Request new category extensions here!
6 years ago
United Kingdom

Hi all! Feel free to post your category suggestions here, and if we like them, we'll add them on. If you already have a run of your requested category, be sure to post it as well! It will help us to decide :)

6rim इसे पसंद करता है
United States

Hey guys,

Although this thread is old, I figured I'd still give it a post to see. I have been speedrunning Fable Anniversary for a little while now, and thought of a category that is shorter then the rest and might provide some relief from major categories. I give you Raid Oakvale% (couldn't think of a better name LUL), a category that focuses on buying every building in Oakvale (excluding the chicken contest house). I also put some time in to put together a route to show the run off. Rules would be as follows, mostly being copied from Anniversary any%:

All submissions must include full video with audio. Short dropouts are acceptable (stream dies, video feed missing, etc) but this will be factored in on a run-by-run basis.

Any submission with a Time without loads must have the loadless timer visible on screen at all points of the run (small dropouts of a few seconds are acceptable) to have their loadless time considered.

This run is to be played on Chicken difficulty.

Timer starts at the end of the first loading screen and ends when you BUY the last available building in Oakvale. Renting out the buildings is allowed.

00h 00m saves in the opening Oakvale segment are acceptable as a starting point for runs (this is so you don't have to make a new profile for every attempt).

If creating a new profile, you MUST close and reopen the game first, as making it without doing so causes profile corruption which causes stats, playtime, and summon creature to copy over to the new profile.

DLC equipment can exist in the game but may not be bought or used in runs.

Or something along these lines. I will also be posting a video below. Let me know what you guys think!


Pub games! :)

  • As separate "Level" runs;
  • in-game time for card games/spot the addition;

I have some:

Card Pairs - 9.8

Card Sorting - 12.2

Spot the Addition - 2.4

I mostly grinded Card Pairs, as some people may know, some other people had decent scores as well. I even made my own crazy challenge based on that, when I have to win a doll 100 times in a row. Someone even did that better than me! That was a fun competition, (would not be a real category, as it is very specific).

But I think a having a single records official leaderboard for each pub mini-games would be nice.

  • Other mini-games might have special format such as:

So the lower amount of strokes is more important, like it was a part of the rules in 2022 anniversary event. For example, this run of Coin Golf would have "time" of 7.36, because 7 strokes, 36 seconds.

  • And Shove 'ha Penny can be just RTA I think.
  • Slow-time spell banned, obviously.
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