United StatesArt_Izon8 hours ago

1 - 6:54

2 - 7:40

6 - 5:54

9 - 8:02

12 - 2:16

11 - 4:15

14 - 8:40

16 - 9:05

18 - 2:33

17 - 3:28

19 - 3:07

20 - 7:35

21 - 1:49

22 - 6:47

24 - 2:09

25 - 8:47

27 - 3:56

United StatesArt_Izon6 days ago

1 - 7:20

2 - 9:20

6 - 6:16

11 - 4:50

13 - 9:41

17 - 3:22

19 - 2:38

9 - 7:24

12 - 1:06

16 - 10:08

18 - 3:10

20 - 8:53

21 - 2:10

22- 6:55

24 - 1:59

25 - 11:54

27 - 4:30

Penalty (20 & 27) - 14:53.566

United StatesArt_Izon8 days ago

Great to see so much happening in the Anime Speedrun Community! Can't wait to see how some of these develop during the coming months!

KhaDuy, gamebrain और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United StatesArt_Izon22 days ago

1: 7:24

2: 8:03

7: 9:25

11: 4:52

13: 10:50

17: 3:26

19: 3:49

Total: 47:49

United StatesArt_Izon6 months ago

I have some thoughts on the leaderboard organization for this game:

  1. This game has a Speedrun Mode, but that isn't on the board - despite being called Speedrun Mode. It uses IGT, which is displayed on the end screen.

  2. 1CC is the only way to play the game outside of the stage select. The trial modes don't have continues; if you run out of lives you are forced to start over. For this reason, having a 1cc category or subcategory doesn't make sense.

  3. Difficulties make more sense as subcategory variables than entire categories. Boss Rush also has difficulties which are not represented on the board. Difficulties as subcategory variables would rectify that.

  4. There are no game rules. The game rules should specify things like requiring video proof, allowing replays (I have tested the replay feature, it is accurate), requiring audio, etc. etc.

  5. Lastly, the page image (up by the title) is cut off rather strangely:

I have times to submit for an Expert clear and a Maniac Speedrun Mode clear. I will submit them once these changes are addressed and Speedrun Mode is added to the boards (having to move them after would be more work for you).

Here's the speedrun mode video:

onthefly00 और Teru इसे पसंद करें
धागा: DoDonPachi
United StatesArt_Izon7 months ago

There's a whole bunch of ties on the leaderboard (a three-way tie for 2nd and a tie for 5th), wondering what others' thoughts are on adding milliseconds to times via retiming in order to break the ties? Game's pretty short after all.

United StatesArt_Izon7 months ago

It's particularly strange since the top run uses the "emulator" variable and isn't hidden. I imagine it's an oversight.

ViviMayoi इसे पसंद करता है
United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

Yeah, the reasoning behind it is that allowing stages to be completed in any order means losing less time to character selection in scenarios where it would be valuable to switch characters. I'm not sure how often that will be but it's for future-proofing. So basing the timer-stop on something every stage has in common creates parity.

Guess I need to try Super Bass, I've only played up through chapter 14 at this point so I haven't unlocked him. I have a list of all the characters with movement-increasing abilities, though.

United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

Mod note: Retimed to 7:28.900. Time ends on first frame of stage clear popup.

ThatOneEnder इसे पसंद करता है
समाचार: MEGAMAN X DiVe Offline
United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

I can get behind that re: the ILs.

I think Jakob Elevator or whatever it's called can probably also be an NG+ category where it's just "do the whole thing" but also I wonder if anyone will actually run it. At that point I like to err on the side of "I will add it as soon as someone does a run of it," the assumption being that they will do the whole thing in one go on one of the three difficulties. Probably easier to leave it out for now until someone shows specific interest in running it, at which point it can be revisited.

If we are to add individual story levels, it would probably also make sense to add events. Four of those have assignable levels, but I'm under the impression that you can just set those to whatever, I don't think there's much sense in setting them to highest since they're by far the easiest events.

It's going to take me a while to add all the levels not because of the number but because only some ILs are separate for story/challenge and that's technically a subcategory. So expect that within a couple days.

समाचार: MEGAMAN X DiVe Offline
United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

I will add a note to the rules suggesting that turning music off is ideal because of this.

United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

And I do not care about moderating for this game. I said before - I only asked for it because I always do when I ask for changes, to reduce the work of making those changes. I just want the way the board is set up to be sensible for runners.

United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

Rule #1 of leaderboard moderation:

Rule #5 of leaderboard moderation:

Rule #1 is a rule clarifying that the community makes decisions about what categories should be. Moderators are supposed to support the community wishes. That is why they exist.


United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

You think it makes sense to have 58000 subcategories? Really? It makes sense to you that if there's maybe 100 runs on this board someday, it should be almost impossible for anyone to find anything but the 5 newest?

United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

I think that might be getting lost in translation. "This leaderboard organization is hilarious" = he is saying it is a joke the way the leaderboard is organized.

Either way, if you can't understand that it's silly to have 58000 subcategories (which the board has right now) then I don't know what to tell you.

130 characters
28 stages/phases
2 (max lv/not max lv)
2 (normal/challenge)
2 (any% / glitchless)
130 * 28 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 58240
United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

What is this then?

Anyway, I'm saying that even having them split by character is silly. It's still 29000 boards already. I think you should take out the character subcategory and just make it an annotation. Nighlin seems to be arguing the same thing. The guy who commented yesterday also said having character split made no sense.

United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

Don't split the board by weapons, that's ridiculous. It's already too much split by character. You have three people telling you it's too much if you count the guy from the other thread (ThatOneEnder). You are the only one who wants to split it like this but it doesn't make any sense.

United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

Sure, but I don't understand why that isn't just assumed. There is no need to separate the board by character. There are ~130 of them. It's just silly. It makes way too many boards which makes the leaderboard hard to navigate.

United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

The other reason the character subcategory split doesn't make sense is because it's possible to switch characters between missions, and there are many cases where this would be faster. Even in shorter categories like just one chapter - Gaea Armor X and Shadow Armor X would be fastest on some maps in chapter 14 for example. Preventing this with character subcategories is just taking a mechanic out of the game for no reason.

United StatesArt_Izon8 months ago

The board is already very cluttered because of the character split which I still think is not needed. And you equip two weapons, not one, so that doesn't make sense to make subcategories for.

Art_Izon के बारे में
Professional complainer. Speedrun mostly Musou and anime games.
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