failed to retrieve save data
1 year ago
United Kingdom

just today i attempted to launch pvz gw2 to do a speedrun, but while loading it popped up with "failed to retrieve save data" and i am given the choice of either not playing, or losing all my data and starting from the begin. I cant play. I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and if there is a fix to this?

Cocozito aiment ceci
Stockholm, Sweden

Dude really sorry this is happening to you unfortunately I don’t know a solution but best of lucks to you


Same rip.


I clicked on continue, and nothing happened to me, it just happened that I had to redo the tutorial from the beginning, but my level and skills weren't lost

Detectivemax aiment ceci
United Kingdom

did you lose any characters?

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About Time with Loads and Time without Loads

Hello everyone! I came to warn you about the changes that have occurred these last few months in relation to the timing of the categories, as you may have noticed.

-> Why did we do this in the first place?

Well, recently, we had noticed that runs made on PC had faster loading screens than on c

1 year ago
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