Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio6 years ago

Yes i know that this is probably not the best place to ask for this kind of things, but i already asked on a few forums dedicated to hardware and they could not give me any advice at all.

And since i love speedrunning i really need your help.

First of all, system setup :

8gb ram R9 270 gpu AMD FX 6300 cpu M5A78L-M/USB3 motherboard 1to western digital blue hardrive Zalman Z11 case

So to sum it up, my computer have random crashes, those are manifested by black or colored screens that pops up at any moment (the colored ones are vertically chopped into 2 shades of the same color that alternates) and also when the black/colored screen pops up almost everytime i have the time to say to my friends "I'm crashing" since the audio cuts like 5-15 seconds after.

I did memory test by having only one bar for a few hours, also did run memtest on each bar for 1hour and nothing.

So my guess is that it has something to do with :

  • The graphic card
  • The overheat of the cpu/motherboard

I did run some tests on overheat and it showed up that my cpu and mother board were having some trouble, so i did clean up the computer's inside and applied some paste on the cpu but i don't really know what to do more about it.

And im sceptical about the overheat problem since i recorded some crashes that happened 10 degrees lower than temps i had the habit to play on for hours.

And for the graphic card i don't have any "substition card" at disposition so idk.

I really sumed it up to the max, but if you need more info go and ask.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

We can't TAS, or maybe just not right now.

But we can do a segmented, this could be great to discover new strats that we haven't think'd about before because we were running the full game and not only one level. It will give use an almost perfect SoB too.

Every seg could start at the moment where you choose your weapon/mask or when you take control of the character and finish at the loading of the next level (like this loading times and menuing are counted in), maybe the only level that will need to start at the loading is down under.

If anyone ever want to do it would be cool to create a google doc.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

How do you achieve those rope boost ? I see that you get really fast after hitting some ropes and i can't manage to do it

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

Have you got any tips to do it, im really having enormous problem doing it.

Got it like 2 times and completely random. Don't wanna waste 50% of my run doing this skip. BibleThump

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

Feel like the section is a bit dead so im gonna run it but first lemme take a selfie Kappa , first just i wan't to know if you run NG+ in a special version, like 1.3.1 idk.

Cause i don't have this version actually and i use the wr strat, if he have 1.3.1 im gonna have trouble doing the same things.

Xcvazer aiment ceci
Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

If you request this game, at least set categories or anything, like the image of the game idk, don't request a game just to be super mod and after leaving it.

Idk if you have any plan for it, and if you do so im sorry but on a lot of games people request them and then leave it, if you have luck they setted categories and let everyone post it but most of the time it's bad categories and you need to be accepted for posting runs.

try to understand xD

exemple of people who request a game then leave it : http://www.speedrun.com/e_g#301 (it have a demo category, a 100% and a achievement%) people who tried posting any% runs (the most commonn run) were refused, i tried talking with him but i got no answers.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

FR : (ENG below)

Il est actuellement possible de passer la salle ou les vagues montent et descendent dans le premier cycle, j'ai cherché pas mal de technique et il y en a une qui marche si elle est bien timée, je vais tourner un template pour ce skip que les runners puissent l'utiliser.

Le skip :

Edit for better understanding. OneHand

Sly et Xcvazer l'ont placé dans leur runs, pas vraiment trop difficile suffit de train.

Il y a plusieurs version, une qui prend 8 secondes ou tu fait 7 sauts (la easy) celle la est vraiment pas dure a exécuter mais facile a fail car le personnage marche littéralement au ras des vagues, suffit de faire un saut un peux trop grand et tu crève.

La deuxième (celle que je fait durant la vidéo) qui prend une seconde de moins et un saut de moins mais plus difficile.

Et la troisième (La Moldave, parce que elle est pas easy et qu'elle montre le swag omniscient du streamer qui l’exécute Kappa ) elle prend 4 sauts et environ 5,5 secondes.

BONUS : la quatrième, la Moldave 2.0, elle a le swag, mais alors aucune utilité et elle est super dure a choper car il faut faire un mini hop puis ensuite un long jump, je posterais une vidéo dès que je la réussi.

Wave skip 2 par Xcvazer

Explication :

Il ne faut pas rester coller au mur : comme je le dit dans la vidéo je lâche légèrement le bouton droite pour ensuite repartir. Grâce a cela, je peut passer directement sur la grosse plateforme de droite.

Ensuite il ne faut pas sauter sur l'autre plateforme comme je le fait : C'est encore plus chaud pour passer et ça fait perdre du temps. Il faut donc passer directement par en bas.

Bonne chance et bon jeu.

Janorio et Xcvazer

yyna, Xcvazer, et SlyLobster aime ceci
Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

Edit for better understanding.

Here are all the .exe i made for all the runner (2x zoom, no ads and easy windows capture) :

Stencyl version : https://www.dropbox.com/s/884vu4b43zz5vun/Persist%20standalone.exe?dl=0

NewGround version : https://www.dropbox.com/s/18v7ftpg649daw1/Persist%20newgrounds%20standaln.exe?dl=0

Kongregate version : https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmgozpsoz097tza/Persist_Kongregate.exe?dl=0

(idk maybe one of the code is better, stencyl version lags more on my side) If you have any problem with one of the .exe you can go for the "light standalone" (just without ads and you can also 2x zoom with right click) : http://static.stencyl.com/games/18695-7.swf

If you encounter any problem with anything tell me, i'll try to help you.

GL&HF for the runz c:

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

A new NG+ tutorial would be appreciated with all the new stuff, like into the pit skip and all the new strats, if anyone that have a good time could do that it would be awesome

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

How does it work? you basically just skip half of the levels!

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