Game Version
7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Hey, I was looking to get into the speedrun for BGE but I wanted to make sure I don't waste my money on the wrong version of the game. The game is run on PC, I see, but is there a difference between buying the game on Steam or on GOG? Basically, I want to make sure I get the right version of the game and do another casual run of the game before I try any speedrun shenanigans.


I run on the Uplay version, i used the Steam version at the start but the steam version has memory overloads for some reason and the Uplay version does not, so i would say get the uplay version :)

IanSynth aiment ceci
Pennsylvania, USA

Thanks a bunch!


No problem :)


Well back when there was no Uplay version, only GoG and steam, both were good, but there was a rumors that GoG version is free from "all bad stuff" which I think isn't 100% true.

Game can run differently on all PC, and it doesn't matter that much from where you get it. Now when there is also Uplay who knows which version is the best.

For me the most important thing is the settings you use. This determin if the game will crash, lag, or bug more or less, at least I can tell that much from my experience.

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