Ontario, Canadaanalogism3 years ago

Hello all! I've recently come back to playing this game, and trying out speed-running the IL's. I used to play it as a kid at my local arcade. We had a Sega Rally 2 cabinet and I used to play it quite a bit.

I just thought I'd propose some ideas and share some information that I've recently come across.

First off; I've been mostly playing the DC version of the game, something I actually hadn't ever actually played until recently. In doing so, I've come to realize that the DC and arcade version are very very different games in quite a few ways, I won't go into extensive detail, but by doing some research into the development of the three versions of SR2 you'll quickly find they have many core differences. They aren't really even running off of the same "engine" to my knowledge, as the Sega Model 3 has a fair bit more horsepower, and thus a "nerfed" version was made for the DC, on the Windows CE framework. They released the PC version last, and it is in fact in almost every way identical to the Dreamcast version minus the Dreamcast hardware-specific features (VMU saving, ghosts etc.).

That being said, I think it's extremely reasonable to claim that the Arcade version needs to be distinctly ranked separately from the DC and PC versions, as it really is a different game altogether. Please do correct me if I'm wrong here, but as far as I can tell both the RTA and IGT times would not line up from arcade to DC/PC. Not to mention the lack/difference of cars, settings and framerates between the two respectively. I.e. It would be similar to comparing Doom 64, and the new Doom 64 remake for switch/PC/etc. Yes its the same "game", but not enough to share ranking for speedrunning. Not to mention the arcade version doesn't even have the 10-year mode.

**I'm in NO way saying the Arcade version should have its own speedrun.com page (though it could). I think the player-base at the moment is obviously so small that keeping one page and just having the separate designation is more ideal.

So the second thing I'd like to mention is this user on YouTube I stumbled across this week while checking out the PC version (PC may be the superior version for IGT time and IL's but I'm not sure yet).

You can find him here: https://www.youtube.com/user/IWantBritneySpears

I will be making an attempt to contact him soon. Definitely recommend checking out his runs. He's got a large group of IL videos as well as some longer SR2 stuff, I actually haven't watched each and every one. This guy, as far as I can tell apart from timed RTA runs, may be the best player I've seen at this game so far. Anyone running IL's right now can chime in! I'm definitely curious.. but as far as I can tell this persons good. Their times are hard to beat. Not only that but they seems to have figured out some optimizations; noticeably the fastest cars for each IL, but I'm also curious to see their settings. I had to mess around for some time to get anything that handled as well and was as fast as their Lancia (the fastest car), I'm just assuming again, but it seems to me like they know what they're doing.

Would be cool to see the times added to this site, even just as non-user "white" legacy times. You'll notice his stuff is old (2011-2012). Would also be really cool to make some contact with the person and see if he has anything to share.

If anyone has any questions/discussion please reply! Thanks for reading, hopefully I can post a couple half decent IL times soon.

Ontario, Canadaanalogism7 years ago

I just purchased the new release of WR64 on the virtual console. I'll do a little review on my first impression and initial thoughts.

First off, I of course bought the US Wii U version. I actually don't know for sure, but expect there's a PAL and JP version. My guess would also be that all three are the same version (the original version in each region). It seems this new WiiU release is the same as the original version, (v0.1 from my version guide). Everything thing is the same as the original, original music and original Kawasaki advertisements. Its strange that they used the OG ad's, because in the Wii VC release, they had changed all of the original Kawasaki ad's to just Nintendo ad's and anything Kawasaki was removed from the game; jet ski skins with the logos etc. For this one all the Kawasaki stuff is back, and they decided to go with the original version for whatever reason.

The game is very laggy compared to the N64 versions, i.e. display lag, the time it takes for your eye to see what your finger did. I literally cannot get immediate Max Power by timing the throttle input on the green light. My muscle memory is tuned perfect into the N64 max power timing, and as such the Wii U version is much too far off for me to come anywhere close to hitting it. It takes me 20+ tries sometimes to get it. The input and display lag comes at no surprise as the first VC Wii version was equally as bad. I honestly feel using the Wii U game pad may be the version with he laggiest inputs. Its noticeably better using the classic controller pro for the Wii, plugged in through a wiimote. I am using my Wii U on a 144hz refresh rate Benq monitor with very low response time. I haven't tried using the Wii U on a CRT but I'm sure it would be similar lag, maybe a bit less. It's unfortunate that the VCs are known for input lag, but that's pretty standard to expect at this point.

The control stick sensitivity and deadzones were mapped decently I suppose, but the Wii U controllers sticks are much much more sensitive than the N64 stick, very similar to the previous Wii VC release again. In my opinion a very large handicap, but you could argue that if you started with that sensitivity and control stick you would be used to it. It's playable but again in my opinion not optimal.

Interestingly enough, the WiiUVC version comes with a digital copy of the original US WR64 instruction booklet, which I thought was pretty badass as I dont own a copy, and had never read it.

Something I found even more interesting, is that the WiiUVC has a save state function built into it. It works the same as a save state on an emulator. Though this is a nice feature for casual play, it introduces some run validity issues when posting competitively. In my opinion we should essentially have a rule that save states are banned on WiiUVC. As well if its a really good time and proof is required/requested, it must be a full video to know the player did not use the save state functions.

The visuals are decent, I cant tell the frame rate difference at all and it seems the game runs at the same resolution. Waves and rendering is clear and looks good, but the text layer is a bit palpitated due to the low resolution of text bitmap rendering now being shown in clear digital 1080p output. All in all it looks pretty decent. Would be interesting to see if load times changed at all, and if real time frame rate is actually similar, things to later look into. Nothing I'd rush to find out as the control sens. and other things already break the deal for me playing seriously with this version.

Overall glad I bought it, but nothing too surprising or attention grabbing. I think it's cool that Nintendo still picks this game as something to re-release and I'll support that.

Melwing17, grimya, y GhillieGuide les gusta esto
Ontario, Canadaanalogism8 years ago

UPDATED: 10/10/2016 -added 9th version; WiiUVC version info -added sub-region versions -iQue section update

                                                          <-- Game Versions -->

First off; there are 9 different possible ways to play the game Wave Race 64: ¤¤Note this does not include EMULATION of any of these versions, as emu is BANNED

-N64 = Nintendo 64 Console (JP: September 27, 1996) (US: November 1, 1996) (PAL: April 29, 1997) -iQue = Chinese iQue System (November 2003) -WiiVC = Wii Virtual Console (August 2007) -WiiUVC = Wii U Virtual Console (PAL: December 31, 2015) (US :August 11th, 2016)

  1. <N64> US-NTSC [v0.1 & v0.2]
  2. <N64> JP-NTSC [v0.1 & v0.2]
  3. <N64> JPv1.1-NTSC (Shindou/"Rumble" Version)
  4. <N64> PAL
  5. <WiiVC> US-NTSC
  6. <WiiVC> JP-NTSC
  7. <WiiVC> PAL
  8. <iQue> Chinese iQue Version [v1.1]
  9. <WiiUVC> US-NTSC

N64 US-NTSC and JP-NTSC non-shindou versions of wave race have two different cart versions. You can tell the difference by looking at the printed number on the back of the game cartridge's sticker. To my knowledge this applies to both US/JP carts, but I dont know how PAL carts are stamped, and I believe PAL carts are all one version either v0.1 or v0.2 but it is currently unknown if that is correct.

Check out http://zeldaspeedruns.com/oot/generalknowledge/version-differences to see more of what I'm talking about. The version "stamps" for wave race are identified like so, (the x's represent random numbers): xx = v0.1 xxA = v0.2 1 10 = Shindou Version v1.1

-There are no known differences yet between v0.1 and v0.2 at all other than the production stamp on the cart, for all I can see right now, they could in fact be the same software, but I suspect otherwise.. -The Chinese iQue version has been confirmed as essentially a chinese version of v1.1 (Shindou version) -The Wii VC and Wii U VC versions are separate versions, but all known differences are cosmetic (v0.3 & v0.4?), more info coming soon

Feel free to post/share your cart version info or stamps!

                                              <-- For INDIVIDUAL LEVEL runs -->

In order to create a FAIR basis for competition the games would be grouped into 3 main categories or groups based purely on advantages/disadvantages that could distinctively effect your IGT (in-game time). The groups are NOT defined by game feature/control scheme/cosmetic differences, though some may be mentioned.

{1} <N64> JP1.1-NTSC (Shindou), <N64> JP-NTSC, <N64> US-NTSC, <WiiVC> US-NTSC & JP-NTSC, <WiiUVC> US-NTSC

To the best of our current knowledge, these versions of the game are all the same from a competitive standpoint, you should technically be able to achieve the same IL times on any of these versions. THAT BEING SAID the Shindou 1.1 version of the game contains VERY helpful benefits. The main one being the ability to save a GHOST of your personal best lap onto an N64 Memory Pak. Other notable benefits include the SHORTENED loading times between restarts of a Time Trial Level (you dont have to wait as long when retrying your level attempt), this is probably due to the re-programming in version 1.1 and thus; optimization. It should also be noted that the Shindou version seems to have a higher output frame rate from the N64, Shindou can be observed @ 59.97 FPS vs. US-NTSC @ 59.94 FPS.

The virtual console versions (Wii & Wii U) of the game seem to have very slight input lag/delay. This is something that is a known flaw of many/most VC titles. As well the main analog stick input on the gamecube controller/classic pro wii controller/Wii U Gamepad feels very sensitive, and creates a situation where its essentially more difficult to make slight stick inputs and slight input cornering, which is a negative factor in my opinion.

{2} <iQue> Chinese iQue Version

Two players now own iQue's to my knowledge, Shibbypod and Ghilleguide. It has been confirmed by Shibby that iQue is in fact the Shindou version of the game (v1.1). This means using it provides access to the ghost features and rumble. The game has cosmetic differences, i.e. Chinese announcer, Chinese text layer, but it is otherwise the same as Shindou 1.1 as far as I know.

The iQue version does run at what seems to be a faster speed, possibly because the console itself runs faster. As well the loading times seem to be slightly shorter to my understanding (something that doesnt affect IL's). We do not yet fully know why.

Though this changes the game for RTA and creates a time-saving factor when measuring a run using an out-of-game timer to time a full run, this does NOT affect individual level run times due to the in-game timer still running on the same frame to frame basis, or "frame timer".

The argument could be made that this version essentially makes IL's more difficult due to the speed of the game being faster. Essentially faster frame output = less real time to make the correct inputs.

{3} PAL, PAL ¤¤Virtual Console???¤¤

PAL has a MASSIVE difference between most other versions of the game. PAL is MUCH slower and cannot really be compared to the other region releases. This is mainly due to the fact that the game runs (as all classic PAL games do) at 50 FPS instead of 60 FPS. This is of course again because of the difference in TV standards i.e. 50hz vs. 60hz standard. The devs did not properly redo the internal 20FPS frame rate of WR64, and Because of this ALL of the PAL individual level runs are much much slower, this can be observed as a difference anywhere from 5-15 seconds BEHIND the other NTSC releases. PAL version also suffers from things like the game being more letter-boxed than normal because the devs did not correct the NTSC resolution for PAL TV's thus losing space for gameplay on-screen and making gameplay "smaller". PAL does not have any of the extra bonuses/added features of the 1.1 Shindou version of the game.

Differences can be seen in such videos:

¤¤ I'm not sure about the PAL VC version of the game, but I'm guessing it's also a reduced version as well for 50hz? I'll have to look into this a bit and correct this section regarding PAL VC. ¤¤

                                                          +++  IL  F A Q   +++

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Q: TL;DR / What does this IL guide mean???

A: This means the "best" version to try and play on right now for IL's is the 1.1 Shindou JP version for N64 for the features (ghost/dolphin saving) and the optimizations in game-speed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Q: What if I don't want to use that version???

A:You don't have to! As you can see by this guide, all of the non-PAL versions are literally equally as competitive in terms of ability to achieve the fastest IL times. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Q: I'm in PAL-Land!! I can't/don't want to get NTSC gear!! Help!?!

A: Then dont! If you get the #1 PAL Sunny Beach time... then technically you have the top PAL Sunny Beach time! Yes, you may not have the "World Record" (and you never will with PAL) but you can still obtain the top PAL times! I don't necessarily ¤recommend¤ going this way, and we already have top players in PAL regions playing on NTSC for top times, but it's a great way to get into the game when you're first starting or just picking up the game, and you should know that your time is still valued in its respected "category". You shouldn't be discouraged to play on PAL, and in theory your PAL skill could transfer to NTSC if you decide to later make the switch!

NOTE ¤¤ Our boards currently rank all times together, and don't differentiate between these 3 categories for IL's, but we are currently discussing ways to implement an option to sort between the 3 distinct groups. As well that being said, you can still see the region of a run and you're able to tell for the most part (other than legacy records) what version the run was done on. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                                                <-- For REAL-TIME ATTACK runs -->

¤¤COMING SOON¤¤ I will continue to update this guide for RTA runs soon. (Runs with an out-of-game timer, i.e. Championship runs, 100%, Time Trial All)

Until this RTA guide section is fully updated, it should be quickly noted that we now have 2 players with the iQue version and it has been confirmed that the iQue version is optimal to use for RTA though no iQue records are currently being posted, and use of iQue is being discussed.

Load times are a important factor when running RTA. For optimal time save with load times in RTA from fastest to slowest load times:

{1} <iQue> Chinese iQue Version [v1.1] {2} <N64> JPv1.1-NTSC (Shindou/"Rumble" Version) {3} <N64> US-NTSC & <N64> JP-NTSC {4} <VC> versions {5} <PAL> versions

Actual game speed differs from version to version as well. Currently the fastest version is the iQue, with most others being close, and PAL versions being slower at 50hz instead of the US 60hz standard. ¤See above videos for PAL comparison.

  • See Ghille's videos in this thread to see load times compared between versions.
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