this option obviously won’t provide any help for the database pressure issues. 4: Give us a “load more submissions” option that adds 20 or more additional runs at a time so it doesn’t force the page to load every run every time but we can access the old runs through clicking this. This would give full access back to all submissions and rejections. 5: Set this list up in pages with X number of runs per page, though this could end up hiding runs for other games someone might be moderating for if the front page doesn’t have some type of prioritization for different games. This would likely make the rejections need their own separate page to be effective.

I know that most of these solutions would take some work to implement, and there may be a significantly better option I have not listed. I appreciate that you guys are doing what you can to make the site run more smoothly and hope that a solution can be made that assists in what you were trying to accomplish but also can give those of us who have these high submission volumes the ability to more effectively moderate. Thank you for your time!

Edit: Editing because I don’t want to bump this post, SRC did adjust the queue so that now the oldest runs appear instead of the newest ones. Thanks to the site folks for the help!

Fegegen, Pear और 5 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl4 years ago

I had no intentions of making a post specifically talking about this but I’ve had enough dm’s and seen enough posts that I’m just going to explain it here so we can all get over this hump.

First, stop asking mods to verify your specific run. We already know you want it verified, it wouldn’t be in queue if you didn’t. We will get to it when we get to it. SRC gives moderators 21 days to verify submissions before it’s an issue, and can give allowances when a new game has a high volume of submissions. The longest a run has sat at this point is 5 days and that has only been for a couple of them. If you have an actual issue, like the person who couldn’t see their submission in the waiting to be verified list, please dm or post about it. If you simply want your run looked at, don’t.

You WILL see newer runs being verified before older ones. Most of the attention is being given to the oldest runs first, but there are legit reasons involving logistics and efficiency that you’ll see newer runs be verified first as well. This does mean sometimes multiple runs that are newer will be done before the oldest ones. It’s going to happen when you have a new game with a high volume of submissions. The way things get verified when you have a new game with a high volume of submissions is different than how it gets handled when a game has been out for a while to get through as many runs as possible while ensuring the integrity of the submissions. We try to do the oldest runs first as much as possible, and looking at the submissions queue it is clear that it is mostly being done this way, but there absolutely will be out of order verifying for a game with this many submissions and a larger mod team.

I’ll state this again, most of the verification is happening with the oldest runs being first. But you absolutely will see newer runs being verified first as well. You may or may not agree with it, but we have accepted over 320 submissions in 8 days with 8 moderators (Daravae is not here to help with verifying and is on the mod team for very specific reasons) not to speak of the amount of runs we have looked at that have not been accepted. If there are any more posts asking about verifications they’ll be locked with a link to this post from now on and any dm’s about it will also be linked to this post. Thank you to everyone that has been patient and understood, and thanks to everyone that has been impatient too for being part of the community and being passionate about your submissions.

LameRunner2049, Chaotic_Butter और 14 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl4 years ago

Hey everyone! With the submission date coming up, at midnight UTC on Sunday April 19th for those who haven’t seen the many other posts about it, we wanted to update what categories and rules are currently planned. This way everyone knows what can be expected for a verifiable PB when the time comes to submit.

The categories planned at this time are New Game and New Game+. NG will have Assisted, Standard, Hardcore, Nightmare, and Inferno difficulties. NG+ will allow all difficulties with a filter. Console will be filtered with one option being for PS4 Pro and Xbox One X and one option for PS4 Standard/Slim and Xbox One S/Day One. PC will be filtered with a cap at 120fps and at 60fps. In all categories, the Jill STARS costume from the item shop will be allowed because it doesn’t change any aspects of gameplay.

New Game will be exactly as expected, no shop items/unlockables will be allowed.

New Game+ will allow the use of any of the shop items/unlockables.

PC will use the in game timer as opposed to the Livesplit solution we had been hoping to use. After some exhaustive testing, there were issues that are inherent with the game that led to similar issues with the livesplit script that we were seeing with the IGT. After looking at many options we have chosen to have caps at 120fps and 60fps with a filter in place. I would like to thank @CursedToast for all of the time and work he put into trying to make the script work. This will require that the FPS will be displayed on your videos when submitting.

General rules for submitting:

Timed via In Game Time

Single segment ONLY

Submissions must contain all footage for the runs provided beginning with the difficulty select screen and ending with the end of game statistics screen. Any missing footage, other than cutscenes, can result in a rejection.

All game audio must be present for the entire run. Any muted audio will result in rejection. Any other audio must not drown out the game audio and could result in rejection at verifiers discretion.

Extended periods of time spent in the pause screen will also invalidate a run. (Limit 2 minutes per pause)

Loading a save IS NOT allowed. Continuing after a death IS allowed. You may make a save in a strategic area so that upon dying you will return to that location rather than an auto-save when you continue from the death screen.

The SRT IS allowed, and we encourage you to display it on screen when used.

The use of Turbo’s, Macro’s, Trainers, or other Mods are not allowed.

Some additional tips for submitting:

Local record when possible. Relying on your stream for your VOD’s can result in dropped frames and other video issues that could result in rejection.

If you are running NG and accidentally take a NG+ item out of the box, immediately place it back before closing the box. Once the box closes, any NG+ items on your character will make the run no longer considered NG even if you walk away and return in under 1 second.

Be aware of your stream overlays, if you have things covering the ammo counter, auto-save icon, or the inventory it can result in a rejection.

At this time, these are the planned rules and categories. We are looking at Pistol Only and Knife Only [Low%] as another couple of possible categories with the interest the community has already shown for it. As more details about how those categories could exist become apparent we can try to make them a reality. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this! We look forward to getting submissions in just a few short days!

Edit: I’ve been updating this post as rules and categories have been added/adjusted/removed. So this top post is up to date.

Jummer, Jakeeenator और 12 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl4 years ago

Here we are again with another Resident Evil title and a framerate related issue. Prior to release, we decided to wait until April 19th to begin submissions so that we could get a handle on things in terms of the actual game. One of the things we had assumed might be an issue, because of how it’s worked in the past, was framerate. In order to keep things fair, we are looking to cap the framerate to 120fps for RE3R submissions, which would require a FPS counter to be on your videos in similarity to RE2R’s requirement.

What is the issue? With RE3R the framerate issue is not with the knife, as it was in RE2R. With RE3R, the framerate becomes an issue because of an IGT problem during cutscenes. It appears that there are a fixed number of key frames during cutscenes as a new area loads and higher FPS processes those key frames faster resulting in less time loss. The following image/table has a breakdown of estimates based on data that we have collected. As a control, these were looked at from the same hardware with the game installed on an SSD. The only changes made between samples were to cap the framerates to 30, 60, and 120, and to reduce graphics as much as possible while uncapped to get a sample at 240+ FPS. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/688533392005791763/696222074238271518/timeloss.PNG Just as a reminder, those times are estimates based on the data we currently have collected.

Why cap it at 120fps? 120fps is a compromise by creating a framerate ceiling due to this unfortunate and uncontrollable circumstance that is an easily achievable standard for PC rather than allowing it to be uncapped which would effectively create a pay-to-win run. This mitigates the need for everyone to have a top tier PC to be competitive. With that in mind, there is no plan to create additional sets of categories for a lower framerate.

We are aware that this cap could ruffle some feathers, so please try to keep responses civil whether you agree or disagree with any of this.

Blucker12, vinev और 19 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl4 years ago

Hi everyone! We’re at that awesome place in the beginning days of what will ultimately become the RE3R Speedrunning community! I wanted to make a post to discuss some things before the game is released and the submissions start flowing in. This way everyone knows what to expect and we can start this off with some decent communication!

First up since it has been asked a couple times, there will not be category made for the Demo. Yossyhop has created an unofficial Google Sheet for everyone that is interested in keeping track and that can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mOOOhfzOXGumNZLnN6K0qRPP4iMeLm6CYUW1gCU4WSQ/htmlview Ultimately, for such a short run and the game release being such a short time away it doesn’t make sense for anyone to get bogged down with verifying runs that won’t mean anything in the grand scheme of the game in just a few days.

The next most important bit of info is that submissions will not be accepted until April 19th. This will give us all a little time to figure out some of the nuances of the game and make better decisions when creating the categories. If you submit a run before April 19th it will simply be rejected.

There is a decent bunch of folks currently behind the scenes on the moderator team. The current full team of mods will be added to the game page officially in the coming days and any additionally necessary folks will be added as needed. With the current setup, as of the time of this posting, the team is made up of runners and moderators of various other games in the Resident Evil franchise who really have a love and passion for the series. Most of the mods are already in the RE3R Speedrunning Community discord that you can find here: https://discord.gg/mE3r8UP

With that, a good number of the basic rules that have worked well in the past with RE games/communities will be carried over to RE3R. Video proof of the run will be required. The run will be single segment, and your video will need to be one full video from difficulty select to the end of game stats screen assuming it will have one. The game will be timed via IGT assuming the end of game stat screen shows it like is typical in RE games and assuming the IGT isn’t broken. A lot of this basic stuff has been worked out with prior games in the series and it makes sense to carry it over for the sake of consistency. Obviously, we will be adjusting/changing/adding rules once the game is released and we know more about the specifics of RE3R, but the Demo is a pretty decent indicator that we can expect similarity to other RE games with this release.

Once the game releases, there are a few things we as a community can be on the lookout for. Does frame rate affect the game/run and if so is it significant enough to make a difference? Is there an Out Of Bounds and how significant is it if there is? What glitches exist and do they have an affect on the run? If we can be on the lookout for these things starting day one it will make the category creation process better since we can more narrowly define things if we know about them. There will be some stickied forum posts to try and narrow the search for information on some of these topics.

As mentioned above, we will not be accepting submissions until April 19th. Having said that, when submissions do open up please be patient while awaiting your run to be verified. Assuming the volume of submissions is similar to previous RE games there will likely be a very high number of them in a very short period of time. The mods will make every attempt we can to get through them as quickly as possible while maintaining that the runs follow the rules for the categories they’re submitted for, but it still may take some time. Do your part to make this process easier by not editing existing submissions whether or not they have been verified, as doing this only adds to confusion and actually slows the process down. Submit each PB as new. When a game has as many submissions as the last few RE game have near release we get forum posts asking how long it takes to get verified and I can answer this question for everyone now: As long as it takes to get to your run. Many of the mods have been involved in these high submission volume releases and we will be using things we have learned from these past experiences to try and make this process go as fast as possible. Please be patient with us and the process, we want to get your run verified as much as you do!

Thanks for taking the time to read through this all! We're looking forward to the release in a few days and seeing all the work that will come out of this community! May the dodges be on your side!

seannyy_, FunkVT और 33 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl4 years ago

As we have changed the rules for the Jack's 55th Birthday Party DLC runs I feel like it's wrong to just wipe everything without having any record of what used to be, so I made a google doc with a record of every run from the old ruleset. If you'd like to check out the times from the old ruleset, you can do so here.... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pAIlIEquO0pqq46TJAQi0ofdsPpv0ciiwO2PK_hoEnE/edit?usp=sharing

United Stateszgl4 years ago

Hey everyone! I wanted to give an update on the DLC categories move and bring up an idea to completely change the Jack’s 55th Birthday categories.

The DLC move is almost complete. We currently have every run for Not a Hero, End of Zoe, 21, Daughters, Bedroom, and Ethan Must Die in their respective new DLC sub-games and will be removing those runs from the main game IL’s soon. We have been doing our best to make sure every run has been moved correctly, with each mod taking a second and third look over the runs to ensure that things are correct, but we are only human (except for maybe Yossy? Verdict is still out on that one) so please let us know if any of your runs in the new DLC boards have any problems/issues so that we can get them fixed ASAP!

We have intentionally not moved any of the Jack’s 55th Birthday runs to the new DLC boards yet because there has been an idea proposed that we wanted to bring to the community first. As it stands today, the Jack’s 55th Birthday categories are not actually a speedrun. These categories are more like a quick draw contest with some completion requirements afterwards. The times listed do not truly represent the amount of time it takes to complete a “run”. What these times do represent is how fast someone was able to land their first shot on one of the molded.

For anyone not familiar with the Jack’s 55th Birthday DLC, here’s an explanation of what it is. The primary goal is to feed Jack until he is full. Each level has various food items spread throughout which fill Jack’s “full meter” with each item having a specific amount of points that it fills, and certain food combinations give additional “fill points” to help make Jack full faster. While this is the main goal of this DLC, there is also a timer associated with each level and you must feed Jack before that timer runs out. The more time left on your timer, the higher your rank for that level. In order to get the best times, you must gain bonus time which causes the main timer to “pause” while you use that bonus time. Bonus time is achieved through damaging and killing the molded enemies throughout the level.

The “speedrun” of this category as it exists today is based on getting that initial shot on the first molded you come across as fast as possible so that you can get the main timer to pause, then damaging and killing molded throughout the remainder of the run so you don’t lose that paused timer time. In most of the runs that initial shot happens in the first 3 seconds of the run, meaning that as long as you can damage and kill enough of the other molded enemies in the level you will know in the first 3 seconds what your “run” time will be. The remainder of the run can be done at whatever pace you choose so long as you don’t run out of bonus time before getting Jack to be full, and you can “farm” that bonus time. Technically, a WR run in a category of this version of Jack’s 55th could be significantly longer than the last place run since we are only looking at how fast you can get that first shot.

What is being proposed for Jack’s 55th is that the run be changed to an actual speedrun based on how fast you can complete the main goal of making Jack full. Here are the proposed rules for all categories:

[quote]Beat the stage by feeding Jack as fast as possible

Timed via in-game time. Run Time = Stage Time + Total Bonus Time - Time Remaining - Remaining Bonus Time.

A valid VOD for submission must include the entire run and setup from the time you gain control of Mia until and including the end of stage results screen.

All runs must have Game and Microphone audio only. No part of the game footage/audio is to be eliminated for any reason. Pausing is allowed for strategic reasons only. For clarification see the submission guidelines.

See submission guidelines for clarifications and additional info. https://docs.google.com/document/d/14v6wDcDhxqYPTc-V76e33pInzsutEkdvhD7RH-ChZBM/edit?usp=sharing [/quote]

For sub-categories we could do New Game and New Game+ modes:

[quote]New Game – Golden Crowbar, Golden Blaster, Circular Saw, Map based items (such as the red and blue blasters), and all unlocked item bonuses are NOT allowed. Use only the box items for the given stage. [/quote]

[quote]New Game+ - All unlocked items and all map items are allowed. [/quote]

What this will change for the Jack’s 55th Birthday categories is that the submissions will be based on the entire run instead of how many resets you can do until you hit that perfect millisecond in the first 3 seconds of the run. It will change the categories to be actual speedruns that force the runners to be efficient with menuing and fine tune their movement for the best times. I have a comparison video of a mediocre attempt at this new proposed idea for these runs vs my current PB for the same level/stage you can see here for a point of reference.

Personally, I have a lot to lose, at least in terms of time spent, on making these changes as I have spent a significant amount of time doing these runs the current way over the last couple of years and have runs submitted for all 24 categories. Having said that, I would much rather see this DLC get a proper speedrun than keep the current version of the run which, to me, has always felt more like a high-score quick draw type of thing than a speedrun. We would love to get some feedback from the community before any changes be put into motion though, so please let us know your thoughts!

Edit: Adding this since I didn't directly mention it anywhere above. The plan for when the new categories would be created is that the current/existing runs would simply be removed from the boards.

Akaya, Rossrossy, और YossyHop इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl5 years ago

We wanted to let you all know that we are splitting the 60fps and 120fps into new categories as has been overwhelmingly agreed upon by the community starting right now. This will be a bit of a process as it's going to take more than just a few clicks to make it happen. Once we are finished the boards will look a little different due to how the categories are laid out, IMO a bit better. Please be patient with us while we go through this process as there are a good number of runs that need to be moved. Let us know if you see anything that goes awry during the process! Thank you all for your feedback so far, we look forward to hearing more from you all!


Soulless_Persona, Zero और 16 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl5 years ago

Due to the difficulty of being able to accurately verify runs that are recorded using a camera to film gameplay from a TV we will not be accepting submissions that are recorded in this manner.

Video needs to be captured using some type of capture device either by directly recording to your PC and uploading to a video hosting site or by using a streaming service like Twitch, YouTube, or Mixer and submitting a Highlight video of the stream. There also needs to be no significant frame loss in the video that is submitted.

Having good video quality combined with good audio quality in your submissions is very beneficial to being able to verify the integrity of a run. It can/could make it easier for the mods to determine if strange gameplay occurrences are legitimate and it makes the record more enjoyable to watch.

If you have any questions/concerns/comments please keep it to this thread. Thank you!

JoshKeys इसे पसंद करता है
United Stateszgl6 years ago

Hey everyone, I know a handful of you have been waiting for the End of Zoe and Not A Hero DLC's to come out and it's finally time! I know I'm excited about both DLC's, and many of you are excited about running them so I thought we'd get working together on what kind of runs we'd like to see.I will also be using this to gauge how much interest there is in running specific categories for these DLC's.

I'm going to post a SPOILER WARNING here for anyone that has not seen the leaks in case you are trying to avoid knowing absolutely anything about these DLC's. Since the leaks exist we can use these videos to start to form ideas for categories and rules. In explaining a couple of categories I do have spoiler content in them. So, you've been warned.

Before jumping all the way into this, There are two rules that will stay consistent with these two runs no matter what, and those are the single segment only rule, and the mic and in-game audio only rule. Below, I'm going to just list my thoughts/opinions on categories for the DLC's and get your feedback. I will list likely categories, which will be basic categories that you should kind of expect, and I will list potential categories, which will be categories that might work but we will not know for certain until after everyone has access to the game and it has been attempted/tested/achieved.

Not A Hero:

Likely Completion Type Categories: Any% - Beat the game as fast as you can. 100% - There are 10 coins and 9 files as well as stabilizers and steroids that can be collected and those all appear on the end game results screen.

Potential Completion Type Categories: Knife Only - Just like knife only un the main run where it follows new game rules with melee as your only option. It is currently unknown for certain if you could complete the game using only your knife, as it has yet to be attempted, but if so we could have this as a category.

Difficulty Categories: Easy - For the quickest version of the DLC Professional - Not a Hero's version of Madhouse, most difficult version of the DLC.

Mode Categories: New Game - Complete the game using none of the unlock-able items. New Game+ - All unlock-able items are allowed.

Then we would obviously separate PC and Console as we have with all other categories.

It would be timed using the in game time which is displayed on the end game results screen. Loading a game would not be allowed but retries would.

If you guys have any suggestions or clarifications please respond below. I again want to state that these are not finalized in any way, so suggestions/recommendations will be taken into account.

End of Zoe:

Likely Completion Type Categories: Any% - Beat the game as fast as you can. 100% - There are Boxer Effigies and Champion Effigies that are collectibles for this run that appear on the end of game Stats screen.

Potential Completion Type Categories: Melee% or Punchy% - In End of Zoe you can kill enemies without the use of weapons. This could be a category similar to knife% in the main run where it follows new game rules with melee as your only option. It is currently unknown for certain if you could complete the game using only melee, as it has yet to be attempted, but if so we could have this as a category. This would have to include the use of the Advanced Multi-Purpose Gauntlet since it is necessary for completion. It could be fun, there is a Punches Thrown counter that shows up on the stats screen. Extreme Challenges - After completing a difficulty you unlock the ability to do Extreme Challenges for that difficulty. It is unknown if they will be available for all runs on that difficulty from that point forward or if they will only be achievable once. If they are available for every run after the first completion, then a category where complete the game while accomplishing all of these challenges could exist.

Difficulty Categories: Easy - For the quickest version of the DLC Joe Must Die - End of Zoe's version of Madhouse, most difficult version of the DLC.

Mode Categories: New Game - Complete the game using none of the unlockable items. New Game+ - All unlockable items are allowed.

Again we would obviously separate PC and Console as we have with all other categories.

It would be timed in RTA since there is no timer listed on the end game Stats screen. Loading a game would not be allowed but retries would.

If you guys have any suggestions or clarifications for End of Zoe please respond below as well. I once again want to state that these are not finalized in any way, so suggestions/recommendations will be taken into account.

So lastly, I want to reiterate that these are my thoughts and opinions. Obviously, we need the DLC to be out before we could finalize any of these categories, but these are things we can keep in mind. I do not intend on creating the leaderboards for these two DLC's until they have been out for a few days at least so that we have time to get these ideas finalized. If I do make any categories in the first day or two they will likely be any% easy/professional/JMD ng/ng+ and any other categories could come at a later time.Part of the reason I would likely wait is for what I said above, to get rules and routes figured out, but also because I'll be running and learning these DLC's as I'm certain other mods will be as well so verifications would likely be slow to non-existent. Also, this gives us all time to get some routing started so our initial submissions are something we can look back on without embarrassed eyes.

Now it's your turn, give opinions/thoughts/etc.. below:

LoanSharkJoe, s1a1n1d1i और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl6 years ago

Hey everyone, so recently it was mentioned on here that there is a discord specifically for RE7. It was created just shy of a month ago with the intent to have a place for open discussion/questions and sharing of boss strats, routing, glitches, and other various things relating to RE7 and running the game. Myself, and some of the others who first started it, have been sending invites out to various RE7 runners over the last couple of weeks and have been trying to build up some content before sharing it here and I think we are at a good enough place to go ahead and share it.

Here is the link to this discord: https://discord.gg/tDucRSB

Here are a few examples of the things we have available now...

Commentated routing guides:

Commentated boss fight strats:

Non-commentated boss fight videos:

Strat comparison videos:

And we have channels to share your run fails, PB's, and other things as well. This discord is open to everyone. If you have a different name on discord than what you submit runs on this site with just @zgl or @admin with your SRC name and I'll get you set up with the runner role, otherwise I'll set you up as soon as I see you've joined, or someone will inevitably let me know before I've seen. Lol. Anyways, here is the link again if you missed it above, https://discord.gg/tDucRSB

Benzine, Psarthex और 5 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United Stateszgl6 years ago

I want to start this out by saying that I have no intention of kicking up a ton of needless drama with this thread, but I know that controversial topics can easily become a hotbed for that kind of thing and while it truly isn’t the intention it seems inevitable with the content of this thread. I simply want to bring up some of the issues that I have been hearing from many of the members of this community, explain the community engagement issue, and suggest a thing or two that would help the situation.

I think it’s time to address the issues that the RE7 running community generally has with the mods. I’m not just saying things that I have issues with, though on certain fronts I agree, but these are things that many of the currently active runners are discussing with each other. We had the big moderation post 2 months ago, I know it says 1 month but it’s only 3 days off from 2 full months. That thread ended up sort of just, silencing everyone, kind of. What it really did was make it very uncomfortable on the RE7 SRC page and on the RE Discord for RE7 runners. If you look at the forums, we’ve only had a few threads created since then. This isn’t because RE7 running is dead, there are a number of people that are running it every day, others who run a few times a week, and some that pop in every once in a while. It isn’t because the community isn’t really a community, almost all of the currently active runners are sharing strats and discussing the game other places. It really comes down to the fact that a lot of the RE7 runners feel like we are not allowed to have a voice here.

I want to make a point here by talking about Psarthex. He has been running this game basically since release, the earliest run I think he submitted was from 2 weeks after the game released. When the big “music on the runs” topic was being discussed he was vocal about his opinion. Go back and read his posts, he states his thoughts and questions and in the end just calls for coherency/consistency in the moderation process. Shortly after that thread, he proof called Punchy, before he was a mod, because a run was accepted with muted audio. In that thread, Psarthex asked if the music/muted rule was relevant still and while it was snarky in saying it, asking a question when a run is accepted after that much debate went on about the topic doesn’t seem like a dick move. What he did was call out the mod that verified the muted run for missing something that existed for approximately half the run. At the end, he said [quote=Psarthex] Oy, don't get me wrong Carci, I wasn't looking for holes (I'd apply to be mod if I wanted so) neither was I trying to trashtalk on your back, sometimes I just take a quick peak on other's run and I noticed that. So I was just curious[/quote] After this he posted some glitches, responded to other runners threads, and then came the Run Category SUGGESTION thread. This was what sparked the eventual Gyoo thread. If you go back and re-read this, Psarthex engages in this discussion by helping to make his points about a guest house only category. Now, the discussion about this has taken place already in the Gyoo thread, and Punchy since said [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy] I acted like kind of an asshole in that thread for basically no reason. Complete fuck-up on my part, I forget I represent more than just myself sometimes.[/quote] but in that thread a mod calls Psarthex and asshole and then says [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy] psar, literally all you've ever done is act like a dickhead to every single person who moderates this game endlessly and wondering why you're not gaining much traction with anything. Just stop posting.

I'm sorry being told how it is makes you uncomfortable and bitchy. And serious lol if you think my moderation has anything to do with the activity of the game. I'm also pretty sure this is still the most active game on sr.c so you're wrong on multiple different levels.

P.S Your stream layout and thumbnails are garbage and verifying your runs is physically painful for me.

Thread locked. This is going nowhere.[/quote]

Psarthex was a runner who had to this point only brought up his opinions and questioned things that he thought was wrong. In every case before this moment he ended up basically saying he understood, or that even if he didn’t agree that he would deal. He also had not been incredibly rude with any of the mod team, he honestly just voiced his thoughts and opinions without being a troll or acting like a dick. The first time he did anything of the sort, was posting the meme that many runners think was an accurate representation of how we felt at the time in that thread. After this, Psarthex did start trolling with memes in his thumbnails or videos. This came after being provoked by the moderation team. His runs became controversial and when he had an issue with a run that could have been easily explained with the rules he had the infamous rejection: [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy]Your 1h 46m 52s run in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard – Knife Only – PC, Easy has been rejected. Reason: CarcinogenSDA: reject until he quits being a buttbaby tbh[/quote]

So, why bring up all this history with Psarthex. Because Psarthex could have been any of the runners. No one trusts posting things here because look at how Psarthex was treated and how he continues to be treated. It’s incredibly unfair how he is now looked at like some malicious individual while the situation was created by the mods. Now, I know that after that we had the claims that he sent people to harass Carci and Punchy, but if you watch and listen in his video he never sends anyone to those channels. He does tell his chat, when they ask him, what happened and the names of the mods. He does tell his viewers to give Punchy a message in his own chat in his video. And since, I won’t even pretend like Psarthex doesn’t take the opportunity to meme about the mods in his streams and in chat. Ultimately, this type of leadership from our mods has made it difficult for people to want to be engaged where the mods are at. Especially, since outside of these issues with the mods, Psarthex is a great part of this community. He regularly shares strats and helps runners with slower PB’s to learn routing or boss strats.

The next point, which is incredibly important as well, is that we have ten mods and only one of them is active, and one is semi active. Half of the mods log in so little that they qualify to be removed by the community under Gyoo’s inactive moderator guidelines. The other 3, don’t do a lot in regard to verifying runs or appearing to be active in RE7 anymore. There was that time, early, when the game was being run to death that we had more mods being active, but that hasn’t been the case in months. This is an issue with a lot of the currently active runners. We want our mods to be active. I think everyone understands that not every mod needs to be on all the time, but the overall inactivity is terrible. The overall inactivity also leads to other issues, like we have happening right now. Over a week ago, Psarthex, yes we bring him up again, submitted a WR 100% run on PC on the same night that my 100% WR run was verified by Punchy. Since, 10 runners have had 12 pb’s verified, but Psarthex’s WR run still sits unverified. When he asked Maxylobes about verification for the run, he was told it may take a day or two longer until someone familiar with 100% could verify the run. Punchy has been on and verified 10 of the pb’s and Carci has verified 2 over the last week, and Punchy is the same mod that verified my 100% run. If this isn’t a personal grudge against him, it certainly appears that Psarthex is having his run ignored for personal reasons. This is a legit run, I went over it with him afterwards and verified that the run was actually a legit run in case that may have been what was holding it up. Many of the other active runners have seen or know about his run, and many of them have problems with a WR run being ignored because of personal issues, because again, this could have been any of us. In fact, when I mentioned bringing up any of the issues that I am talking about here with a few of the other guys, each of them told me to be careful because, “You’ll never have any of your runs verified again.” It’s depressing and discouraging that this is the attitude of many of the people running this game.

I understand that what I’m saying may set off the people moderating this game and I find it unfortunate that this situation has gotten to this point but I’m only expressing how a lot of the active RE7 runners feel. When I hear other guys/gals basically saying that being an RE7 runner on the RE discord feels like a badge of shame I think it’s messed up.

So as I said in the opening paragraph here, I have some suggestions. The first is that we cut the mods that qualify to be removed based on Gyoo’s post here, http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/63nr7 . In addition, I think that any mod that is letting personal issues get in the way of doing their job need to either need to work through that problem and start fresh or remove themselves from moderation. I also suggest that we get a new mod from the community that is going to be active and engage the community in a way that promotes the community.

I’m fully aware that the likelihood of this next statement is likely crushed by the content of this thread, but I would like the opportunity to become a mod. I have been actively pushing for this community to come together for some time. Ask any of the WR holders and most of the people that are submitting runs and they can verify that statement. I already watch nearly every run that gets verified and in many cases, have seen them streamed live already. I have the software to check the audio for discrepancies and already know how that works and what to look for. I know the requirements of every run in RE7. I’m very engaged in this community and I feel strongly about it. It’s why I felt this thread was necessary. It’s why I am voicing what they, and I, feel about the state of things right now. I don’t have personal issues against any of the mods and I believe we could work well together. There are other members of the community that have mentioned that they would also like to be a mod in the case where the inactive ones were removed and I’m certain if you made it available they would reveal themselves.

I also want to add, that I decided at one point to discuss this privately with the mods, after typing this whole thread out. I had messaged one of them about an hour ago and planned to talk to them when ever they were available, but the post Carci just made on the RE discord further proves my point, and pushed my decision to make this visible to everyone.

Unbound_selrahc, SpHipnoTiik और 10 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
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