Turbo categories; any interest?

Apologies, the last runs I submitted, I just discovered the "F" button, and since no one was ever submitted a time with Turbo in it, I didn't consider the rules addressed this long ago. So, I'm dumb, lol.

But, I was curious if anyone would be interest in categories allowing for turbo (buffering still banned)?

South Carolina, USA

i'd be down to add them, it's something i've wanted for a while honestly (as a side note, i still have no idea what buffering is in this game)


Went ahead and made turbo categories.

Buffering is when you use to pause button basically. When you pause the game, you can add more input to change the direction of the skier. So you can effectively pause at a flag, buffer an input, unpause, etc. My understanding is that you can get ridiculously good times if you are buffering and using turbo. Since it's not really a real-time game play, it's not as interesting to me as a category, but I'm not necessarily against that either. I just not sure there would be nearly as much interest in it as there might be for turbo.

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Publié 5 years ago
Publié 5 years ago
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