Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller3 years ago

I have no runs on the boards, as this game is continually on my hit-list that I never reach for, but have you reached out to this guy?

SpymasterCosades aiment ceci
Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller5 years ago

While I'm at it, if you're not already, I check the ScummVM bug-tracking forums for glitches in the Quest for Glory series. ScummVM does run Lands of Lore, so they track bugs for this one, also.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller5 years ago

Geez it just gets nuttier. I figured the Fireball wand in the weapon hand would work, but I didn't suspect that it would lead to a Fireball wand that can be used infinitely! That right there is the end of the game.

I also played around with this and discovered the infinite Might side of things, but didn't think about Baccata underflowing his Might. Could we underflow Kieran's Might as well by duping/equipping a dagger, selling the dagger, buying a Long Sword, removing said Long Sword? For whatever reason, when I left an area, the underflow damage disappeared from the main character. :/

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller5 years ago

Aw... please come back and confirm this video and run will happen on video! :O

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller5 years ago

Break the game. Separate the categories if anyone takes issue. Any% and Any% NMG are common, but I for one cannot WAIT to see this.

Please oh please make this tutorial. :)

PLANET aiment ceci
Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller5 years ago

This game has been on my hit-list for a long time, and I've streamed it a few times. I'm looking forward to speedrunning this one before too long.

P.S., GREAT time compared to the others.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

Yeah, it's because AGDI did something different with the game that QFG2EGA didn't do: they gave you a choice. I hadn't looked into it at that point, yet, and had no idea. Crow probably has the right idea; but that totally depends on something I'm still unsure of. Does selecting Wizard or Paladin show or hide the additional 50 points on the final character screen?

If it shows 550 points no matter what, it should be on Ad Avis' death. If it shows 500 if you choose to forgo Paladin-hood, then it should be where Crow ends timing.

Make a video and report back. :D

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

I'm attaching this game to the Discord Server for Quest for Glory Speedrunning.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

At Crow's suggestion (and he was right), I started a Discord for speedrunning this game now that our little community consists of more than just myself.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

First, thanks! I'm thrilled seeing new runners.

Second, I agree, Planet. I did read that the Coles had no idea that the point glitch existed, and in fact, said it was intended that 15 points would be spent. However, my intent with the rule was to ensure that nothing went negative. Davidtki was the first one I saw use the 1-point skill gain thing, and I loved it because it was a clever interpretation of the rules. In other words, as long as stats don't go negative, I'm cool with it. HOWEVER, see point four below.

Third, NICE finds on the route. Zara's shop was interesting enough, but finding an alternative to the dagger throw was utterly fastastic. Well done!

Fourth, the Any% with Major Skips is the one category that really should allow the stat-glitch. I went back and forth for a long time on that one, and landed on that answer. That's why you have the big "ANY AND ALL..." statement there; no other category says it. If I'm hearing you right, however, you feel it should be it's own category, which is an idea I'm okay with. "All-Glitches Allowed" sound good?

PLANET aiment ceci
Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

"One other question: I was looking at rules on Speed Demos Archive, and it mentioned not quitting and re-loading the game. (The segmented vs single segment rules, specifically.) Does this mean that, if the game crashes or I get killed, my run is over? Or is this meant to refer only to situations where you run bits separately and can re-do them for lower times?"

While I love SDA's timing, we're not indebted to their rules. I'm not going to be a stickler either on saving and loading because this game has some heavy RNG, but we won't stop the timer for saving/reloading. hehe

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

Alrighty, I will attempt to answer them here.

First, WELCOME~! I'm always excited to see new QFG speedrunners, and consider any resources I may have at your disposal. 41m59s is a GREAT time, so I'd love to see it.

First, for recording, I'm not too picky. I don't want to go over anything that you might already know, but OBS (Open Broadcaster System) is great for recording and free. There are tutorials that can go over the basics for setting that up, as well. The nice thing about QFG is that even older laptops run the games well, so it doesn't take up tons of system resources that can be used for recording nicer.

Each of the categories has the system settings for the games under the "Rules" button, which for DOSBox really just involves making sure the cycles for the game are set to 10,000. For Quest for Glory 1 VGA, disable EMS (EMS=false) at the bottom of the DOSBox settings. This will prevent your game crashing from the dreaded "Out of Handles" error that plagues QFG1VGA speedrunners.

I also have taken the time to give specifics on when timing starts, when it ends in the rules section for each game. For QFG1VGA, it happens when the Sheriff is finished saying "Good luck" and ends upon completing the final action, per SpeedDemoArchive timing. Also, the well known stat-glitch in QFG1VGA that allowed you pretty much infinite points is NOT allowed. Any glitches that happen once the timer starts, however, are totally legit and encouraged.

I don't use splits, so I'm not sure, but there are guides out there for games. Since these games don't have an official set route, however, there are no official splits to even reference unless you're mirroring Puri or davidtki and their routes. David uses the splits pretty much to keep a running of idea of where he needs to go next, and even then it's a guideline if RNG isn't kind.

To submit, you'd record either through a Twitch recording or YouTube or something like it. I recommend YouTube because they don't limit you anymore and there isn't a time-limit on saving the recording.

I'm in the process of exactly such a guide on Steam right now for the series, but it's not going to be done for a while. In the mean time, ASK QUESTIONS. You can email me directly with questions at my screen name

Hope this helps. Let me know if you'd like more help, and I can't wait to see this 41m run.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

I've now added rules for each individual category for each individual game, added one or two categories, and made some adjustments to each that made sense. I'll list them here. Feel free to discuss.

  1. Any% in QFG1 is now "Any% with Major Skips" to differentiate between a full game and the Dagger-Glitch for the Brigand's Room. The Dagger-Glitch is the big differentiation, after all.

  2. Any% is now "Import Any%" for games beyond QFG1. In QFG2 this is for all imported characters. In QFG3 and beyond, it's for Fighter/Wizard/Thief, because Paladin has it's own category.

  3. Changed 100% in QFG2EGA to Max% for Fighter and Wizard, because they can get to 550 points. Thief was kept 100% because you cannot gain 500 points without DQing yourself from becoming a Paladin.

  4. Changed QFG2VGA to Max% for all characters again with the Thief exception. Although, I believe they have patched this problem out, I just haven't had the time to run through the Thief to see if you can get 550 points.

  5. QFG3 - I've left room for error and correction in the 100% categories for each class, because there are three different lists for what the final possible score should be. It'll be a while before I sort through this, but the rules are there and allow for correction and what happens if correction happens.

  6. QFG4, known for it's glitchiness, required the least amount of special considerations. Apparently, it's the cleaniest to speedrun because there's no major-skips glitch (yet) and all the points work. :)

  7. QFG5 -100% is 1,000 points. Added a new category for the Bruno-Frostbite skip glitch, because, let's be fair about it, it should be. Any% for the individual classes now prohibits the Bruno-Frostbite skip.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

Answering no. 8, there is a new entry added which addresses the multi-game gauntlet, under the name "Quest for Glory Collection." I have added specific rules to the genre which I believe make sense for each of the classes/catagories. I also added the correct number of points necessary for each game, including QFG3 which has different amounts depending on class due to programming errors.

Paladin Any% was VERY interesting to think through, and I believe adds quite a bit of versatility depending on the route.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

"Fighter 100% is empty at-the-moment and it's clearly because of Swordy Lordy." - I just noticed that. Actually, it's empty at the moment because you and I are really the only ones actively running QFG1VGA. lol

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

I seriously can't wait to see it. The Fighter was the one I was really interested in. Let me know if you plan on streaming it.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

I can also confirm that he was pretty easy even with 11 intelligence once I dropped all of your food and the chainmail. Carry weight does play a role in this calculation, and to my knowledge, this is the only place in the entire game where it does make a significant difference. Give it a try and let me know.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

Yeah, but that shouldn't make TOO much difference, from my understanding. I'm obviously using the GOG versions, but installed MUNT as well to get the MT32.

I just tried your save and yes, it's just as you said, it's unwinnable at 10,000 cycles, and fairly manageable at 2,000 cycles. :/ As it stands right now, I'm at a loss as to what to do about this route. I'm going to look into some other forums and see if I can find a solution. Be back in a bit.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

Wow. I'm sorry I totally missed this part. I'm usually a LOT more attentive.

  1. 10,000 cycles, which is the release, seems to be what we're going with.
  2. Since I'm kind of the guy who works on this series, I say go with whatever version works. If you find a faster version of some of the games, go with the faster version. In particular, I can think of two faster tricks in QFG4 that only work on the diskette version. For QFG1EGA, I SERIOUSLY recommend picking up a copy of Hero's Quest, or version 1.00 of the EGA. As you've noticed, not having to free the bear is a serious time save. For EGA 100% runs, I don't believe there are any serious differences between the games.
  3. I've been working on SDA timing. In other words, the moment you gain control (intros don't count) and the moment you lose control (epilogue doesn't count).

QFG1 - When the Sheriff says "Good luck on your quest!" and ends when you either 100%) hit Baba Yaga with the mirror, or Any%) hit the exit in the Brigand's fortress. Just waiting for a loading screen when you are very obviously done seems pointless to me. QFG2 - After Abdullah's intro speech is over, and ending the moment Ad Avis begins to fall to his doom... with the caveat that even this is likely to glitch in the EGA, so it must go to the next screen and finish. I've had it where Ad Avis falls over and over again and the ritual continues... it's annoying, because there had to be a possible glitch with the LAST moment. QFG3 - When you gain control, after Uhara walks away. Ends when the last click happens to kill the Demon Wizard/knock the crystal thing into the portal depending on class. QFG4 - When you gain control after the "what city did you luggage end up in" intro, and ends when you click the staff to the Avoozl's crystal. QFG5 - Begins immediately. Ends when you decide to become king of Silmaria (or not, although this takes longer).

  1. My "vote" is that if the game gives you message that you have achieved a maximum score at the end, you've completed a 100% run. So yes, that glitch with Detect Magic, in my humble opinion, is a very valid method. Because killing Fred as a thief/magic-user is ridiculous, and it works out perfectly that you can skip RNG entirely with this method in the Thief route. Now, if someone were to find a way to glitch themselves all the way to a maximum score, I'd say that'd be a new category.
  2. This is a great question. I'd be all for having separate categories for this, because technically, it's 110% with the Paladin points. Again, if it says, "You've completed the game with a maximum score," I say you're good to go.
  3. Admittedly, QFG5 is the game I'm most ignorant about. Good question. I'll look into it and ask someone who has a bit more experience.
  4. I did this on purpose to distinguish the difference between the "large-skips" category and the "any %" category. Because, with the dispel glitch, technically any class becomes viable with literally no difference in route. Magic-User and Thief are identical. Fighter only adds on about 20-30 seconds. For now, Any% seems to be housing the large-skips. The individual classes are housing legitimate Any% no major-skips.
  5. Unfortunately, no, but I'm all about adding that category as it's own game... in fact, I'll look into it. I think it should be. There's no SDA "precedent for a multi-game gauntlet" according to SDA admins, so it didn't really have a home. This seems like as good a place as any for one.

I'm thrilled to see another QFG speedrunner. :) Reach out to me directly at my screen at if you have questions about why somethings work and others don't. I'll do the best I can.

Pennsylvania, USAmisterprmiller6 years ago

Further research - The Weapon Master has skill sets! This is copied from the code: strength 40, intell 45, agil 45, vit 35, luck 45, weap 50, parry 50, dodge 40

Now that we know this, the numbers don't seem to matter one flying crap, but it did give me a hint as to what stats are taken into account when fighting the Weapon Master. And the answer is... these ones. And the magic number seems to be 75+ when it gets easier. It is POSSIBLE at 75 skill to win at 10,000 cycles (I did it), but it's hard. At 80, victory was a certainty, but admittedly my clicking finger hurts. Mapping left-mouse to a keyboard key seems wise.

I also tried lowering my Intelligence down to 20 with the other stats at 80, and suddenly, I couldn't win anymore. So even Intelligence plays a part in fighting the Weapon Master. A further test might be to see if it is a particular numerical combination of stats...

I also lowered the cycles to 1000-2000, and didn't notice any difference in difficulty, which seemed strange to me. :/ Could you send me a copy of your save file so I can look into a little bit more? My screen name at gmail is my email address. I'm interested to see your stats and other info so I can compare notes.

À propos de misterprmiller
9 years ago
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Quest for Glory Collection
Quest for Glory Collection
Dernière run 4 months ago
Quest for Glory: So You Want To Be A Hero (EGA)
Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness
Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness
Dernière run 4 months ago
Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero (VGA)
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War
Dernière run 2 years ago
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Dernière run 3 years ago
The Shadow of Yserbius
The Shadow of Yserbius
Dernière run 1 year ago
Jeux suivis
Quest for Glory: So You Want To Be A Hero (EGA)
Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero (VGA)
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Dernière visite 1 month ago
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War
Dernière visite 3 months ago
Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness
Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness
Dernière visite 3 months ago
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire
Dernière visite 1 month ago
Quest for Glory Collection
Quest for Glory Collection
Dernière visite 1 month ago
Jeux modérés
Quest for Glory Collection
Quest for Glory Collection
Dernière action 4 months ago
Quest for Glory: So You Want To Be A Hero (EGA)
Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness
Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness
Dernière action 4 months ago
Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero (VGA)
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
Dernière action 3 years ago
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War
Dernière action 2 years ago
The Shadow of Yserbius
The Shadow of Yserbius
Dernière action 1 year ago