Transformers DS variants
5 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Hello! I am interested in speedrunning this game, and I own a DS variant of said game. The DS games split into two versions (kind of like how Pokemon does) with one being Transformers: Autobots and the other being Transformers: Decepticons. Both games follow slightly different storylines and have some minor game differences. In my experience, these games can be quite broken and possibly fun to run. Since those DS games are spinoffs of the console title, I was wondering if anyone would consider adopting these games into the Transformers speedrunning canon. Thanks for your time!

Glacials इसे पसंद करता है
Washington, USA

Sure! I can make separate games for them. I'm about to get on a plane, will add them a bit later.

JoeyS111 इसे पसंद करता है
Pennsylvania, USA

Alright, sounds great! Thanks a ton! I joined the Transformers discord, so we can discuss this a bit further without clogging up the forums any more than we have to.

गेम विवरण
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