performance: Final Fantasy (NES)
Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos7 days ago

First WR in this category! GG

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos2 years ago

With a great deal of help and support from Korebi41 a list of runs were made that I felt needed to have very minor adjustments made. Each of the runs under 2 minutes was reviewed using Media Player Classic to see exactly what frame the run started and ended on. It was found that 6 runs needed to be adjusted, some gained a little time and others lost a little time. In most cases the adjustment was only a few frames and there are no runs who's position changed on the leader boards. If anyone has any questions please let me know or if your time was adjusted and would like mope information please contact me and we can review how the process was done and how it effected your run specifically.

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos3 years ago

Thanks a lot, I'll take a look at these tools and see where it gets me. We're not at the point where we need to get to the exact frame but there are a few runs that we have posted that could swing by a fraction of a second one way or the other and with out something like this it could be impossible to tell. Even getting the run time accurate with in a tenth of a second will help a ton.

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos3 years ago

I wasn't sure where to go for this but figured if anyone had or knew of the type of resource I'm looking for this would be the community for it.

It was my understanding with how close some of the times are on the SMB leader boards that run validation can be done down to the frame to ensure accuracy of the run's time.

I mod for the Final Fantasy 1 NES leader boards and a meme category has become fairly hot lately. I want to make sure that I'm approving times as accurately as possible and was hoping that someone knew of any tools to assist with that. The run is just shy of 2 minutes and some of the guys are getting so fast at it that their runs are starting to get close enough together that human error in starting/stopping the timer could be the difference between a position on the leader boards.

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos3 years ago

Usually each console has their own category due to various subtle discrepancies in game play. Are you looking at running it on an emulator on your mobile device or is there a specific version of the game for mobile that you're looking at? In most cases new categories are added as community interest grows so if there's a demand for it then it'll usually get added.

Korebi41 aiment ceci
Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos3 years ago

I'm also curious about this. And now that there are new expansions in the game would that mean separate categories depending on what expansions are enabled?

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos3 years ago

Korebi41, I meant no offence. The input speed was simply so fast that I and another mod believed it would not be possible with out the use of turbo. I'll reach out to the other mod staff and also have them review the video.

Shanezell et Korebi41 aime ceci
Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos4 years ago

Once you start using B to back out of the menu so that you can move along the battle RNG to an expected state you've entered the realms of the Any% category. I personally would not allow this to be submitted to a category with no RNG manip. At the moment I don't feel that this would be worthy of a separate category but if you do please let me know what you feel the rules for that category would be. If you want to hit me up on discord that would allow me to respond faster.

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos4 years ago

My instinct is to say that it would be classified under the current RNG manipulation%. The reason being is if at any point you're manipulating the RNG of a combat encounter you're no longer in a category of no manipulation. That said, if there's something specifically unique about the manipulation it may need its own category however at the moment I would not expect that to happen.

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos4 years ago

The Wii is emulated so it's not the same as the NES unfortunately. Additionally I don't know if the starting encounter values would be the same. If you have some time hit me up on discord, if you can get me some video of your first encounters after power on I may be able to work out what's happening. If it looks like things are going to work for it I can speak with the other admins about getting that option added to the leader boards.

LaserTrap_ et Shanezell aime ceci
Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos4 years ago

I'm not too familiar with the encounter +128 from Cornelia so I'm not sure how to answer this. Are you on the FF discord? I'll get you an invite if you need one, that'd be a better place to ask this question

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos4 years ago

Some of the things I'm curious about are the characters chosen for the game, does each have unique AI script? If they do are there specific things that need to be done that are unique to each character when trading with them?

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos4 years ago

Are there any guides or tutorials for speedrunning this game?

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos5 years ago

Merriam, welcome to the leader boards. You mentioned in your submission that you're interested in learning about encounter manipulation, if there's anything I can do to help please let me know or consider joining the Discord community

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos5 years ago

"Submission video must also show creation of all characters."

Must creation of the characters be done each time a run is started or can they be carried over from other recorded runs, either failed or successful?

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos5 years ago

I've played the game before and I'm familiar with the mechanics. I'm curious if there's anything I'd need to know about speedrunning it such as skips, encounter manipulation or anything else that would change compared to casual game play.

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos5 years ago

Are there any tools or notes available for learning the speedrun for this game?

Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos5 years ago

I could safely say, with community interest anything is possible. What you'll find discourages people to participate in other categories is that they're almost always making a long game longer.

If you have a recorded run that you'd like to submit to a new category I'll bring it up with the other mods. If you have a new category with at least 3 people participating in it I'll create the category myself.

Shanezell et Overswarm aime ceci
Minnesota, USAAvin_Chaos6 years ago

There have been some changes made to when the timer should start for this category. Previously time started at console power on but this has been changed to starting the timer when choosing new game. The change was made to allow for emulators to be submitted into this category without being at an advantage because they don't have an issue with the battle speed showing as 0 as it sometimes happens on consoles after a reset.

Additionally, the timer should then stop after defeating Chaos when his battle message clears the screen. I don't believe that this is a change however it is not always the stopping point that runners had submitted their times with.

I have reviewed all runs posted that have video available and adjusted their times based on these two issues. When doing this if the time I came up with for the run fell within about one tenth of a second from the submitted time I made no adjustment. Most runs did not need to be adjusted but those that were will see improvements in their time. If you have questions regarding how your time was adjusted or how I went about assessing what runs needed to be adjusted feel free to post something here or contact me on discord.

If you have questions or concerns about the changes to the start time please start a new thread for that conversation. My intent here is not to debate the current timer rules but to ensure that everyone has their run assessed properly by the current system.

It is my goal that all runs are evaluated equally and fairly, and it is something that I will always strive to achieve.

Korebi41, Shanezell et 3 autres aime ceci
À propos de Avin_Chaos
7 years ago
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Jeux joués
Final Fantasy (NES)
Final Fantasy (NES)
Dernière run 5 years ago
Tetris (NES)
Tetris (NES)
Dernière run 5 years ago
Dernière run 3 years ago
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Final Fantasy (NES)
Final Fantasy (NES)
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 2
Dernière visite 11 months ago
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
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Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
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Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
Dernière visite 4 years ago
Dernière visite 3 years ago
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance (NES)
Monopoly (NES)
Monopoly (NES)
Dernière visite 4 years ago
Jeux modérés
Final Fantasy (NES)
Final Fantasy (NES)
Dernière action 2 years ago