hilo: Splatoon
Michigan, USAHydrus4 days ago

This was never an official release. Of course this wouldn't be allowed.

Michigan, USAHydrus3 months ago

That's amazing! Almost forgot I even made this forum post. Thought the Valus time was just a myth. Speedrunning really is incredible.

Jorgeton13 les gusta esto
Michigan, USAHydrus1 year ago


Join the Discord for up to date resources. You can also download splits from the Resources tab of the leaderboard for routes in Any%.

Jordiiee_ les gusta esto
Michigan, USAHydrus1 year ago

Even though the forum is not used that much. New players or people outside of the Discord server will occasionally ask questions here. So if a post like that is made, try to answer their question to the best of your ability. Any forum posts or responses to said posts that do not follow these rules will be deleted. Thank you for understanding!

keiron01, MasterOfMike, y TalonLumini les gusta esto
Michigan, USAHydrus1 year ago

Due to the amount of new people who will be running this game. Any questions you may have regarding anything Splatoon 3 related should be in the Splatoon Speedrunning Discord Server instead of the forums as nobody really uses forums anymore. Thank you for understanding and Stay Fresh!

LonTr0, HeHua y 5 otros les gusta esto
Michigan, USAHydrus2 years ago

@Baconguy my bad, co-op is possible in Special Episode. It was just never added due to an oversight from the mods when the category was created. it is definitely allowed and we'd love to see another full game co-op run from a team. ill be sure to edit the leaderboard soon.

happybear, baconguuy y 2 otros les gusta esto
Michigan, USAHydrus2 years ago

@Baconguy Co-op is not supported for Special Episode. Also join the CTTT Discord Server as no one reads the forums anymore.

Michigan, USAHydrus2 years ago

Hey there @KirblesOcto. Do not submit to that miscellaneous category as runs have not been moved over from the Category Extensions page yet. Also no one reads the forums so please join the Discord Server instead for the series to ask questions:

  1. For NG+ you are allowed to use as many different types of weapons as possible within the run itself. If you want to use 1 weapon for the entire run refer to these categories instead:

  2. Yes you are required to fight every boss. You are required to beat every level as per the rules of the category. The only exception to this is Octavioless where you don't have to fight Octavio.

  3. For full game speedruns you don't need video proof until you have under a certain time. Be sure to read the category rules for what that may be. If you are submitting without video proof provide a picture of your splits or the time that you got for the run. For video proof standards we need to see you play the ENTIRE RUN. For individual level speedruns you don't need video proof until you are going for the world record in that level. So a picture or switch clip will suffice as proof.

Hopefully this answered your question.

Michigan, USAHydrus2 years ago

wr soon bois

Michigan, USAHydrus2 years ago

lots of potential for sure

Michigan, USAHydrus2 years ago

Baba booey.

Michigan, USAHydrus3 years ago


I would use this but its too large in file size. Try making it smaller than 2.5 MB.

BOZAK_115 les gusta esto
Michigan, USAHydrus3 years ago


Yes, also be sure to join the Discord server as the forum isn't looked at too much.

Michigan, USAHydrus3 years ago

@shredberg no problem, as you were obviously too lazy to fix it for over a year and a half. i was mostly speaking on behalf of a friend of mine who has ran the game as he saw issues with the leaderboard, and after trying to discuss it with the mod team was swiftly rejected. i could've carried myself a bit better but the extreme reaction was necessary to at least warrant some change. i also dont appreciate mods that are essentially a brick wall when it comes to criticism. the splatoon speedrun server suffered heavily from this and im glad its just gone now.

@JKxWinG thank you a lot! as you have seemed to have fixed it for the most part i will delete my previous posts to clean up this thread. it already looks WAY better! also you misspelled something. instead of "Individuel Level" it should be "Individual Level" instead.

JKxWinG les gusta esto
Michigan, USAHydrus3 years ago

hey there! I would recommend doing a run of the PSP version and maybe the mods will consider it. Also join the LEGO Speedrunning Discord. Nobody really reads the forums.

WiiSuper y Prnced les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Michigan, USAHydrus3 years ago

Can the Category Extensions get linked for Splatoon 1's sidebar as well?

I'm a Splatoon 1/2 mod if you want to know who I am. Thanks in advance.

ShadowDraft les gusta esto
Michigan, USAHydrus3 years ago

@SpeedGlitchedTrevor Tfresh is away for military training and will not be back until October of this year. So do not ask him anything as you will not get an answer. BluePinata is our only moderator who can take questions right now. I would also suggest joining the Discord server now as you can get your question answered more efficiently there.

Backward compatibility is allowed. And it doesn't count as emulation. This game for platforms on SRC doesn't count when you play a GC Disc on a Wii, so if you played the Gamecube version at all, you would just list GC when submitting your speedrun.

BluePiñata y WiiSuper les gusta esto
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