Version Differences
9 years ago

2012 iOS/Android and PC Desura

Only supports 1 playable character Only supports one difficulty (normal = 4HP) It doesn't have an in-game timer.

Late 2012/Early 2013


First version to support 3 characters First version to support 3 difficulties (Easy = 8HP and no instant death into pits, Hard = 2HP) First version to have an in-game timer. Because it is the 3DS version, recording runs can be challenging if you do not have a capture device installed. Gameplay runs at a resolution of 400x240

Late 2013

PC Steam Has all of the 3DS features but sacrifices 3D to support HD resolutions.

Late 2015

Wii U HD collection. This release is the first version to include Chieftain Bob from Gunman Clive 2, a fast runner but lacks attacking range. Developer Bertil confirmed that some of the level designs, especially against the train boss were tweaked.

Edit: Level 10 - The train boss was moved closer to the furthest platform. Level 13 - After the last rotating platform, the grenadier guard was removed. Level 14 - After the first screen, the peeking guard was changed to a stationary guard.


also, in stage 3, since the physics in the WiiU HD version use GC2 engine, the shortcut no longer works... here's a short vidoe showcasing it:


On another note, there seems to be 2 type of IGT, at least in the HD version, the Total Time given at the end of the game, and the File Play Time... So which are we considering when submitting our run?! personnaly i would go with the Play Time from the File, since i think its how its done for the other version of the game, right?!

New Jersey, USA

Is it possible to submit iOS/Android runs, as the board currently stands?

Also, is iOS/Android the full game? I read a random review that said something vague like, "This game is lacking in levels." I'm assuming it's just another goofy reviewer, but I've never played the game.


I have no clue how this version works, if you really want to play it, record your run and post it here on the thread, then I'll create the category ok?

I also found out that there's a SNES rom for the game It only has the first stage. If someone wants to speedrun it I'll add it for the giggles.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
New Jersey, USA

There's a game boy rom, as well. It's the same level but with many hardware-based differences.

New Jersey, USA

I did a game boy run!

I timed it from pressing start to the moment the HUD disappears.

I'll go for 45 tomorrow :D


sooooo, is there a particular reason why 2 of my runs have been randomly deleted from the leaderboards... e.i. wiiu clive & ms. johnson, any%?


When I was rearranging the boards I probably didn't pass your runs to the new format, I apologize. You can resubmit them.

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