New layout
8 years ago

I know an updated leaderboard is being worked on and I already checked your teaser pic on Twitter. Since I don't have an account there, I figured I'd just make a thread about it here.

Regarding the new layout, I really only have one wish: Please don't make this a mobile site!

I use a PC 99.9% of the time for browsing the internet and it's very obvious to me when a site is clearly intended to be optimized for mobile and no one cares about PC. I'm sure you guys can make this layout in a way that it makes the site work better on mobile, but without sacrificing functionality for PC users. Thanks!

OddsomeOddy likes this
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Well nothing needs to be sacrificed. PC and mobile will have separate layouts, so no worries :)

United States

"Separate layouts" isn't really true. There may be separate optimizations for each in some cases, but the intent is to use bootstrap for more portable code. The PC layout may look a bit different due to the new code, but continuing to maintain a solid PC layout is still a priority. (Mobile sites often suck, you're not wrong.)

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Ah okay sorry, as most sites have their own layouts for PC and mobile, I thought that's also happening here.

United States

I'm using a fairly modern phone and the site works great in landscape mode. No problems on my end, except some buggy backgrounds, but they're not a big deal. Of course some people use older phones, so something for them would be nice.

Like others have mentioned, as long as there's a computer optimised layout, it's all good.

Edited by the author 8 years ago