weird bug with the steam version
6 years ago

Hi, so before i had a crack version of quake 3 and i never had this problem before so i buy the steam version and i have this issue like i click for fire right BUT it repeat my input so i can just click once and it's still clicking without touching the mouse it does that with every input jump etc ... can someone know wtf happend to my quake 3


btw it really ruined my speedrun especially when i use the rocket launcher

Czech Republic

Does it like happen regularly? Does it happen in other games as well? I had the same issue in other games (very rarely, like once a year), but never in Q3. The only problem I had in Q3 with mouse were double inputs on my Razer Deathadder, which I solved by lowering USB poll frequency to 500Hz. Most likely not game related.

Albatrox इसे पसंद करता है

no it does only on Q3 and my mouse is a steelseries rival 310

गेम विवरण
हाल की दौड़ें
स्तर: Q3DM5: The Forgotten Place
स्तर: Q3DM4: The Place of Many Deaths
स्तर: Q3DM3: Arena of Death
स्तर: Q3DM2: House of Pain
स्तर: Q3TOURNEY3: Hell's Gate
ताज़ा धागे
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