JLUAndropy6 years ago

I think I got off on the wrong foot.

If I've misinterpreted your tone, Pete, I'm sorry for my response. I legitimately didn't see the emulators thread. I apparently was blind to noticing the View Rules as I glanced through the Leaderboard last week, and when I was told I used the wrong emulator, I never thought to check the Leaderboards tab again for the rules/requirements.

I hope to become more involved in this community, and hope I didn't come off as a jerk myself for my knee-jerk reaction to what was probably a serious question.

JLUAndropy6 years ago

I'm not upset that my run got rejected, at all. I'm sorry if it came across that way. I just genuinely wanted to know the answer to my question. It's my bad that I didn't see View Rules via the Leaderboard page, but I still think Pete's type of response was unwarranted. I'm just trying to get into running the game. A lot of it's new to me, and it's my fault for jumping in head-first. I should have done more research before submitting any runs.

JLUAndropy6 years ago

Thank you, Jumpyluff.

PeteThePlayer, no thanks to you for your completely unnecessary attitude. Way to be welcoming of growth in your community. Funny thing, when I click on Forum for this game, it doesn't have these rules, and the Category rules listed by Jumpyluff aren't stickied here, but instead exclusively to the "Crash Bandicoot Series" page, which I was unaware of, as I'm new. So my bad, but please, next time someone inquires about something, maybe be less of a jerk about it?

JLUAndropy6 years ago

I recently had a run rejected and one of the reasons was incorrect emulator. I can't seem to find any info on which is allowed.

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