Two Basic Hearthstone Speedrunning Tips
7 years ago
  1. Use High settings instead of Low or Medium. Low/Med settings locks the game into 30 FPS and have slower animation compared to High.

  2. When the enemy plays a card or hero power, click on the card/hero power that is being played. This will make the enemy's move to start earlier, which saves up a lot of time during the whole run.

Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
Hearthstone Loadless Timer

A loadless timer for Hearthstone has been made recently by Streetbackguy.

At the moment, we're still sorting the leaderboard by real time. But we're encouraging every runners to use the loadless timer. This allows an easier transition if one day we decided to shift into a loadless time leaderboa

11 months ago
Speedruns récents
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Publié 7 years ago
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Publié 2 years ago
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