Ledges that teleport Lara
7 years ago

While browsing Youtube for RotTR glitches, I stumbled upon this. Seems some ledges are able to teleport Lara long distances...

Tried it myself in this location, and it works. This particular ledge tends to take Lara from NW side of Geothermal Valley to the NE side pretty consistently. However, Lara's height varies in the process, sometimes causing her to end up under ground and fall to her death.

Was this known? I guess something like this could have speedrun potential?


Hmm, it's definitely interesting. Someone might have mentioned that ages ago (at least I seem to recall it now) but we kind of forgot about it. I guess I'll be trying to grab all kinds of random ledges from now on :P

United States

I've toyed with that for a while but never found anything. with it I could get to areas on the map we aren't supposed to be, but it never lead to anything. as for other maps with a similar glitch, I havent found any. But this map may not be useful because of the route, but you never know

Florida, USA

Most of the people who ran this game the first month or two know about this I think. I've messed around with it a decent amount a while back and it's a fun trick to show a friend or something but it's not speedrun friendly. It teleports you insanely fast semi-randomly to the other side of the map and about half the time you are in a position where it's near impossible to get out without dying it seems. If you had perfect RNG and luck and it fit in a speedrun route then maybe but otherwise I don't think it's much else then a really neat trick unless some way of making it safter & more consistent is found. Thanks for sharing regardless! :)

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
New Patch Problem with Load Remover

PC runners, at the time being, the best idea would be to downpatch the game to b1026, as load remover and autosplitter don't work on the newest patch. Runs that don't use load remover will not be manually re-timed. You can easily do that in Steam Options by right clicking on the game in the Steam L

2 years ago
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