Optimized FC6 settings for speedruns :)
Optimized FC6 settings for speedruns :)
Updated 2 years ago by Meta


Please note this guide assumes you are playing the game on Keyboard & Mouse, if you are playing with a Controller, you may want different settings.


It's recommended you turn on Enemy Outline and Pickup Outline, and set it to whatever colour you'd prefer. Some common options are Pink, Yellow, or White.

  • Turn Reticle Sway OFF
  • Turn Lock-On Aim ON
  • Swap Camera Shakes to Minimal


  • Turn Reticle Sway OFF
  • Turn Repeated Presses OFF
  • Swap Camera Shakes to Minimal


In general, you can have whatever video settings you'd like. However, there are a couple things of note:

  • If you have a lower FOV, the AA gun tower shot strat as well as the Libertad Rises undetected strat become significantly easier. The exact value boils down to personal preference, but if you like a higher FOV it's recommended you try to stick to the 90-100 FOV range rather than 120 FOV.

  • FidelityFX Super Resolution is great for performance but can make far away headshots a bit trickier to line up. If you use FFXSR, it's recommended you compensate with a lower FOV. Alternatively, just set your resolution scale to 0.8 or so if you need the FPS boost. If you have a decent PC just leave FFXSR off entirely.

Keyboard & Mouse

Again more of just a general note here rather than specific advice:

  • You can have two bindings set to one action in Far Cry 6, make sure to keep this in mind when creating keybinds that are most comfortable for you.

  • For Slide Cancelling, you'll be using crouch/slide a fair bit while also moving around. A tip for making this a bit more comfortable is to bind this to your mouse so you can move freely and not cramp up your hand.



  • Turn Tutorial Updates OFF (This one is very important)