Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

It's completely each person's choice, but if submissions could include a note of the settings used that would be really useful for anyone trying to improve their times.

Also, does anyone know if there is any benefit in reducing the velocity setting? Presumably not but I am not sure how exactly how the game physics work.

Bogdan_mk les gusta esto
Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

Reeeaally weird request, but do you mind if cover changes to a square one, e.g.:


I have a little OCD.

Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

Just to mention, I think Bubblebutt's run has the wrong time posted - should be 45s rather than 55m 45s.

Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

Hi there, please can you verify my any% run?


Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

I would potentially want to submit a run on Android but I see there is no platform option other than PC (even though it is a mobile game). Can Android be added as a platform?

Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

Hi GCTK24. I was interested in running this game but from what I can tell most of the glitches / skips in your current WR are now impossible, presumably patched out by the dev.

Can you check your game and let me know if the skips are indeed impossible, or (if they are still there) let me know if there is a particular 'knack' to getting out of bounds?

If you agree that they have been patched out, can you create a Current Patch Any% (Easy) category please? I have not yet done a run but will give it a try soon.

Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

I seem to be one of very few people speedrunning mobile games specifically (Android, to be exact, on my Samsung G7 Edge, mostly touchscreen but have used a MOGA controller more recently for a few games). Indeed, I can't seem to find anyone around apart from me who speedruns Android or IOS prolifically. Of the c350 games available on Android represented on sr.com at the moment, over 20 are games I have added and I have only been speedrunning Android games for 6 months or so. Most of the rest are not actually run on Android but instead on PC or web.

I wanted to make a case for mobile phone speedrunning, in case anyone was interested (they may not be, but I’m going to do it anyway).


  1. I admit that there is a TON of absolute crap on mobile and the prevailing business model for mobile game devs is not friendly to speedrunning - they want their games to be played over long stretches (mo time, mo ads, mo money).

  2. Similarly, most mobile games are built around IAPs (‘pay to win’), meaning that advantages can be bought with hard cash rather than skill. For a lot of games the alternative to IAP is grinding for hours, which makes speedruns unviable.

  3. Mobile phones have not evolved with gaming at the forefront of manufacturers’ agendas. They are obviously not as comfortable to use for games as a console controller or PC set up. Touchscreens are less accurate and responsive than PC and console input and your fingers obscure the screen.

  4. For the above reason, in my experience a game available on other platforms as well as mobile will almost always be slower to run on mobile than on its counterparts.

  5. At the moment, most people that play on their mobile phone are not traditional gamers but casual players who are happy to just waste some time on a game to unwind. This drives the business model, which produces the crap on Google Play / App Store.


  1. The mobile gaming community is huge, even if most of them are not ‘hardcore’ gamers who won't be interested in speedrunning. Everyone has a mobile phone, and most people who see a run will have the means to have a try themselves right away, in their pocket. This means that the speedrunning community can grow a lot the more mobile games get run.

  2. There must be a lot of people like me who love gaming but whose lives don’t allow the luxury of sitting down in front of the PC or console for any length of time to play games. I have a nine to five job and a baby, so when I get home of an evening or at weekends I have lots of other stuff to do. The only time I have to speedrun is lunchtimes at work, where I can sit in my office inconspicuously playing on the mobile under my desk, hoping no-one comes in and interrupts me. This is the only realistic way for me to speedrun games now and for the foreseeable future.

  3. Whilst there are buckets of rubbish games on mobile, the hardware limits and touchscreen technology in some cases inspire devs to create new and innovative games that can be really interesting to run.

  4. Similarly, the fact that the hardware is not on the cutting edge of graphical capability means that a lot of games on mobile are reminiscent of older games that form the bread and butter of speedrunning. Platformers in particular suit mobiles very well (subject to the interface issues), which are becoming more marginalised on other platforms.

  5. By the same token, phone technology has come a long way and a lot of games are of comparable quality in terms of AI and graphics as 6th gen console games.

  6. Whilst touchscreens can be cumbersome, lots of mobile games are compatible with Bluetooth controllers, and there are a lot of controllers dedicated to mobile gaming which can also fit in your pocket.

  7. Adverts can normally be avoided on ad-driven games by switching off the phone’s wifi and mobile data connections.

  8. The tools for getting into speedrunning are all at your fingertips on mobile – screen recorder apps are freely available as is the internet for checking for videos and walkthroughs to help. You can also stream independently. I don’t have a handheld console like PSP so I don’t know if they can claim the same.

Interested to hear what people think about speedrunning on mobile phones.

Minty1023, EditorDuckie y 7 otros les gusta esto
Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

I run mostly Android games. Many have adverts annoyingly interrupting play and whilst some games allow you to purchase removal of ads, a lot don't.

For those that don't allow ad removal, I trim out the ads and post the edited video to youtube / this site and use the edited video for the purpose of timing the run.

Alternatively, I could post the run including ads so that anyone can verify that only advert has been removed and that no advantage was gained in editing. It would however mean anyone watching the run had to sit through an advert.

Presumably, removing the ads from the video before posting is acceptable?

Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

YamCider - Good run. I'll try and improve my time with a bit more risk taking and see if I can wrestle back the WR!

I note you need to eliminate ads. I trimmed out the advert from my run using youtube editor (think you can see the flicker where I did that at about 1:18 on my 3:16 video). Happy for you to do the same or to keep current video and discount ad time if you prefer (which would make your run about 3:11 I guess or thereabouts).

If instead you would rather use videos including ads for verification purposes (counting out the advert time) I am happy to do that, let me know. I have made you a mod in any case.

Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

Hi Guesst

Love the game and thinking of doing some IL runs, or perhaps a full game / chaps 1-3 run.

Can you let me know how you get such precise timings for the level runs? Is there a program you use?


Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

I am running Lords of the Fallen. The game was renowned for glitches and bugs but few of them are actually useful (apart from an early tutorial glitch, which was patched out a while ago).

I have found some oob glitches which I can replicate, but they do not save any/ much time.

Has anyone found any glitches/skips that might be useful?

Kent, Englanddrgrumble7 years ago

I am running Lords of the Fallen. The game was renowned for glitches and bugs but few of them are actually useful (apart from an early tutorial glitch, which was patched out a while ago).

I have found some oob glitches which I can replicate, but they do not save any/ much time.

Has anyone found any glitches/skips that might be useful?

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