Switzerlandandypanther5 years ago

This list is not comprehensive, but it does cover all of the relevant skips. Items determined with Rule (2) of the definition are indicated with the date they were decided.

[center]Strats considered skips[/center] (Ando Prime)

  • Beedo’s Wild Ride cave skip before offroad
  • All Ando Prime out of bounds tent skips
  • Howler Gorge/Andobi Mountain Run hairpin skip
  • Andobi Mountain Run canyon skip
  • All variations of the Ando Prime Centrum hairpin skip (Aquilaris)
  • Sunken City/Bumpy's Breakers shortest cut (9 Nov 2021)
  • Bumpy’s Breakers lap skip (9 Nov 2021) (Baroonda)
  • Taking the shortcut on lap 1 on GVG or FMR (30 Nov 2022)
  • Inferno lap skip, both parts (9 Nov 2021)
  • Inferno lava cut on the right before the volcano (9 Nov 2021)
  • Inferno driving left of the volcano (16 Nov 2021) (Malastare)
  • Malastare 100 skip
  • Both Dug Derby skips
  • Sebulba's Legacy: If your entire pod drops below the level of the upper track, and you gain an advantage by doing so, then you must use the lower bowl exit or it will be a skip (16 Nov 2021) (Mon Gazza)
  • All Zugga’s Challenge skips (Oovo IV)
  • All Oovoo lap skips (including Gauntlet)
  • Executioner skip
  • Gauntlet rock wall and rock skips
  • Gauntlet bowl cut and bowl jump (19 Nov 2021) (Ord Ibanna)
  • All strats that cut distance by jumping over the void, which includes:
    • Scrapper's Run both jump cuts
    • Dethro's Revenge skip
    • Dethro's Revenge roof corner cuts (is only a skip if you jump across the void)
    • All Abyss skips (Tatooine)
  • Boonta Training skip
  • Boonta Classic arches skip

[center]Strats NOT considered skips[/center]

  • Boonta Training Course ending jump (9 Nov 2021)
  • Baroo Coast jump (9 Nov 2021)
  • Out of bounds finishes on Dethro’s Revenge and Abyss
  • Boonta Classic dev intended shortcut, including right of the arch (9 Nov 2021)
  • Ando Prime Centrum pillar jump (9 Nov 2021)
  • Climb back up on Abyss

[center]AI/MFG skips[/center]

  • Vengeance AI skip
  • Sunken City AI skip
  • Grabvine Gateway AI skip
  • All MFGs

[center]SKIP DEFINITION[/center]

  1. A strategy is a skip if it REDUCES DISTANCE TRAVELLED by any one of the following methods:
  • a. Going out of bounds (oob), which is defined by initiating the game's internal oob timer. An oob region does not count if it is unavoidable or part of the track spline.
  • b. Clipping through a wall or object that has collision (from any direction).
  • c. Triggering a lap some place other than the start-finish line.
  1. A strategy may also be deemed a skip if it REDUCES DISTANCE TRAVELLED and is judged to be a skip using the following principles:
  • a. These factors contribute to the strategy being a skip: -- i. Cutting a significant portion of the track. -- ii. Wall riding, extreme climbing, or bouncing. -- iii. An unusual jump or another advanced trick. -- iv. Driving through a visible texture (without collision). -- v. The route is very different from the track spline (in distance or shape). -- vi. Accessing an area that appears to not be developer-intended.
  • b. These factors contribute to the strategy NOT being a skip: -- i. Offroad. -- ii. A jump that is directly accessible from the track spline. -- iii. It appears to be little more than a creative line or hidden shortcut. -- iv. The pod stays on flat or almost-flat ground. -- v. The route is similar to the track spline (in distance or shape). -- vi. Accessing the area or performing the strategy appears to be developer-intended.
  1. If a strategy requires triggering a Maximum Fall Glitch (MFG), or using the AI to load portions of track, then it is an MFG/AI skip.
  2. A strategy that enables a recovery from a mistake is not a skip, as long as it does not cut less distance than not making the mistake in the first place.

Rule (2) is judged on a case-by-case basis by the mod team. The mod team must make its decision based solely on how the strategy in question fits into the principles in Rule (2). Both the number of principles met, and the degree (or severity) to which they are met, matter. If a strategy is called into question, the mod team holds a vote. In the event of a tie, it is considered a skip. A previous decision can be changed with a two-thirds majority vote. All decisions must be logged and dated on the speedrun.com forum.

metallica5167 y PeterJordanson les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther5 years ago

To calculate the total IGT, simply add together all the race times. Use the following method:

  • Use the times displayed after the race, since only those will show the milliseconds.
  • If you retry any races, you must add the IGT displayed at the time the game was paused. Since that time will not show milliseconds, just add a 0 (.25 -> .250)
  • If your game crashed during a race, add the last time that was visible before the crash.
Switzerlandandypanther7 years ago

We made a Discord group for Beetle Adventure Racing! You are welcome to join :)

Click here if you're interested: https://discord.gg/akwDJHT

VanaSWE y meauxdal les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther7 years ago

I wanted to ask if there is any interest in this category, since I have done some (unrecorded) runs of it in the past.

The category is simple: Beat all tracks (normal and R) using any car. In my runs, I actually did them in order, but that's a debatable thing. I think this category would be a good addition, a category that is all about playing the tracks with the fastest car.

What do you guys think?

Samoyed les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther7 years ago

Since the rules already ban 1.0/1.1 glitches on emu, as well as 1.0/1.1 inject for VC, it would only make sense to officially ban GIM on emu as well.

If a way gets found to prevent GIM from crashing the game on N64, emu players should still be required to use the accurate plugin.

Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

I know an updated leaderboard is being worked on and I already checked your teaser pic on Twitter. Since I don't have an account there, I figured I'd just make a thread about it here.

Regarding the new layout, I really only have one wish: Please don't make this a mobile site!

I use a PC 99.9% of the time for browsing the internet and it's very obvious to me when a site is clearly intended to be optimized for mobile and no one cares about PC. I'm sure you guys can make this layout in a way that it makes the site work better on mobile, but without sacrificing functionality for PC users. Thanks!

OddsomeOddy les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

We were discussing this in the Discord, so I figured it would be a good idea to also have a thread for this here.

As you might know, this site allows people to submit multi-game-runs as a separate game. This would work well for Gex in my opinion, since the games are not terribly long and it would also not require people to switch between very different systems.

Here are a few categories we came up with:

  • Gex Trilogy any%
  • Gex Trilogy any% no WW¤
  • Gex Trilogy 100%

¤ This would be identical to normal any% for Gex 1 and 2, but would ban Wrong Warps in Gex 3.

As for version differences, it would probably work fine to use the subcategories "N64" and "PS" to separate the runs for Gex 2 and 3. These subcategories would ignore Gex 1, since to my knowledge, there aren't real version differences in that game, aside from loading/lag, so people could just go with whatever version they want. I'm not an expert for Gex 1, though, so please correct me if I'm wrong!

Another approach for the PS-version of Trilogy runs would be to actually require people to play Gex 1 on PS, so the category would look less arbitrary and have an easy setup to switch games. In that case, we could call the N64 subcategory something like "any version" and have no restrictions for Gex 1.

Some more ideas:

  • 3D Gex any% / 100%
  • Handheld Gex any% / 100%
  • All Gex games any% / 100%

What are your opinions about all of this? Discuss :)

Reece65536 y Tigame les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

I made a Gex Discord for the community, anyone is welcome to join: https://discord.gg/0xxv2R7DDPeMSdp2

It's tail time B)

Tigame les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

I made a Gex Discord for the community, anyone is welcome to join: https://discord.gg/0xxv2R7DDPeMSdp2

It's tail time B)

Tigame les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

I made a Gex Discord for the community, anyone is welcome to join: https://discord.gg/0xxv2R7DDPeMSdp2

It's tail time B)

SlayerSuperShow y Tigame les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

I made a Gex Discord for the community, anyone is welcome to join: https://discord.gg/0xxv2R7DDPeMSdp2

It's tail time B)

Tigame les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

Discuss everything about skips here.

Let me explain how I implemented the skips for this leaderboard. Currently, we have 4 tracks with skips

  • Bumpy's Breakers bridge jump
  • Abyss walljumps and lap skip
  • Gauntlet wallride jump
  • Inferno wallride jumps

Originally, the time trial community also included the wallride in Sebulba's Legacy as a skip, but I decided against that definition here. I don't really consider it an "unintended skip" in the same way as something like Abyss, where you skip most of the level. In Sebulba's Legacy, you stay inbounds all the time and the time saved is really small. Compare it to the Mario Kart 64 community that does not consider the hairpin jump of Yoshi Valley to be a skip.

There's another trick that I found myself (or at least haven't seen on video before) in Fire Mountain Rally: Towards the end of a lap, there's that big turn that can be skipped with a small shortcut that opens in lap 2. In lap 1, a rock will block it. Now if you drive against that corner at a specific angle, it is possible to go over the rock. It's very precise and only saves a tiny bit of time if performed perfectly. You're not going out of bounds or anything fancy, but it's definitely not intended.

So please let me know what you think about the current definition of skips. Are you ok with it or should there be changes?

Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

This needs to be discussed, considering there were a few runs submitted without video. I accepted them as we don't have an official rule about this yet. There are basically three ways to do this:

A: Require video for everything B: Don't require it at all C: Only require video if someone claims WR

Personally, I'd go with C for RTA runs and A for ILs, but I want to hear some more opinions on this.

Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

Hi there. I'm from the community of Star Wars Episode I: Racer (currently two active runners ^^) and I'm looking for help about some technical stuff regarding the game. Maybe some of the PC runners here can help. This is the situation:

The newest runner of this game, JichiSenpai. plays on PC, which is far better than the N64 version I use. We don't directly compare the two versions for a number of reasons, like N64 having a slower way of starting boosts and of course lag. Our problem now is, that we found out that the framerate seems to affect the games physics in some ways. Unlike a lot of older PC games, this has nothing to do with very high framerates, instead, it's beneficial to play at 30 fps (the game normally caps at 60). Some skips are apparently easier that way.

So why is this a problem? Because there's no setting to play at a lower framerate, this can only be done with external tools. And I'm skeptical about allowing such tools for the leaderboard, so my question is: How do other PC communities handle situations like this?

There are two more things to consider:

  • This game never had any re-release, sadly, and the PC version is notoriously broken on modern systems. You're lucky if you can get it to work at all.
  • N64 actually has an advantage with its framerate (most N64 games run at around 20-30 fps and I doubt this one is much different)

Thanks for any help!

Jisti_007 les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

One of the problems with ILs is when not all levels work the same. For example, in Gex: Enter the Gecko, most levels have the following goals

  • 1 to 3 red remotes, with each remote being a category
  • 1 hidden silver remote
  • 1 silver remote as a reward for obtaining enough of the collectibles

This is how it looks (yeah, I wish there was more activity): http://www.speedrun.com/Gex_Enter_the_Gecko/individual_levels

Now the bonus and boss stages work different. You only have a single gold remote to collect there, that's the only possible category. So with the current system, you would have to tell people in the rules to only submit runs to "Red remote 1" and ignore the rest.

And now for my new idea:


With the ability to create multiple tables, you could eliminate a lot of empty categories and give people more options to organize a game. In the case of Gex, it still wouldn't eliminate the problem completely, since I would have to break the natural order of the normal stages because of the different amounts of red remotes. But it would still be a big improvement!

What do you guys think?

Switzerlandandypanther8 years ago

Just ignore the ones that are score based (at least until the site adds score functionality) and it should be fine. I'm sure a lot of people would love this addition!

Switzerlandandypanther9 years ago

The whole point of leaderboards is to compare yourself to other runners, while also being a helpful tool to keep track of your times. This is not the case for DKR time trial on this site: By making it "WR only", you're essentially making this an SDA page. I don't know any other community that does that.

Time trial isn't very popular for this game to begin with, but now we have an opportunity to change this! I'm sure more people would start doing time trial if they could send in times.

BlusterKongTheKing, DrYoshiyahu y 2 otros les gusta esto
Switzerlandandypanther9 years ago

I'm Andy (also known as Farmergrill by my viewers), I started streaming about a year ago and mostly run racing games. Those are Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Star Wars Episode I: Racer and of course, Beetle Adventure Racing. I'm also very interested in Gex: Enter the Gecko. While I don't run that game on any serious level, I really like to glitchhunt and TAS it, so I could call myself the expert for the game.

I hope we can have a great time here ^^

Acerca de andypanther
Going fast
9 years ago
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Diddy Kong Racing
Diddy Kong Racing
Última carrera 11 months ago
Wave Race 64
Wave Race 64
Última carrera 10 months ago
Beetle Adventure Racing!
Beetle Adventure Racing!
Última carrera 3 years ago
Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros.
Última carrera 1 year ago
Wipeout 64
Wipeout 64
Última carrera 1 year ago
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Última carrera 4 years ago
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart 64
Última carrera 8 years ago
Automobili Lamborghini
Automobili Lamborghini
Última carrera 3 years ago
Juegos seguidos
Gex: Enter the Gecko
Gex: Enter the Gecko
Última visita 2 months ago
Beetle Adventure Racing!
Beetle Adventure Racing!
Última visita 7 months ago
Star Wars Racer Category Extensions
Star Wars Racer Category Extensions
Última visita 9 months ago
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Última visita 8 months ago
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Última visita 8 months ago
Wipeout 64
Wipeout 64
Última visita 8 months ago
Multiple Gex Games
Multiple Gex Games
Última visita 7 months ago
Wave Race 64
Wave Race 64
Última visita 7 months ago
Juegos moderados
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Última acción 2 days ago
Wave Race 64
Wave Race 64
Última acción 1 day ago
Beetle Adventure Racing!
Beetle Adventure Racing!
Última acción 17 days ago
Wipeout 64
Wipeout 64
Última acción 2 months ago
Gex: Enter the Gecko
Gex: Enter the Gecko
Última acción 2 months ago
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
Última acción 1 month ago
Star Wars Racer Category Extensions
Star Wars Racer Category Extensions
Última acción 1 month ago
Gex: Enter the Gecko (GBC)
Gex: Enter the Gecko (GBC)
Última acción 1 year ago