fil: Celeste
United StatesBenteezy5 years ago

Personal opinion here: A few months ago I reached out to Jared about submitting ILs with debug mode on because it made the berries Red instead of Ghost for ARB practice, and at the time there was a very small debate of whether debug mode is a "mod" since you have to go into your files to change it.

I think the general consensus is that stance of it being a mod (primarily because it is TGH's opinion and he has a wide sphere of influence in the community) that has added the negative connotation to it that may be currently associated with it.

I think this is a good time to bring this up since the wording of the rules has recently changed, in the past, because of the wording that was used, debug tools were essentially soft banned because they went against the compete every a-side from the start wording that had been used, so im extremely in favor of specifically stating that debug features are banned.

Anything that changes your timer from white to grey should be banned for runs. I believe all debug features do this, so Im totally ok with adding "no debug features allowed". However I love practicing with debug mode on, transitioning from practice to runs seemlessly, and being able to do ARB and full clear ILs with red berries, so i think debug mode runs should be allowed as long as no features are used.

Banks, MiningPie et 6 autres aime ceci
fil: Celeste
United StatesBenteezy5 years ago

love this idea, am forwarding this right now.

fil: Celeste
United StatesBenteezy5 years ago

It was brought to my attention that there was no moderator input in this thread (not counting Vivian as the discussion is about her), so Im here to shed some light.

Couple of us agree Kevin doesn't need to be a mod anymore, however he's a super mod and when that gets removed is completely upto him unless we get a hold of the people that run SRC. We are not counting Kevin when we talk about "not currently needing more mods" Teej or secks will shoot him a DM when they get a chance probably and ask him to step down, if it becomes a long standing issue we can reach out to figure out how to rectify it.

Vivian is a completely different story, not all contributions are public, and not all the work that needs to be done needs to be "HEY LOOK IM DOING STUFF." they have contributed in the past both on the leaderboard and in the discord and their position is being discussed among the moderation team to figure out what SHE wants to do. If she was incompetent, or sabotaging something, or negatively impacting the community in a way other than existing, we would have acted on this proposal much quicker. As of now I personally am trying to figure out what she wants and what works for her so we can fit her into a position that fits her schedule while not just dismissing someone who has worked for this community as a relic of the past.

Gesellschaft, RyuukaShinrai et 8 autres aime ceci
fil: Celeste
United StatesBenteezy5 years ago

Theres no best way to practice this game. Some people do full runs, some people do individual levels, some just practice segments. Join the discord, use the guides in resources and just play the game in whatever way you prefer so that you enjoy it.

fil: Celeste
United StatesBenteezy5 years ago

I brought it up to Noel, more importantly than anything, we need to make sure it stays in the game, it is an unintended route through the game that could lead to a messed up casual experience and they might want to remove it. Important to get their stance I think before we start arguing category stuff.

Lavie154, yote et 2 autres aime ceci
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