United StatesROMaster28 years ago

I've compiled a list of all the games on the site by their activity (as of 2016-04-21 07:00 site time): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10wG7y0e4jFtC-Tt9UKvjbnTlXfvzw-4vz0fKnNHFGQ0/edit?usp=sharing

The larger the number, the more active a game is. You can sort the columns by hovering above the headers and clicking the arrow. Here's a quick slice of it:

Level runs impact the overall activity score more than it should; I haven't came up with a way to resolve it yet since some games use only level runs (like PAYDAY 2). I included activity for Full Game runs separately as a temporary fix so the racing games don't hog all the glory.

I calculated it by using a weighted count formula, meaning the older the run, the less it's 'counted'. Runs from today are counted as a whole 1, a month old is about 0.5, two months is 0.25, three is 0.125, etc. I was only able to use runs that had dates their date recorded in someway (hence the 'AllRuns' column). If you want to know the exact formula: Int([CurrentDate]-Min([VerifyDate],[SubmissionDate],[RunDate]))^(2^(-1/30.4375)) -- It uses the oldest date of those three since run dates aren't always correct; it had to of been done before all of those dates. If one of the dates is missing, it's treated as 99999, and if they're all missing the run is effectively ignored.

Seydie, stoot et 2 autres aime ceci
United StatesROMaster28 years ago

Obviously World of Warcraft is considered a Warcraft game. It's the only one in the series that isn't together with the series on speedrun.com; it'd make sense to have them together. Having sub-series for series usually only apply to massive ones like Mario and Mega Man.

Moderator status wouldn't change for either this game or the series. It'd just be a move by an admin.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

For prospective runners, there's a translation patch available, albeit not complete:


It should be fine to use. Final Fantasy V has a category for Any% w/ Translation Patch, so it wouldn't be the first. It would (hopefully) open up the game to more runners. There's also a patch for Telefang 2 which is complete aside from Denjuu descriptions:


United StatesROMaster28 years ago

Every level in the game can be done as a time trail, so having a leaderboard for each one seems handy. Shame that Line Trials can't be added until more options are added to the site.

If Real Time is used over Game Time, full-game runners can check their best segments and retime them for just the level to include on the board; otherwise it'd be time trial only, which would a lot more consistent in timing but wouldn't be done nearly as frequently I think.

ShurykaN aiment ceci
United StatesROMaster28 years ago

Not surprised there's been no attempts at this. This is a tough game to git gud at. :p

Bombshell Kingdom would probably be the first stop since it has a Golden Eggplant, which would be very useful throughout the whole run...if you manage to keep it. Resetting loses a bit of time but not a terrible amount; that can be used to keep the Golden Eggplant should you lose it. Other than the crown in the shop to unlock World 0, there's no use stopping there except for granny strats. Depending how things work out you can use the spare coins to quickly buy a Blue/Purple/Golden Eggplant to recover. With good routing you can calculate how much time/health you'll have at the end of the levels that'll add to your coin total, so you'd only collect what you absolutely have to. The gold diamonds in each level seem to be absolutely necessary to get the golden crowns.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

Has there been any interest in routing this out? Would be nice to see a run of it.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

There doesn't appear to be any comprehensive list of games/series whose not (allowed) on this site. There are a few I've noticed.

These games do not allow their leaderboards to be copied: • Super Metroid • Donkey Kong Country 1-3 • Halo 1-5 + Reach • Super Mario RPG • Super Star Wars 1-3?

These games DO allow their leaderboards to be copied: • The Legend of Zelda series • Mega Man series (discussed in another thread)

There's probably more I haven't noticed. If you know of one be sure to mention it here.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

Taking ideas for a 100% (or equivalent) category.

All Medals should certainly be required. Should S+ times be required for all levels? It is somewhat inherit since this IS speedrunning. What about all the equipment you can buy in the store?

Dendris aiment ceci
United StatesROMaster28 years ago


A possible game to add either in this series (because it's a reskin of AoE2) or the Star Wars one. It has several campaigns that can be ran. No runners at the moment, but may be interesting for AoE runners.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

I would have thought there'd be separate categories for each race. They are canonically after one another so having an 'All Campaigns' makes sense, but they are also seen as separate from each other since you go through the campaign menu to continue to the next.

That, and ILs could probably be added. The videos on SDA should qualify for them.

Edit: I guess I'll start really caring once I get a run in.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

Since the game's engine currently does not support game time, nor does it support loading missions consecutively for campaign (AFAIK), timing becomes complicated for campaign. I've thought of a solution, but if a future update fixes one of the problems, it may render all runs up to that point invalid. We'll see as time goes on.

The solution goes like this: Timing begins on the first mission as soon as the battlefield is visible; in most cases it's after pressing "Resume Mission". You then simultaneously split and pause once either "You Are Victorious" appears or the battlefield is unloaded (I personally prefer the latter). You then resume once the battlefield is loaded for the next mission. Repeat until the final mission, which always end when "You Are Victorious" appears. This removes the time between loading missions which can vary greatly from computer to computer.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

This is driving me crazy. What should they be called here?

"The Allies, otherwise known as the Allied Forces or the Allied Nations..."

Allied has been used casually throughout the games as well, though. When hovering over their campaign icon in RA2 is says "Play the Allied Story Campaign."

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

Anyone looking for any means to save their game can use VMware's snapshop feature. It would require you to play the game inside of it, but it's fairly seemless once you do. It's great for practice or even for casual playthroughs.

I don't think it should be allowed in speedruns, however, as it's the equivalent of save states.


Well, now that I think about it, as long as it's used in the same fashion as the regular saves are, I don't see it being a problem. It's not optimal to use them and they consume a LOT more time than regular saves do; so it's not giving anyone an advantage. The only problem that arises is game time, which still needs to be discussed for the series as a whole.

They'd still be banned for ILs.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

While real time vs game time is game to game due to timing differences, I feel it's important to have consistent rules regarding difficulty and speed, and possibly resolution/ini editing.

¤ Difficulty

The is probably the most important one. Nearly everyone on the leaderboards here use the easiest difficulty, while the majority of runners on YouTube use the hardest. It sort of feels like they're being written off which isn't right, yet having separate categories for the hardest difficulty would serve to clutter the leaderboards in what is already not a popular series to speedrun. The last thing I want to see is a divided community over this. Still, in my opinion I see the categories as Any%, using whatever means to beat the campaigns or missions the fastest, and in most cases the easiest category allows for that.

¤ Speed

This pertains to the first three games in the series as the rest have fixed speeds AFAIK. In Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun, the fastest speed is an unlocked framerate which is unnecessarily difficult and makes the run dependent on the CPU speed of the runner. Tiberian Sun already caps to higher and Tiberian Dawn will likely do the same. However, Red Alert 1's fastest speed is not uncapped and is even possible to control. Would it still make sense to clamp it to higher to be consistent with the other two games?

¤ Resolution/INI editing

Through INI editing, you can give yourself any resolution in Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, and Generals. Fan patches let you do the same with Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1. Having a larger resolution lets you see more of the battlefield, giving better control. As mentioned in my RA2 thread, for multiplayer the developers put in a option to clamp the resolution to the options giving in the game, giving credence to that they didn't want anyone having an unfair advantage through a bigger resolution. Limiting the resolutions to what is given in the game itself would let each run be more consistent with each other.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

http://funkyfr3sh.cncnet.org/ http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1918.0 https://github.com/cnc-patch/ra303p/blob/master/docs/features.md

To what extent of this should be legal? It does include the ability to change the game resolution, including stretching. It lets you change new things in the INI file as well. Hotkeys seems to be modified too.

Then there's campaign modifications: ¤ 90. Included a fixed version of Soviet mission 13 variant A (there's two map choices for this mission). The original mission is bugged in that capturing the Chronosphere (which is supposed to be required to win the mission) causes you to lose the game. The B variant of the map works properly. ¤ 91. The Allies on Soviet Mission 8 variant B produce Flamethrower infantry, even though the Allies can't build them (this is because building perquisites for mission autocreate teams are ignored). This has been fixed and the Allies no longer produce Flamethrower infantry on this map. ¤ 95. Fixed Soviet mission 6 variants A and B so you no longer get APCs at the start of the mission. ¤ 102. Added a fix for an infantry range exploit that allows you to have infantry fire across the map. This fix is applied to skirmish and single player by default, but not online to stay compatible with 3.03.

These are core changes that could affect a run. I'm not sure if you can disable these changes. If the group who made the patch are still around I'd like to ask if they can make a version that keeps all glitches and exploits.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

Watching Kotti's Nod runs I noticed the build anywhere glitch was used in the majority of the missions. To keep the spirit of the other games in the series, have a category which bans the use of said glitch. Mind you that Glitchless is not exploitless. Exploiting faulty map design would still be allowed.

I'm not saying it should be added to the leaderboards, just pitching the idea to those who might be interested. I may take a shot at it after I do the standard categories.

United StatesROMaster28 years ago

I'm not sure what the rules for this game should be. I'm the only runner (right now) but I still want some thoughts on what's legal and what isn't. This also extends to Yuri's Revenge

¤ Version Every official version should be legal. I am using the "The First Decade Unofficial Patch v1.03 (Revision 4)" -- While I don't think it directly affects the game, for the series as a whole I believe widely accepted/used unofficial patches can be legal to use. I use the 64-bit version of gamemd.exe provided by the unofficial patch. I can't imagine it changes anything in the game.

¤ INI editing Skyrim and Dishonored are selective on what can be edited and Deus Ex has their own category for editing. There's only one option that needs mentioning: Width/Height - In-game there's only 3 options, 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768. With INI editing you can have any resolution, and the larger the resolution the more is visible on screen. The developers included in multiplayer the abilitiy to limit resolution, which adds support to not allowing this to be tampered with. I'm undecided on this.

¤ Game Time vs Real Time I checked my best segments against their Game Time and noticed odd discrepancies. Half of RT is actually shorter than GT, which shouldn't happen because of load times. Liberty is -17 and Mirage is -10. Fallout is +46 (though that can be explained by the cutscenes pausing the game). The difference is Real Time is +14 against Game Time. Then there's Save & Load. While this doesn't affect Real Time at all, it can dramatically lower the Game Time. Someone could endlessly save and load as if they were TASing to get a good time, which isn't in the spirit of speedrunning. The only argument against Real Time that I see is the loading times. However, computers these days have take almost no time to load a mission and the difference is likely neglectable. I was going to make an auto-splitter but it's not compatible with VMware. I support Real Time to be the main time the leaderboards use (at least for RA2 and YR). I do, however, support having a second column for Sum of Game Time, but it must remain empty if you use Save & Load (which optimal runs won't use anyway) or if you skipped too fast to see the time of a mission. Individual levels (if we bother with that) will always use Game Time, but don't allow Save & Load (unless it's loading the start of the mission).

YoshQ aiment ceci
United StatesROMaster28 years ago

I plan on running these at some point and they don't seem terrible as categories to have as miscellaneous.

¤ Tiberian Dawn: Covert Operations - GDI Missions ¤ Tiberian Dawn: Covert Operations - Nod Missions ¤ Tiberian Dawn: Covert Operations - Funpark Missions ¤ Red Alert: Counterstrike - Allied Missions ¤ Red Alert: Counterstrike - Soviet Missions ¤ Red Alert: Counterstrike - Ant Missions ¤ Red Alert: Aftermath - Allied Missions ¤ Red Alert: Aftermath - Soviet Missions ¤ Tiberian Sun: Firestorm - GDI Campaign (Maybe separate game or main category?) ¤ Tiberian Sun: Firestorm - Nod Campaign

As for the combined campaigns/mission sets, I don't think they should be categories until there's a bit more activity.

À propos de ROMaster2
9 years ago
En ligne
4 months ago
Jeux joués
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Dernière run 6 years ago
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Dernière run 7 years ago
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Dernière run 7 years ago
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Firestorm
Battalion Wars
Battalion Wars
Dernière run 7 years ago
Rise of Nations
Rise of Nations
Dernière run 6 years ago
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Dernière run 6 years ago
Psycho Waluigi
Psycho Waluigi
Dernière run 6 years ago
Jeux suivis
Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn)
Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn)
Dernière visite 9 months ago
Command & Conquer - The Covert Operations
Command & Conquer - The Covert Operations
Dernière visite 2 years ago
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Dernière visite 2 years ago
Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike
Command & Conquer: Red Alert - The Aftermath
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Dernière visite 2 years ago
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Firestorm
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Dernière visite 10 months ago
Jeux modérés
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Dernière action 4 years ago
Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
Dernière action 5 years ago
Dernière action 3 years ago
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Dernière action 4 years ago
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Dernière action 4 years ago
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Dernière action 4 years ago
Command & Conquer: Generals
Command & Conquer: Generals
Dernière action 5 years ago
Mental Omega
Mental Omega
Dernière action 5 years ago