Capital Territory, Australiacyanidesugar1 year ago

Hey everyone!

As some of you may be aware, a few of us have started running what we call a ‘No Major Manips’ route of the game. It’s basically a run without using RNG calc tools, no turbo and no ‘manips’.

The current set of rules as well as runs that have been done using these rules are here:

I have had people say that the idea of this kind of run is appealing to them and is more accessible to those who don’t have the time to invest in learning the other routes but still want to experience running the game. The difference with this category and submitting it to the Any% general board is that they can look at their times, and not have to compare it to times that do use the RNG trackers, manips etc.

The intention of the route is so that newcomers, or people who are mildly interested in the run, can just pick up the game, not worry about RNG tracking, or step-count, or pixel perfect frame skips and just be able to run the game and finish it without too much effort.

I just wanted to gauge interest to see if the community is in favour of adding this Misc. category to SRC, noting that Misc. runs like Any% NoJunctions, Any% NoCardMod, Any% LowXP. already exist on the board as well.

If you are in favour/not in favour of adding this Misc run category to SRC, please place your votes here

If enough people support this being added as a Misc. category on SRC, we can have a community-wide discussion on what consists of NoMajorManips% and amend the rules if needed, or maybe even change the name to something a little more clear like ‘NoTools%’ or whatever. Otherwise, we'll just keep using the Google Sheets board! No worries :)

KrisNaga les gusta esto
Capital Territory, Australiacyanidesugar1 year ago

Hi all! I’m contemplating learning this Speedrun (any% PS5 version to start off with), and was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of some beginner notes for the run?

I don’t see anything in the guide/resources section of this site, so if there is a discord or a google docs where I can find guides for the run, I would really appreciate it!!

Thank you!!

Capital Territory, Australiacyanidesugar2 years ago

Thanks! Joining the discord! Do you know if there's a text based version of the notes, and not a video one? For accessibility purposes really. It would be nice to be able to read through the route rather than scrub through a video - no worries if not though, maybe I can just write one up.

Thanks again!

Farmery87 y Kaladere les gusta esto
Capital Territory, Australiacyanidesugar2 years ago

Hi there!

A bunch of friends and I were thinking about picking up the Dino Crisis speedrun, but can't seem to find a set of notes anywhere that can help start us of? I know there's a video guide linked here, but is there a chance that there are word doc/pdf notes that explain the speedrun (routes/strats etc) for people who are just about to start learning it?

Also, is there a discord out there somewhere that we can join?

Thanks so much!

Farmery87, Kaladere, y xtra2Ez les gusta esto
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