Mission 3 Bronze 57 seconds LOTAD (Flying the Arwing Inside of the Base)
11 months ago
United States

The Japanese runners for the game found an exploit to enter the base in Mission 3 while flying the Arwing. The oldest dating I can find of it is an 8 month old comment on a YouTube video with this ID: plVtVPWBwGo. The ChatGPT translator mentioned a WhatsApp chat where the exploit was announced so the original discoverer and date of this exploit being discovered is unknown.

Edit: "Whatsapp" was a mistranslation. Thanks to @maruga_game on YouTube for telling where he found who discovered the exploit originally. It was documented on a Japanese gaming forum called "wazap" on March 17th 2005 by someone whos name translates to "techno" by Google. (The website detected me as a bot when I put the link so unfortunately I won't put the link here).

This works because the gate "trigger" isn't a trigger. It's instead a position and angle check if after the game checks if you are in singleplayer and on a specific map. The game DOESN'T check to see if the Arwing meets the requirements when it's doing a barrel roll or either of the loops. This allows us to completely bypass the "trigger".

I found this exploit on my own recently when I was making a Youtube Video and made a LOTAD to showcase it being used practically in a speedrun. This is meant to go public around the time my video releases (6 months maybe). This saves time over walking through the whole base and with better movement and routing a sub 52 second time could be possible. With an insane amount of practice I could maybe see this in full game runs instead of just ILs. Here is my LOTAD (exploit at 0:47):

Modifié par l'auteur 10 months ago
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