New Speedrun Category Idea
2 years ago

Hey! I want to pitch/submit a time for a speedrun category I call Unlimited%! It’s pretty straightforward: Get to and beat an Unlimited character in BBCF! Here are some general rules to it as well:

  • You may use any character
  • You may fight any Unlimited character (Ragna, Izanami, Nine)
  • Difficulty must be on normal. This was originally supposed to be Hell mode, but I was unable to complete a speedrun on Hell due to losing to Unlimited Nine
  • You may taunt once per run (taunting in arcade mode lets you skip meter management and gives you full bar for free)
  • Rounds must be set to default

I have a screen cap of my time on my phone (12m, 4s, 61ms on Normal), and I streamed my run on Twitch ( I hope this category will be considered! It was a lot of fun, and I hope others more competent than I am can go to town with it!

Oh, you may reach me on Twitter (@Nachtstun) or on Discord (Nachtstun#7369). I understand my time is probably invalid because my setup makes it so I’m unable to have a time on screen, but I at least wanted to give people some ideas to see if it’d be interesting to others


I added the category for you to submit your run.

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