Guide/research for advanced strats/tricks
8 years ago

Recently I've been discovering ton of things in Pepsi, man... By playing with pepsi, man (bad pun ikr) But being serious. Let's start.

Can'less stages: 1-1, 1-2,2-2 and 3-1[3-1 stage is thanks to RothRaka]

Clip'able objects: 2-1 (first truck which throws trash cans) 3-1 (yellow truck in the start, and logs) 4-1(some trucks you can pass by forcing to the sides) 4-2 (the 2 boxes after the first hole of the stage) [Thanks to Baldo]

Fail jump glitch (the jump just doesn't work. Still unknown reasons)

"dash stop" Skip(jumping right while dashing and dash when hitting the ground)

Hole Clip (dashing in the right time and deppending the hole size you can pass trough it)

I'll try writing about strats after. Is anyone also doing that? or just me? Because if so should be better putting everything together before I do anything (videos and etctera). I'm just feeling like doing/making advanced strats, not a walktrough for the entire game. Appreciated

Rebound y HothRaka les gusta esto
Maryland, USA

I'm very interested in these Clippable objects. Also, I believe the Fail Jump Glitch happens when you try to jump right after a boost ends.

I am working on videos for the Canless levels. I just have to do 3-1 in one take, and then I'll upload them all along with a guide for them in the Guides section. I need to do a video of 4-1 canless, but its so difficult that I'm not sure when I'll be able to do it in one take, if ever. I might just have to tas it lol.

I also found a strange thing that I call Boosted Knockback. I'll upload a video of it and edit this post with it when I do.

Also, I believe you meant 3-1 and not 2-2 in the Clippable Objects list

Maryland, USA

Here it is. Basically, sometimes when you hit things that knock Pepsiman back onto his head, you get sent flying backwards really fast. I'm not sure what causes it but on further experimentation I was able to get it somewhat consistently

Rebound y SakuraFreak les gusta esto

Nice, gl with the can'less videos man~

oh yeah 3-1. And omg 4-1 can'less? that should be pretty insane in the trash can part.

huuuh that knockback. Already died because it once "why the fuck the knockback was so long??"

Now I know the reason (´・ω・`)

For now I'm traveling. I will be right back in 3 days or so, then I'll make some videos for clippable objects. One thing I was working out a lot also is full yolo dash in 4-2. Is quite easy the pattern. The only problem is the last sign before the pepsi gate. is easier doing hole clip before it and then dash jump as i did on the video. Has also another pattern where you can dash righ before clipping the boxes. I'll work on it better when i come back

My upload rate for live streaming is kinda bad, sorry for quality

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