United StatesZamiel2 years ago

A place to discuss strategy, share information on upcoming Isaac events, or just make new friends.

Join the Isaac racing & speedrunning Discord server: https://discord.gg/JzbhWQb

United StatesZamiel5 years ago

A place to discuss strategy, share information on upcoming Isaac events, or just make new friends.

Join the Isaac racing & speedrunning Discord server: https://discord.gg/JzbhWQb

United StatesZamiel6 years ago

A place to discuss strategy, find people to play with, or just make new friends.

Join the Hanabi Discord server: https://discord.gg/FADvkJp

RaKXeR les gusta esto
United StatesZamiel7 years ago

In Afterbirth, the "Jud9s" category was made, where you finished 9 characters with the Jud6s mod.

Since this category was fairly popular in Afterbirth, there should probably also be some sort of Jud6s mod category for Afterbirth+. However, it doesn't necessarily have to be the same exact category, especially because it is now possible to actually give the D6 to every character in the game.

Let's make the category as fun to speedrun as it can possibly be.

  1. How many characters should the category be?

The old category was 9 characters long, but we don't have to keep that number. However, it might be a good number to keep since it is kind of a happy medium between 7 characters and 11 characters (the 2 most popular existing vanilla categories).

  1. What characters should the category be?

For reference, the original category had the following characters:

  • Isaac
  • Maggy
  • Cain
  • Judas
  • Blue Baby
  • Samson
  • Azazel
  • Lazarus
  • The Lost

I spoke with Dea1h about this, and we agreed that it might be cool to rotate in Keeper, since he is significantly buffed in Jud6s. (In the mod, he currently starts with Greed's Gullet, Duality, and 25 cents, although that is subject to change.)

Besides just making the character more fun, a different Keeper would help the category stand out a little bit from the other ones.

The most boring character is Isaac (since everyone else obviously has the D6), so it seems like a good swap to swap out Isaac for Keeper.

Besides Keeper, now that Eve can start with the D6, it also probably makes sense to swap Maggy out for Eve, since Eve is just a more interesting character in general with the health management aspect.

I definitely haven't finished pondering this topic yet, but these are my initial thoughts. Feel free to discuss what you think would be the best / the most fun.

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

A place to discuss strategy, share information on upcoming Isaac events, or just make new friends.

Join the Isaac racing & speedrunning Discord server: https://discord.gg/JzbhWQb

Pear, SedNegi y 2 otros les gusta esto
United StatesZamiel7 years ago

I'm Zamiel and I volunteer to host the Isaac Item Tracker Server that allows broadcasting your items to other people.

I recently made a change to the server so that it now listens on port 8080 instead of port 80. This will break the server for you, so I'm posting this here for visibility.

HOW TO MAKE IT WORK AGAIN: Go into your item tracker options and change "Trackerserver Url" from: http://isaacitemtracker.com --> http://isaacitemtracker.com:8080

That's it!

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

In Rebirth, there were several silly exploits/strategies that were possible with saving and quitting. This led the racing community to outlaw saving and quitting for races. The exploits were as follows:

  1. Duping of Krampus items

The Krampus pedestal appears before the death animation actually ends. If you save and quit in between when the pedestal appears and when the death animation ends, it would respawn Krampus but leave the pedestal.

  1. Boss Rush steal

If you save and quit on the first few frames of touching a Boss Rush (or Mom) pedestal item, the remaining pedestal(s) will not despawn.

  1. Alt+F4 to rewind and/or avoid death

Since the game only saves at the beginning of the floor or when initiating an in-game quit, you can Alt+F4 to rewind to the last save.

All 3 of these bugs have been fixed in the current build of Afterbirth. Thus, it may be time to reevaluate whether or not we want to keep the save and quit ban in general racing. Let's review some of the pros and cons.

Reasons for keeping the S+Q ban:

  1. It is what everyone is used to. (Not the strongest argument, obviously.)

  2. It prevents the use of resetting a Holy Mantle proc, which is situationally worth doing with 1 hit remaining, but is a lame strategy in general.

Reasons for removing the S+Q ban:

  1. Without being able to save and quit, you get an automatic loss on a game crash, power outage, or the like. This is probably the biggest reason to remove the ban.

  2. It allows the strategy of changing Greed to Super Greed. Depending on the floor and the strength of the current build, doing this may potentially waste time (if you don't plan to visit any more shops), so the decision of whether to waste the time to do it or not is a strategic choice.

  3. It allows the strategy of proccing the delayed stats from The Small Rock. Depending on the current build, the speed down may be less important than the tears up, so the decision of whether to waste the time to do it or not is a strategic choice.

  4. It allows for less restrictive use of Mega Blast. Depending on the situation, there may be reason to prematurely end the blast, so the decision of whether to waste the time to do so or not is a strategic choice.

  5. It allows for RexmoreOP's basement block clip strategy in racing, which introduces strategic depth into the game. For example, depending on the strength of the item, it may or may not be worth it to full clear the floor to look for an extra bomb. (Technically, the block clip is already allowed in racing, but is generally unfeasible since without saving and quitting it requires the use of some form of teleportation.)

Weighing these pro's and con's, I think that we should probably remove the save and quit ban, but of course I am not 100% convinced either way. Let's discuss this, as I'm sure I've probably missed something. =p

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

A place to discuss strategy, share information on upcoming Isaac events, or just make new friends.

Join the Isaac racing & speedrunning Discord server: https://discord.gg/JzbhWQb

United StatesZamiel7 years ago

This thread applies to people who play the Instant Start / Jud6s seeded racing mod ruleset, either on SpeedRunsLive.com or in tournaments. To the best of my knowledge, the list of people that meet the above criteria are, in alphabetical order:

  1. _910dan
  2. antizoubilamaka
  3. Augo_
  4. bmz_loop
  5. CrafterLynx
  6. Dea1h
  7. DKlaww
  8. ceehe
  9. Cyber_1
  10. giraffefizzoid
  11. HauntedQuest
  12. ItsScion
  13. Krakenos
  14. magicdiner_
  15. OhMyGoth
  16. ou_j
  17. Rydyell
  18. SlashSP
  19. tanook_leduc
  20. thalen22
  21. thisguyisbarry
  22. Warshoty
  23. Zamiel

Dea1h (and others) have recently proposed changes to the seeded ruleset. However, feedback is required to ensure that any changes are made with the consensus of the Isaac community.

If you are on the above list, please post your feedback! (see below)

If you are not on the above list and you actually race the seeded ruleset, my bad for missing you! Please let me know and post below with your feedback.

If you are not in the above list and you don't actually race the seeded ruleset, please don't bother posting in this thread, as the aim is to ONLY get feedback from people who actually race.

If you don't have strong opinions and don't want to type up a lengthy response, that's completely fine. However, at the very least please answer the following questions with a "yes", "no", or "I don't care".

For the seeded Jud6s ruleset:

  1. Should the Broken Remote be removed? Pro: Teleports are unseeded, so it can be potentially unfair. Con: It makes the game less "vanilla".

  2. Should Cursed Eye be removed? Pro: Teleports are unseeded, so it can be potentially unfair. Con: It makes the game less "vanilla".

  3. Should Telepills be removed? Pro: Teleports are unseeded, so it can be potentially unfair. Con: It makes the game less "vanilla".

  4. Should the shop pool be modified to make it better? Pro: Currently, the "correct" strategy is, for the most part, to ignore money and ignore shops. This is a little boring - if the shop pool was changed to be overall better, then money collection and shops would once again be important like they were in the days of Rebirth (and Wrath of the Lamb). Con: It makes the game significantly less "vanilla" and may be potentially confusing to new seeded racers. Pro: Most of us have been playing the seeded ruleset for a long time (6+ months). So, it might be fun to "spice" things up a bit before Afterbirth+, especially if it will make the ruleset more fun and play better.

  5. Assuming you are for modifying the shop pool, what do you think is the best way to go about it?

  • One way is to just remove all of the bad items, which makes the probability of getting a good shop item such as There's Options much better.
  • Another way is to add some good core items from other pools, such as +1 damage and so forth.
  • Yet another way is to add some good utility items from other pools, such as various forms of flight.

That's it. Thanks and looking forward from hearing from you guys.

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