Inconsistent Category Naming (Vote)
7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Hey In the 100% tab, there is a variant which allows a user to select whether they want to see 'without mission skips' or with 'mission skips times'. However, Any% without mission skips and Any% with mission skips are given separate tabs. This is inconsistent.

Please vote on the following solutions:

  1. Make Any% similar to how 100% is now.
  2. Make 100% similar to how Any% is now.
  3. Leave it as it is.

To clarify, no category will be removed. I forgot to add the imgur so check out the leaderboard to understand what I mean. Look at the set up for both types of 100% and both types of Any%.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
  1. mission skips are just unfair, we speedrun to use glitches in order to skip not to use a game mechanic for it
Edited by the author 7 years ago
Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

1, but I'm not sure if you would then make "without mission skips" default, like it is for 100%, or make "with mission skips" default, which would make the shortest full game runs show as soon as you choose that category.

Also option 2 would be a little bit dumb, seeing as 100% with mission skips is not run by anyone yet, so you'd end up either making a category no one runs, or 100% would just go back to how it used to be, where mission skipping is banned.

(Also like I said to reydawg for the hypothetical moving of another category, you'd probably want to ask for an admin to help you move them over if this option wins.)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
New Zealand

Delete 100% with mission skips. I can almost guarantee that nobody will ever do a serious run.

Tasmania, Australia
  1. (Perhaps remove 100% with mission skips) I agree with CheeseLover, no one will bother running the category as hardly anyone runs any% already. In contradiction to the game I believe 100% means "completing missions", not "skipping missions".
New South Wales, Australia

I abstain from voting so the total is: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

The majority is in favour of making any% consistent with 100%. A discussion can be had later about which category should be seen first.

I will leave the poll open for 24 hours. If you have already voted, please do not revote/change your vote or comment further. Should a majority in favour of one option not be reached, a revote will occur with just the two most voted on options. I will vote only to break a tie.


I Didn`t Fully Understand The Whole Thing! But I Will Vote #3 "Let It Be"! :-D

Edited by the author 7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

The current vote is: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3

10 voted for 1 and 4 voted against 1, thus a majority has been reached. I will attempt to make the changes in line with the vote.