The 100% category
5 years ago


Today i found out that, if you have gained the “Cousteau” medal, and you reset the medals, you will not be able to gain the “Gourmet” medal. I suspect it is because reseting the medals does nothing to your fish gallery, so you still have 100/100 fish found. And you can't get back down to 76. This compromises the 100% category and I think it can only be solved in two ways:

1.Change the rules of the category so that you need to get all medals EXCEPT “Gourmet”.

2.Delete the category altogether because it doesn't make sense to have a category in which you need to get all the medals, but you can't get all the medals.

My opinion is mixed about this so i would like to hear what the community has to say. I'm going to hold off from doing anything for now.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

I decided to change the rule in accordance with the first option.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

After multiple attempts at completing a 100% run, I have realised that the "Hehe" achievement is not only pure RNG, but also takes up an enormous amount of time just... doing nothing and waiting for the mermaid to show up. Thusly I have found the experience of this run to be not very fun. But the entire point of an extraneous category is to have bonus options for having fun, right? So I decided to change the category rules to include JUST the 4 difficulties. If anyone has any reasonable objections to this change, I would love to hear'em.

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Posted 5 years ago
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