Time Without Loads
2 years ago

To help better compare runs between one another and to prevent hardware from being an unfair advantage or disadvantage, a 'time without loads' column is in the works to be added to the leaderboards. This will help account for parts of the game that are out of the runner's control.

There are load screens that take the player between the main hub and each individual level/chapter in the game and can vary in length from just a few to many seconds. Over a full run, especially in all challenge runs, these add up. The screens usually have the destination name and/or level number and look like this: https://i.imgur.com/L9yUYlG.png

A video showing load screens can be seen here (includes PC, Switch, PS4, and Xbox Series S)

Previous runs are in the process of being manually re-timed and once they have all been re-timed, the leaderboard will be updated. While runners are welcome to, calculating load screen times won't be required to submit runs. A mod will calculate them (or check if the runner has calculated them) during the verification process.

Collection of runs and their times without load screens can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h41atC9ktOgJ9BhzgT4Uwo-LDg9QOyGqiH6ftKrGlDc/edit?usp=sharing

Spreadsheet used for calculating the load times: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IB9_DmRKnXrMpeRoH6VEeSb3p-fvusfcN4YXjQvtSLA/edit?usp=sharing

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