Shop glitch findings
7 years ago
New Jersey, USA

So after messing around with the shop glitch for a few days I came to a few conclusions.

  1. The shop glitch most likely doesn't actually write arbitrary code like I initially thought. I'm thinking this because the data we manipulate to get the results in the Konami Code category doesn't appear to generate byte code that the GBA can read (I'm still looking into this to see if this is true - I've converted part of the RAM that is associated with the shop to ARMv7 THUMB assembly code which does make a piece of code but it's mostly garbage afaik).

  2. The outcome of the shop glitch appears to be affected by buying too many collection packs. Buying too many volume packs or standard decks seems to be fine but collection packs cause the magic. In combination with this, buying other card packs creates unique results. Most combinations I tested usually either crash the game or softlock. Nearly all of them changed the language to Japanese and the animation speed to the slowest possible value. There are more effects that can occur, which brings me to my next point.

  3. The shop glitch is likely not going to be very useful. Any outcome that doesn't crash/softlock the game (from what I've tested) always gives you the ability to start the credits at will (I think until you restart the game, but I'm not sure), anywhere between 480 and 500 of the 1,000 cards that can be obtained (you can get all the Exodia pieces at least 99% of the time with this glitch), and you'll have very few DP remaining (usually less than 100 DP). User gcah2006 has reported glitching into cups/tournaments and glitching trophies into the bedroom, so different results are possible but probably not useful for a glitched any% run (as of now). I'm still looking into this and trying to come up with new strats and explanations.

Some other notes: -Why the results of the glitch changes randomly with the same card set-up is still unknown. It's likely caused by RNG or values in the processor's registry. -Why only collection packs break the game like this is also unknown. It's probably just bad programming. -Most of the RAM values are still unknown. I've only been able to map at least 2 portions of RAM.

Like I said, I'm still looking into this so if I find anything new I'll post it here.

Pear y froggy25 les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

I'm interested to know what you find. I've messed with this glitch myself but never managed to get a credits warp like people have done in RTA now. I'd also be willing to help make a TAS of the game though I don't have the type of knowledge to look into the glitch outside of just doing random stuff over and over and seeing what happens.

Limousin, France

I'm interested as well.

I think the cards in your trunk / in your decks also influence the output of the next shop glitch you execute

I some of my attemps I had 600~700 cards / glitch cards with 3000+ stats (like a Lv 1 with 4930 DEF in one of the decks).

AkagitsuneYuki les gusta esto
New Jersey, USA

Thanks for the input. I'll do some experiments with that.

I'll also try to document what I found at some point for anyone else that's interested in looking into the glitch.

New Jersey, USA

@gcah2006 Do you remember which packs you bought to get any of those results? I might be able to get more info if I can replicate what you did.

Pennsylvania, USA

@gcah2006 oh I didn't know it was that simple as input the Konami code. I already had TASed up to the glitch last night and was prepared to spend hours brute forcing 1 frame slower repeatedly to get what I thought was a warp. Thanks for clearing that misunderstanding up lol. Someone should make a post to TASVideos and see if it's something they would accept or not. idk who ever made the first TAS of this but the one I made came out to 2780 frames. Not sure if it's optimal at the end or not I just finished it up real quick after reading your post. I don't think I have anything saved anymore unless I dig through discord but I only ever had glitchy graphics from my testing. Nothing too exciting.

Victoria, Australia

[quote=bonecrusher1022]Someone should make a post to TASVideos and see if it's something they would accept or not.[/quote] It'll be acceptable under the "game end glitch" branch most likely. The discussion for TASVideos for it can be seen here. But the discussion will most likely be short as the answer will allow this.

Just as long as a explanation on how this works for the submission is given.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
bonecrusher1022 les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

I uploaded e TAS i made as well but how do you skip the intro? That's where i lost all my time. I was alternating A B and Start but didn't skip it. Link: As you can tell by now, my knowledge of this game lacking lol

New Jersey, USA

I'll probably submit my TAS as it's around 2110 frames (including the BIOS screen).

For those that want to see it, here it is.

@bonecrusher1022 You can skip the intro by just pressing the B button.

Pear les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

Already I fixed the intro and ending by looking at your movie and my time is 31.23 (1883f) now. Not sure how you are saving another 50 or so frames compared to me.

New Jersey, USA

@bonecrusher1022 @gcah2006

The TAS time in that video is a little inaccurate. I did upload my TAS to tasvideos here:

TAS time ends at the last input which I managed to do before leaving the house but after Grandpa is done talking.

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