United StatesGarfm1 year ago

@Indrek It was a DH NG+ WR back in 2017. I had DMed Deln about it back then on Oct 21st, 2017. I tried finding the video again a few years later and couldn't find it anymore.

Double checking VelaRUS twitch and youtube his oldest public video is from Oct 24th 2017. Which seems odd to me because I know he had been streaming and creating seasonal D3 content long before then, but everything before then is gone not just that 1 video.

United StatesGarfm1 year ago

Stumbled across this thread while looking at the Diablo series page because Diablo 4 is coming soon. I know basically nothing about D2 speedrunning, but it's interesting to see VelaRUS accused of cheating in D2 as well. At least one of his runs was removed from the D3 leaderboards years ago for map hacks and then they stopped submitting D3 speedruns.

United StatesGarfm4 years ago

@Nax Probably master. If it ends up being to easy or too hard then probably 1 difficulty higher or lower. Anything Else I think would be too easy or near impossible.

naxy les gusta esto
United StatesGarfm4 years ago

How much interest would there be in creating a NG any% HC run. I've been thinking that a big thing that is missing from Diablo 3 Speedruns is a speedrun where the monsters and bosses actually pose a significant threat. So the idea is that it would be the same NG Any% run except your character must be HC and the run must be done on a higher difficulty. Which difficulty it would have to be run on we would figure out by doing test runs before actually creating the category to make sure the difficulty we pick is tough enough for all classes but not too difficult that the run is impossible to finish. I think the difficulty would most likely end up being either expert or master leaning towards master. I personally think if we created such a run it should be an accomplishment just being able to complete the run where even the experienced Diablo 3 players would have to try very hard just to finish it.

So let me know if you guys are interested I'd be happy to do some test runs.

MrPelican les gusta esto
United StatesGarfm5 years ago

32 is not enough it will crash before the end of the run. It has a very large memory leak.

United StatesGarfm5 years ago

@chopsicles I think Skytso has stopped working on the autosplitter for now. It is broken in its current state unless you have unlimited RAM.

United StatesGarfm5 years ago

@Shippo_Tail The player you are thinking of is VelaRUS and they no longer have any World Records. I am pretty certain they stopped submitting after that run was removed. Viper was the one that brought to our attention that they were suspicious of him using map hacks.

The thing about doing it for top 3 runs is currently it is unnecessary there are a lot of super easy 3rd place spots for certain classes. It would also be weird if our community were to grow really big. I used time breakpoints based off of the rules the Super Mario Bros 1 community uses were anytime under 5 minutes is considered suspicious because it is a few seconds away from a perfect run. 1st place is 4m 56s 245ms and 71st place is 5m 00s 006ms. Since its such a tight leader board for them getting top 50/20/10 is still an amazing run.

I would also say having exact time cut offs makes things more concrete for people to know when they need to start recording there runs like this. Based on currently verified runs I would say if this rule took effect today with the break points I suggested there are only 6 runners that should be concerned about needing to follow this rule so unless people have been practicing and not submitting new PBs or unless some new runners pop up only those 6 people could even come close to beating those times in my opinion. We all talk about RNG a lot because there is a lot of it but you still have to be able to capitalize on it and there are few people that I know of that can right now. Of course anyone can take the time to improve and get to a point where they could be seriously considering beating these times but the question becomes for those who wouldn't want this rule would they actually be trying to beat those times if the rule weren't in place? The point sort of being it affects very few people under current conditions and for those few people it would make sense to go through a little bit more hassle and maybe put in a little more money for a cam and tripod to be certain that there hundreds or thousands of hours put into runs to get 1 run with an amazing time would not be squandered by either false cheating allegations or by having a cheater's run push their run down on the leader board.

Like you said it has happened before which is why I bring it up now before it happens again, because I am personally starting to get back into speed running D3 for WR's again. I trust pretty much all of our current runners because of how we work together as a community. Its new people that have never speedrun any games before and submit only D3 runs or people that never interact with the rest of our community that concern me.

United StatesGarfm5 years ago

@Skytso I'm not sure how showing your running programs would be implemented. If you can show an example how it would be done then maybe that could be an option. As for setting up your cam you could pull a chair or desk behind you and tape or set the cam on it. Or stack up a bunch of books or other junk. I actually used to have mine set on top of my vacuum cleaner as a make shift tripod. The top of the handle was removable and had a hole to attach the hose into so I would set the clip in the hole on the handle. If your desk is big enough you can set it in between yourself and your keyboard/mouse. If your back is to the wall you could tape it to the wall. If those options are to janky tripods look to be pretty cheap on amazon...

United StatesGarfm5 years ago

@Pukeattack Yes the movement and how they interact with the map can be a good indicator but this makes things more certain. Also now that its a stated rule cheaters may try harder to hide it and try to play "normally". As for splicing it is true splicing NG would be insanely difficult but without the webcam splicing NG+ wouldn't be any more difficult than splicing in other games.

United StatesGarfm5 years ago

First I will explain the rule, why the rule should be added, and then address concerns I think people may have with the rule. This is long but I would really appreciate it if our active community members please at least read from here all the way to the end of my explanation to 'Why add this rule?' and let me know what you think. Thank You!


I suggest adding a new rule that applies to future "VERY fast" submissions. I suggest that runs under certain times should require the runners hands and monitor to be shown in the video of the speedrun or the runner separately provides a 2nd video with their submission of their monitor and hands during the run.

Here are my suggested times break points where this rule would apply. (Feel free to debate or suggest different times)

NG Demon Hunter and Monk: under 1:50:00 NG Crusader: under 1:55:00 NG Barbarian, Witch Doctor, Wizard and Necromancer: under 2:00:00

NG+ Monk: under 40:00 NG+ Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor: under 50:00 NG+ Barbarian, Crusader, Wizard and Necromancer: under 52:00

Here are examples that show the hands and monitor with the speedrun

I suggest that the minimap and the center of the screen should be visible in the hand/monitor camera. An example of what part of the monitor should be visible This wouldn't have to be exact by any means but you should be able to see most of the minimap and a decent portion of the center as well for when the map is opened full screen.

Why add this rule? This camera angle would make it nearly impossible to use map hacks, and it would make it more difficult to splice runs. Certain Any% categories are now becoming very fast and getting new World Records or top 3 is starting to take multiple layers of excellent RNG, very good map navigation/knowledge, luck on picking the optimal paths in random maps, need multiple fleeting/empower shrines in NG, and NG+ requires good mechanical skill. In short getting these times is very difficult and those of us who run legitimately would be very discouraged if some random player decides to start submitting times while using map hacks and perhaps he gets the perfect RNG on map layouts and shrines to get a near perfect run that time would be nearly incontestable by a runner without map hacks because someone with map hacks will never hit a dead end and someone without even with the exact same perfect RNG is very likely to hit a few dead ends. This rule not only stops cheaters but also protects legitimate runners, because to get those kinds of times runners need to hit very few dead ends which will always look suspicious as if they are map hacking so providing this camera angle would help protect them from false cheating accusations. A reason this is such a big worry for me though is because I know for a fact that using map hacks/3rd party UI is very common among players pushing end game greater rifts. I am not exaggerating that certain players/clans expect you to be using it if you are playing end game and blizzard does not ban for it as long as you don't show the overlay on stream. There is most likely in the thousands of players that use it regularly. I am afraid that as seasons start to slow down and become more stale more people may look towards speedrunning the game and the types of players that would be motivated to speedrun are going to be mostly the same ones pushing end game. With it being accepted among a large majority of those players that 3rd party UI is okay I'm concerned that certain players would continue to use them even for speedruns.

Why both the monitor and hands? The rule is designed in a way where it is very difficult to attempt to video edit to make it look like you are following this rule when you are not which is why it is important both the monitor and the players hands are seen in the same camera shot. The monitor shows if map hacks are being displayed and the hands sync with the gameplay making it harder to cheat this rule with video editing.

Why suggest these time thresholds specifically? First off all currently verified runs are slower than these thresholds so all the current records would still be legitimate with this rule. These times are my estimate of when each class would be < ~5 minutes away from a "perfect" run for NG and < ~2 minutes for NG+. I am most confidant in the times of NG Demon Hunter and Monk having run NG a lot to get those times requires favorable RNG on all but 2 or 3 maps, you need to be guessing the correct paths on most maps, you need to get ~5+ fleeting/empower shrines and you can only really afford like a 30 second mistake on something non RNG related. So there is still room to improve beyond those times but it is very slim and very difficult and will take an experienced and dedicated runner to get them. However I would leave the exact time thresholds up for debate among the community these are just my suggestions.

Why only apply this rule for runs under a certain time? The threshold would be decided by the community to be times that are very hard to get and require multiple layers of RNG and near perfect execution. So any times slower than that it would be accepted by the community that such a time can be achieved without suspicion because many runners and/or trusted runners have achieved similar times before. Only applying this rule to times faster than the threshold keeps the barrier to entry for speedrunning this game lower. Newer runners to the game can start learning and submitting their runs without having to worry about this rule.

What if the runner doesn't have a webcam or camera? You can buy one off of amazon or retail for like 15-20 USD. If someone is getting close to those times I think that is a pretty small investment compared to the time that needs to be spent to become that fast and most people that spend enough time to get that good have most likely have already spent much more on their setup to play the game and the game itself costs 30 USD when not on sale.

What if the runner doesn't want the camera to also pick up audio? There should be a way to disable the microphone on most webcam/cameras in your PC devices settings or in the runners recording software settings.

2ND IDEA My other idea keep the time break points if your run is below those times you need to live stream your runs to twitch. You must broadcast your gameplay with the OBS (or software that has same options) monitor capture option NOT window or game capture. You prove before starting each run that you are using monitor capture (by tabbing into a different window and back into Diablo.That might be good enough but maybe also want to have them briefly show in OBS that they are on a monitor capture). Then with your gameplay submission you must also include a link to the twitch highlight of that entire stream session. Videos on twitch will show what type of video they are if they are a highlight or upload, and VODs have no description on them.

People could still just attempt to live stream edited recordings BUT that behavior would probably be noticeable after a while if they actually stream all of their attempts. So with the twitch highlights you know that what you see in the highlight was 100% what was live streamed and not edited afterwards. But the contents could have been edited before being streamed.

I would still prefer my first idea but this is an option for those who did not like the webcam idea. I would be happy enough though with the 2nd rule too possibly having both as an option for the runner when they submit they either have to submit according to rule 1 or 2 or both.

United StatesGarfm6 years ago

Not sure what you were expecting posting this here. Speedrunning communities are heavily based on trusting each other to play by the rules. Both the communities rules and in this case the developers rules as well since this is an online game.

United StatesGarfm6 years ago

In response to Xenlos Boss mode speedrun. I think that would be a cool category. As far as class separation goes if it doesn't get separated the fastest clears would all be monks because literally nothing comes remotely close to the movement of NG+ monk.

naxy les gusta esto
United StatesGarfm6 years ago

I had fun thanks for hosting!

MASH les gusta esto
United StatesGarfm6 years ago

Yea I think this would be a good category. Solo would be under 2 hours if you are fast. 3 hours for most players.

United StatesGarfm6 years ago

No you are not allowed to use vendors, artisans, or stash in any NG run.

United StatesGarfm6 years ago

I assume it would be tedious for the mods to keep track of your gold the entire run to make sure you are not spending gold you had before the run.

United StatesGarfm6 years ago

Yes there is interest, I will be submitting my run for the next one. Scrubcasual submitted for this summer 2017 but didn't get invited. Hopefully Diablo 3 will be represented there eventually.

United StatesGarfm7 years ago

Companions/Followers are allowed and items given from quest rewards are allowed. (Not allowed to use any vendors including side quest vendors). Selling to vendors would slow down the run anyways. You can drop items while moving.

Asking questions here is totally fine but if you want to we have a discord server that can be found under the resources tab (this is the same link you will find there ). Most of the active runners can be found there if you want to chat with us on there. You'll probably also receive faster responses on there as well.

United StatesGarfm7 years ago

Currently there is not, but from my understanding categories are community driven so if there are rules made for the run and people want to run it I am sure it could be added in the future.

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