performance: Quake 4
New York, USAhonorableJay1 year ago
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fil: Quake 4
New York, USAhonorableJay1 year ago

Yeah I'm still trying to figure out which areas are the best to use the slides. I will say I've found that areas where you need to navigate around enemies without fighting them have been the best uses. Hopefully I can find more uses.

fil: Quake 4
New York, USAhonorableJay1 year ago

Oh yeah definitely, I mean I just picked up the game so I'm getting used to the mechanics. As for my framerate, I keep it set to 120 and haven't had any issues with inputs. My biggest issue so far has been strafe jumping on angled terrain. The engine just doesn't seem to like it very much.

fil: Quake 4
New York, USAhonorableJay1 year ago

That's just an example of how crouch sliding can be used. It's only the first level of the game, and it's sloppy because I'm still working on my technique.

fil: Quake 4
New York, USAhonorableJay1 year ago

I'm just getting into running Quake 4, and I have a question. Is using the Q4 Tweaker program allowed for runs?

For those that haven't used it, here are the options it allows:

  1. Allows changing the framerate
  2. Allows setting a default FOV
  3. Allows changing the default corpse despawn delay
  4. Forces High image quality
  5. Allow skipping the intro videos before getting to the main menu
  6. Allows setting a custom resolution and aspect ratio

While most of these changes are aimed at quality of life improvements, the ability to change the framerate has the biggest impact on the game. By increasing the framerate, gaining speed with strafe jumping is easier. Also, crouch sliding, which is typically seen in multiplayer matches, now becomes an option for single player.

To do a crouch slide, start a standard strafe jump. As you begin to descend, release jump then press and hold duck. If done correctly you'll immediately drop to the ground and start to slide. This allows you to have much sharper steering during the slide, which can lead to faster speed buildup. Once you're near the end of the slide (eventually you will slow down), let go of duck and press jump. This will allow you to slide around corners and keep speed without having to stop your strafe run and startup a new run. Also, it allows for really quick speed gains in many areas of the game.


SDeimos aiment ceci
New York, USAhonorableJay4 years ago

I'm definitely late to the party, but did the Definitive Edition change around the upgrades?

On the original release, fully patched, by this point in the game you would have enough upgrade points to get Enemy Step. As for Angel Boost (flight), you don't get that ability until you grab that blue flower (which you used combat to skip to). This seems almost like a waste of time since you waste more time with the combat than any other upgrade would save in the long run.

New York, USAhonorableJay5 years ago

I think it would be better to completely separate the two platforms. The PC version does have level differences (mainly more obstacles/crates/barrels) that would make the PSX version inherently quicker inside the levels.

While a glitched run would be identical on a per level basis, a full playthrough would see quite a few differences. Combine that with the much quicker menus, and much faster loading, the PC version has a huge advantage. Sure you can remove the loading screens, but it still doesn't account for the fact that I can click one spot without moving the mouse for 3 levels straight and not be forced to watch the mission briefing.

As for the timing method, it would probably be best just to stick with real-time. For me, it would be once I click "Start" to begin loading the first level. Timing would end once the screen cuts out on the final level. Normally I'd be fine with ending on the final boss hit, but you can still die and reset the level before the ending movie plays.

New York, USAhonorableJay7 years ago

I did that run in the last Scrubathon, and it should cover the basics for NG runs. It's not perfect by any means, but it shows the upgrade path I've found to be the most efficient for real time along with the basic strats for fighting. Just remember this is a NG glitched run, so it doesn't cover every fight in the game, but enough to understand the basics.

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