Michigan, USABBoyBaggens1 month ago

Well done! Great use of the look button to not lose time changing direction while looking around. Excellent use of fires. The size of the spawns you got and the location in the center was really fantastic (a MUST for a good time). Such a good run! I'm nervous about my WR... ;)

StarcatLazuli इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens2 years ago


I'm considering running this game a bit and had some questions about what settings I can change and make sure I'm still following rules.

Are enemy markers on allowed?

In the current run in Any% I see that one of the islands was changed when generating the world. Are we allowed to choose any types to be generated? Are custom islands allowed? (I'm assuming not for custom)

I'm also assuming that Editing Robot settings is also not allowed?

Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Nevermind. I just found it under the Misc tab on the leaderboard. Sorry for the unnecessary post! I may have to see if I can develop a run for that category... It would be a much shorter run which could fit my schedule better than a 2+ hour run.

Capridog और
हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करें
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Ok... So... if you enter debug mode it allows you the ability to fly. This opens up a bunch of questions. This at the very least lets you skip Beaver Creek but I'm sure there is more. But I'm wondering how this fits into the current runs.

Is debug mode an option for Any%? Should there be an Any% - No debug category?

What are your thoughts?

Capridog और
हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करें
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

For documentation sake I'm going to throw this here. The correct input for the debug menu on the English version is:

R1,R2,R1,R2, Down, L2,L1,L2,L1 Up, Select at the main menu.

Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Will do. Still having problems with getting my debug screen to come up for the level select. I may just need to play through to those points. :( But hopefully I can figure out the debug.

Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Here is my tutorial on the dialog skip. I just used the intro dialog as an example. I have also skipped the old lady's first dialog and Granny's first dialog successfully.


हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

I'll send you a DM on Twitch with mine. It looks like you have requests blocked right now.

Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Dude, I just busted this game wide open. I just skipped regular dialog with this pause slide into the triggers. Are you on discord? This is going to shave SO MUCH TIME OFF OF THE CURRENT RUN.

हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Also I'll see if I can find a copy of the Japanese version so I can test on that too.

हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

I just skipped some Mole dialog with a similar pause method... I went back and did it a second time so I know it is a thing but I need to do testing to see what exactly is going on so I can communicate what I'm doing well. BUT I have some text skips for you!!!!

हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Are there any other known oddities like this? Or any places you have a feeling could potentially have a glitch or benefit greatly from a glitch? I can focus any efforts on those things then and avoid already know items.

हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Thanks for letting me know about the Japanese version. I'm guessing that the text box & loading speed outweighs the time for the boot skip then?

I wish I had the time to devote to running this. But I don't. I'm getting a light "TAS" setup so I can spend a little time looking for potential glitches usable in the run. I will let everyone know if I find anything else. I did document the strategy as well for anyone to reference:


Capridog इसे पसंद करता है
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens4 years ago

Are you aware you can skip the cut scene for picking up boots?

Capridog और
हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Retro Game Challenge
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens6 years ago

I think we should change the Timing for the full game to something like:

"Starts at Finish on name screen, ends at the "SAVE" screen before the end credits"

After the final challenge is complete there is still some dialog you have to get through (which dialog navigation is a big part of this run currently) The save screen after that dialog is really the last part that you can control which would effect the time it takes to complete the game.

For instance you could just sit with the dialog up for 5 mins after the last completion and never see the end credits. Once the final save screen you can't effect the completion time any longer (short of turning off the game).

What do you think?

धागा: Retro Game Challenge
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens6 years ago

I'll PM you on youtube and we can work out where to chat/PM. I have a few google docs I can share.

धागा: Retro Game Challenge
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens6 years ago

Hello All!

I decided that I would learn a new speed run during SGDQ 2017. I looked through my games for one that I wouldn't mind putting hours into and decided on this one. However, in looking up speed runs for this it appears there isn't one as far as I can find! Is anyone closet running this? Has anyone tried to run it and given up? Anyone interested in developing this game's speed run with me?

I've already begun creating pretty detailed splits for this game and done some preliminary pathing. Based on what I have it should be ~2 hours and 30 mins per run. But I'm confident that time can be shrunk. There is a boat load of optimization left to do.

Next steps for me are:

  1. Complete initial split estimates and setup
  2. Get my DS setup working for streaming again
  3. Do a proper run
  4. Post results and list of current strats used to achieve

I'd love to get this game active so if anyone wants help or wants to help, I'M IN!

धागा: Crystalis
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens7 years ago

Here are the TAS notes for easy reference if anyone needs them: http://tasvideos.org/GameResources/NES/Crystalis.html

धागा: Crystalis
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens7 years ago

Thank you for the tips!

I know in a run I watched Dragondarch do he talked about timing swings but I didn't quite understand his explanation. Is it just that you can swing more often timing the input? or is it learning the distance/time to swing with each enemy? or some combination of both? Sorry for all the questions. I can't find a ton of detailed information about the technical aspects of the run other than the TAS notes :S

Also... Is the Giant Insect skip (via the level 2 sword/ball reset glitch) viable? I feel like there are crazier things speed runners do to save less time. Is it just that there are easier things to do to save time right now that it isn't being attempted?

धागा: Crystalis
Michigan, USABBoyBaggens7 years ago

I did figure out the slime somewhat. My tip would be "Circular motion" rather than straight to him and straight back in. That helped me at least.

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